Chapter 52

816 Words

Smashing through the door, Cole winced again as the shot rang out, and the one he’d sent scurrying away to tell of his coming dropped like a lead wait to the ground. The girl, the g*n still smoking in her hand, swung around and he shot her through the arm, sending the handgun tumbling through the air as she screamed and folded to her knees. Bleating and clutching the wound, she looked up at him as he drew closer. He recognised hatred when he saw it, but he doubted he’d ever seen it to such a degree as what he saw right now in her eyes. “Kill me, you gringo son of a—” “Don’t be so impatient to die,” he growled, bringing the Colt Cavalry level with her head. “Why did you do it? A young girl like you. Make me understand.” She gave a smirk. “Make you understand? How could you ever understan

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