
1654 Words

Mikhail:     "She said she's going to be stuck there until Luna Melissa says so," Audrey looked up at me confused as to why we had left Rip behind.      "You talked to Rip?" I asked approaching Audrey and Holland. Melissa finally called and told me Ezra's transition is done. Ezra told me not to come up until she was dressed and showered.      "Yes," Holland answered rudely. Audrey isn't happy with me either and since she's sired to Rip, her alliance is to my sister. All of her wolves are like that. A bunch of rude, damaged wolves that only answer to their queen bee.     "Does she seem okay? Is she still mad?"     "Put it like this, Mikhail. I'm not going to throat check you because she seems pretty chill. I would have if she was upset," Holland walked away leaving me and Audrey alone.

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