
1439 Words

Rosalie:     She's sitting at the end of the table with Rip. The two of them are talking to another. She's alive. Why hadn't she come home? Why hadn't she tried to get a hold of me? Rip had asked me to stay outside until the alphas are done with whatever the hell they're doing. I think there's a war starting and the last thing Riley needed is for me to barge in there acting like a pup.     "You must be Rosalie," I looked up at the guy who thinks it's okay to approach me out of the blue.     "Yeah, who the hell are you?" I growled. He smirked.     "My name is Reggie. Are all you Hemingway women this crazy?" he asked. I scoffed at him turning to look at my sister again. "Look, Rip sent me. She wants me to tell you this before the meeting is over. They're going over the basics,"     "So,

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