
1486 Words

Riley:      "I didn't even know. I mean he's handsome but- are you sure? How do you know?" Rose asked when I explained this thing with Dean to her.     "Rose, he doesn't belong to us. You would have known right away if he was. I would have accepted him without question before I remembered. We'll find our real mate or mates one day. Of that, I am completely sure,"      "There are rogues surrounding the territory," Emily one of Mikhail's fighters announced walking in after Luna Miranda.      "They're here for us?" Rose asked.     "I say we toss both of you out so they can leave us alone," Miranda smirked at us as she sat down in the love chair across from Rose.     "If anyone deserves to get tossed to the rogues it's you, Miranda," my uncle interjected. "We are aware. Melissa has the o

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