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I went to Mother's room and went to her iPad. Password. Shoot. She turned it off. I guess I'll try some numbers out. Maybe her birthday, 1 1 1 1 7 1 (November 11th). Incorrect. Maybe Jackson's birthday, 1 4 0 6 9 9 (June 14th). Incorrect. I tried my birthday (May 5th) and even Father's (October 2nd). It was still incorrect. Just when I wanted to give up, the iPad lightened up, someone called her. Mother named this person in her contacts as: love. This obviously isn't grandma or grandpa, not even her colleagues or friends. So who the heck was this? I could barely see the profile picture of this person, but it showed a man's figure. He looks quite familiar but, I can't state who. But then I realized, Mother has her laptop always turned on. I looked around and saw her laptop on the desk. As expected, it wasn't turned off. I went through her contacts and saw the number of That person. +1 408 *** ****. Ten minutes later: After doing some research online about That person, I found some facts about him. For example, how old he is; 42 years old, just like mom. Or what he loves to do. He loves reading novels, drinking a latte and lots of other things, also like Mother. They both have so many things in common. When I was done with the research, I opened Mother's w******p chats on the web. I saw the contact name: and clicked on it. Her last message was: bye:). It was sent at 14.23. The time we were at the church for Father's funeral. That's why she smiled. When I scrolled up, I was so shocked at what I saw that I almost dropped my the iPad. The person Mother was texting with said: goodbye my love... The words: Mother is a cheater just kept rolling around in my head. I ran down the stairs where I met Jackson sitting on the couch watching television. ''Hey, hey Ava, calm down. What's the rush?,'' he asked me. I sighed. ''You have to come upstairs with me. Now,'' I said. ''First you have to tell me what's going on.'' ''Okay, when we were at Father's funeral, I noticed Mother texting with someone in the car and she smiled. But that was not the only thing. When she saw me staring at her, she immediately dashed out of the car. I found it really strange, so I might have searched through her laptop to find out who it was?'' ''Okay... and did you find That person?'' he asked, with curiosity. ''No but I found some things about That person so… yeah… I think you have to see it for yourself…'' with those words we went upstairs. Once I showed Jackson the text messages and my research, I was surprised he wasn't shocked to see it. He gestured to me to come talk in his room. ''Why are you not shocked or angry?,'' I asked. It could easily break someone's heart into pieces (especially younger kids) when they find out their parents were having an affair with someone else. ''Okay, I already knew this for a while now,'' Jackson admitted. ''For how long?'' I asked. ''Almost 2 and a half months, I think? But at that moment they started dating or something'' ''Did Father know this? And why didn't you tell me?'' My brother sighed. ''Father was busy with all those cases and I didn't want to give him a hard time, knowing that his wife had been cheating. And why I didn't tell you is because it would have broken you so... yeah…'' ''Did you find out who it is?,'' I asked. ''No not yet, but I kind of have a feeling who it is. But I must say I'm not sure,'' Jackson says. ''Well? Who do you think it is?,'' I asked out of curiosity. ''That person was there at Father's funeral.'' I frowned. ''You are not talking about who I think you are talking about, right?'' "I'm not sure Ava. We have to find out if it truly is him. Until then, we are not consuming anything. Just try acting normal like you always do.'' I nodded. I went back to my room for a while, swiping up and down on t****k. Almost half an hour passed and I heard the door opening. It must be Mother. But, there is something strange in the way she is walking. I went quietly to the stairs to hear it better, and I definitely heard her walking on her heels. And, she was talking with someone on the phone. But this time, it was a friend. Jackson came out of his room too and we both listened to the conversation. I saw him recording on his phone. ''Yeah, this evening was awesome. The restaurant was great too! No, I haven't told them yet. I'll tell them when the time is right. I know, I know, but I don't even know how to tell them.'' The volume went up. ''But, I think you should have told them first, you know their Father has just passed away...'' ''I know, I know Kate. It's not like I can do anything about it now,'' says Mother, getting a bit annoyed. ''Scarlett, it would break them into pieces. Couldn't you just do it in another way instead of cheating?'' It had become quiet for a moment. Kate is my Mother's best friend. They have known each other since high school and, since then, they have been inseparable. I have always wondered how they never got into a big fight. Until now. ''Kate are you kidding me right now? Why are you not happy for me? Are you jealous or something?'' I heard Mother's friend sighing. ''You know the answer already, Scar. I'm just concerned about your children, nothing much.'' ''Well Kate, just to remind you, they are MY children. Oh wait, you can't even have a child even if you want to. You know nothing about parenting or whatever on that subject, so you better stay quiet.'' How could Mother say that to her? And do we mean so little to her? ''Thank you for ruining this evening for me, ugh.'' Mother hung up. I looked at Jackson. He stopped recording. I saw his brow furring. We went downstairs and saw Mother sitting on the couch wearing a beautiful black dress. Looks like she just came back from a fancy dinner. She was so shocked to see us that she almost dropped her glass of water on the ground. ''What are you guys still doing here?,'' she asked. I looked at the clock and frowned. Seriously? It was just half past nine. ''Where were you Mother? I wanted to ask you if you could give me a ride tomorrow to the dance competition,'' Jackson responded. That wasn't true. There was no competition this weekend. '' I can't. Take the bus or something,'' Mother says absently, looking at her phone that has been lying on the couch. And with those words she left us alone. Once again.
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