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Rip:     "Alpha Mikhail sent us three numbers. I was able to get two. I have two more to go," Audrey informed me as soon as I walked into the suite, without looking up from her laptop.     "Have you called?" I asked.     "The pack that was destroyed is called the tip of the star. There are eight sides to it. In the middle... It's called the Temple of the Goddess. It's rumored to have been the birthplace of lycan. Lucian the first werewolf,"      "What does that have to do with anything?" Holland asked.     "History tells the story of the first one. He was mostly beast. Kind of like me, but he let the beast drive. The colonial alphas formed the first wolf alliance six hundred years after the birth of Lucian the first. When Lucian found out, he came here to the spot where he had been born to ask his mother for the power to beat them and the Goddess denied it.     "The alphas then surrounded him sacrificing themselves body and soul to kill him and trap his power within the tomb. The eight packs were established by the Lunas. Where they all had the heirs that ran each tip of the star to protect the tomb. Should the descendants of these packs fall to the follower then Lucian will rise again,"     "That's a myth," Holland shook her head. "Right? There is no way in hell that someone is trying to resurrect some psycho, right?"     "That might be what we're dealing with. Whether it's a myth or not someone is trying to kill the descendants," I shrugged. I really hope that's not what this is.     "And those would be the alphas of the packs here?" Audrey asked. I nodded. "So, how far up do we post a claim?"     "I don't know. We should go home, for now. let Mikhail know what's going on. We can find the numbers there. For now, Riley is safe where she is. We know the rogues don't have her,"     "So we just leave?" Holland asked.     "Yeah. If this is what's really going on, a war is going to start soon and I really don't want to get caught in the middle. Maybe asking for Riley is our best bet right now,"     The drive back home took way too long for my liking. I hate driving ever since my extra abilities came back. The pack meeting had started without us. I walked in explaining what we had found. If it is true, there is no way any of us should be in the middle of that unless I really, really have to be. Other than that, this entire ordeal has to be put aside as a last resort.     "What about my sister?" Rosalie asked.     "We put out search parties. Send seekers to the surrounding packs to ask permission to enter their grounds. These wolves are traditional. They go by the laws as they are. Kind of like devoted Christians. They will die for what they believe in. Riley has to be with one of these packs. She's important to these packs as well as the rogues that attacked her. She can't just be killed. It has to be done according to the rules of the ritual," I tried to reassure her. "Since there are two of you. You might have to be sacrificed along with her. As Colonial wolves. We have to step back. This isn't any of our business,"     "This is everyone's war. If Lucian the First is resurrected he'll end all alphas," Rosalie shouted.     "No, just the traitors. He needs the rest of us to survive," my mother waved her off as she continued filing her nails.     "So, what? Are you just going to stand by and allow all the descendants to be killed? More packs destroyed? Families?" she asked me.     "Rosalie, we have our own pack to take care of. I will not turn my back on my pack to save those who are too weak to protect themselves," I shot back. We might be the same age up she acts like a kid. Overly pampered. It's why I never really wanted to go near my dad's side of the family. They're all like this.     "Is that what we are, weak?" she asked.     "My pack has me. I've gotten them into a lot of trouble before. I did not get us out of the s**t we were in only to dive deep into someone else's. Staying here will guarantee their survival,"     "So, you went around like a vengeful spirit kill your way through all those alphas because you could and no one bats an eye. But now that we really need your help you're going to look the other way?"      "Look, little girl. Those packs are not in need of my help. I just singlehandedly ended half of those rogues. If those Rogues can take down packs the way they just wiped the floor with yours, what does it say about them? You are a mere omega. You wouldn't understand sacrifice if it jumped out at you and spat in your face,"     "I'm not an omega. You and I are the same rank," she growled.  I growled back making her flinch and stumble back.     "Does it feel like we're the same rank, princess?"  She moved away from me rubbing her hands along her arms.     "I agree with Rip," my dad dismissed her.     "Me too," Mikhail added. "The Lycan Pentacle aren't weaklings. I think we should pay them a visit. Show them what Rip stumbled on and let them deal with it as they would. This isn't our business,"     "That sounds like a plan," my dad second. Rosalie stomped out of the room making a big ass of herself.     "Sir, I have a friend in the pentacle. He's now the alpha of the sixth point. If you like I can arrange a meeting," Diandra one of my dad's seekers stepped forward.     "Get Mikhail and Rip in. Ask him if he can pass on the message," my dad agreed. "This meeting is officially over,"     "You look spooked," my mom stated, placing her hand on my shoulder.     "I don't like this. I feel like no matter how hard we try, we're going to be stuck in the middle. The shadows were drawing me to it. There is a lot of unclaimed power there and it scares me,"      "Did you see it?" Mikhail asked. "The tomb?"     "No, but I felt it and that's so much worse. I'm not supposed to feel things like that. There isn't supposed to be that kind of power just swirling around. Whatever they're trying to do. It's wrong and it's dark. Like a legit dark, not me-an a rampage,"     "If this has you scared maybe we made the right choice," Ezra shrugged. "I mean I've never seen you afraid and you knew my dad could kill you,"     "I'm not afraid of the first one. That power, it tried to pull me in. Like it wanted me to take it. There was so much of it. This inside of me is like a black pepper grain compared to that,"     "You're right," my mother placed both her hands on my face. "We should stay. You mostly, we all know you like to eat things. We can't afford for you to gain something like that. You might get lost in it. Darkness like that can be evil,"     "Alphas. Alpha Reggie has accepted the request. He will expect you there tomorrow at noon," Diandra informed us.     "Thank you, Diandra," I smiled. when no one spoke up. She gave me subtle nod and walked out.     "Why does it feel like we're going to be caught in this anyway?" Mikhail asked.     "If we are then we lend a hand. Rogues are always welcomed on my menu," I shrugged. Erza giggled. "That's so gross,"     "Mikhail it's time. You know that right? She's ready," I looked over at my brother. "All you have to do is say the word and I'll bite her,"     "How did you manage to f*****g bring this up?" he growled.     "I told her to," Ezra shrugged. "Everybody agrees that you're too scared though,"     "I'm not scared," he shook his head. She met his bluff.     "Then go ahead Rip bite me," she challenged, backing into me. He pulled her away from me.     "Ezra don't," he growled crushing her to him.     "That is our cue to leave," my mom laughed.     "Good night guys," my parents walked off together.      "Why are you doing this?" he asked.     "So she doesn't go tomorrow,"  I mouthed so Ezra didn't hear me say that. "She's ready. Our moms are here, dad is here. You won't be allowed near her for a couple of days anyway. That way when we get back. You won't have to hold back,"     "I want to be here for this," he shook his head.     "We both can't be here for this. We were going to stay in my apartment anyway. Mikhail this is something she needs to do on her own. Dormant wolves are different from us. We shift, it's written in the stars. Dormant wolves had two paths. The human path and the wolf path.     "Up until now, she's been on the human one. She has to find her way to the wolf. It's supposed to be a painful journey. You and I can't even stand it when she gets a cold. I can't imagine what would happen if we see her hurt. Our moms can watch her. We need to do this before s**t gets worse. She's going to need the practice if s**t hits the fan,"     "How do you do that every time, Rip?" he growled.     "What?" I asked confused.     "Convince me with your Rip logic. How do you know exactly what to say?"      "I'm a boss. Just kidding. I had an eight-hour drive to think about what I was going to tell you to finally let this happen. I'm doing this for you,"     "I know that drive is brutal," Ezra nodded with a sigh. "So it's settled then?"     "Yeah," whispered.      "I'll do it in the morning before we leave," I informed the two of them. "No changing her mind. Remember you have to mark her two days after I turn her,"     "I know the rules," he countered as I walked away. "d**k,"      "I heard that," I called back.      "And?" he laughed. 
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