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Having the feeling, that everything just goes fine, but then it has to be ruined. I could tell people looking at me, and thinking: Lots of people are having children and still cheat. Don't be so dramatic. It may be true, but it won't make you feel better with the thought that lots of people are going through cases like this. Still, people have the audacity to do it even though most of them know they are going to regret it. It's such a bummer for those people, but karma spares nobody. The article: At 14:59, a car accident happened. The victim was brought to the hospital, but they stated that he or she had passed away. This case is about a private detective who has stopped lots of crimes, especially serial and contract killers. The police are investigating the case but have not found anything till now. Updated at 15:15 Well, there I was. Sitting in the car with Mother and Jackson. No one said a word, not even when we left the house. I was so bored that I just stared outside with my headphones on. I was listening to one of my favorite artists, BLACKPINK. Music makes me calm down a bit. Jackson sat beside me. Normally, he would practice the dance steps of the choreography with his AirPods and tablet as training. But today he just sits there silently. I'm not used to him being quiet, but it's understandable. I haven't been myself since Father passed away either. Who could guess it was already one week ago? But the strangest thing, is that the person who got Father in an accident hasn't been found. He or she was never caught on camera or whatever. The police said it's difficult to find something, but they would contact us if they find something. They would contact us too, to discuss the report of the accident with us, but we haven't heard anything from them till now. I see grandma and grandpa already standing by the fence of the church. Jackson and I got out of the car. Grandpa gave me a hug. ''It has been a long time, sugar cube,'' grandpa called me. I forced a smile on my face. We talked for a few minutes. Grandpa told me he would love to take us to do something fun sometime while grandma was talking with Jackson about her having a friend whose child runs a dance school in Europe. ''By the way, where is your Mother?,'' grandma asked. Jackson and I looked at the car, and we saw that Mother didn't step out of the car. I went to the car and saw her typing with someone on the phone, and she was smiling at the response. ''What the f**k?,'' I mumbled. When she realized I was looking at her, she immediately put her phone away and rushed out of the car. Her expression immediately changed. Just like putting on a mask on, so nobody knows what you are thinking or feeling. She left me alone, standing there next to our car. I scoffed. ''Are you coming with us or not?,'' Jackson called me. I ran after him, everyone was already inside. ''What took you so long Ava?,'' he asked. ''Just saw something strange, nothing much,'' I told him. He looked at me suspiciously. ''Okay... whatever you say,'' he said after staring at me for a few seconds. I was so relieved he didn't ask further, because I had to find out myself first. When Jackson and I sat down, I looked around. There were surprisingly lots of people. I recognized some of Mother's friends and some of Father's colleagues. I saw aunt Stella and uncle Tom walking inside with my cousins Hailey and Drew beside them. They walked towards us and aunt gave Mother a tight hug. While they chatted a little, my cousins took the seats next to us. "You must be going through a lot, girl,'' Hailey said, while I looked at the ground. ''How is Sara doing?,'' Hailey changed the subject. ''I heard she's doing well, but she still misses her old life here,'' I said. ''Yeah, it takes quite some time adjusting,'' she said. ''Hey guys,'' aunt Stella greeted us. ''There are some seats there at the front, so we can all sit there together,'' she told us. So we stood up and went to the seats at the front of the church. The pastor arrived, and the funeral began. While he was talking, I felt some tears rolling down my cheek. I haven't cried in a long time so it felt strange. Drew tapped me on the shoulder and Hailey put her arm around me. Father was always there for me and Jackson. He was the one who got me into taking music lessons and Jackson into dancing in the first place. I began playing the piano but wanted to start concentrating on singing, even though I didn't start long ago. Mother thought it was 'too late' for me. She always told me that kind of stuff. Why compare ME to famous people like Olivia Rodrigo or Taylor Swift? (Who began singing at a really young age), while I started just a while ago. ''Singing lessons are only for when you want to become famous,'' a typical quote from my Mother. It's just a new hobby for now. Something fun to do when I'm free, and in moments like this, to free myself from reality. When I looked at Jackson, he pointed at a man who was standing in the corner. I was shocked to see the principal of our school and his son, Caleb, who was standing there too. That day. We are in the same class, but every girl likes hitting on him. Once, I saw him and the g**g standing against a shy classmate. It was so bad that the next day, I heard he dropped out of school. A few days later, I saw him alone, saying something to another classmate, and she looked scared. I was already angry that day, but this was the final straw. I gathered all my courage that I had in me and confronted him. He needed to stop hurting other people's feelings. While waiting for his answer or what he would do to me, he just stared at the ground, his face turning sad, and he just walked away. I kind of pitied him that day, because he looked sad. The next day, lots of popular girls were treating me differently. In class, they gossiped even more about me. In the canteen they teased me for not having friends. I just ignored it. There was one time when I fell and bruised my wrist. I was sitting on the ground with a teacher beside me. I accidentally looked up at Caleb, and he looked at me with a painful look in his eyes while the g**g was laughing. When we saw the evidence on the cameras, one of the girls stuck out her leg, so that I could fall. What shocked me even more was that my ex-best friend Jennifer did it. She left me for the popular girls, to impress some 'cute' boys. When we were still friends, she was always talking about boys and how she wanted to find a boyfriend. That was fine by me and Sara, but this time, she went too far. When the principal talked to us in his office, he asked her why she would do that. She just shrugged and said: I don't know. It was obvious that she just wanted to act cool in front of everyone in the canteen. A few days later, it was announced that she had been expelled. When Caleb saw me looking, he waved and saw him forcing a smile. I didn't know what to do, so I looked away. Half an hour later. When we arrived home, I went to my room and lied on my bed. I looked at my phone, a message from Sara. ''Heyy, how r u doing?'' she asked me. ''Not great, Father passed away...'' I responded. ''Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that.'' ''Kids, have you seen my bag?,'' I heard Mother calling us in panic. I frowned. Apparently, she didn't know I took it out had taken it out of the car. I sighed. I grabbed her bag - which was still lying in the corner of my room - and walked downstairs to give it to her. When I got into the living room, I saw Jackson standing there with a note. It said: I will be back in a few hours. Mom. I didn't even realize she had left. Jackson grabbed her bag from me and dumped it on the couch while putting on the television. I went back upstairs. Mother will be back in a few hours. My perfect chance to find out who she was texting with before.
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