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"Traitor, b***h, slut! So that's it, males wagging their tails around you and you call yourself a queen!" The hatred and jealousy that dripped from her words paralyzed me. She had completely lost her mind. I had never seen her in such a rage. Sadistic, disturbed, perverted without a doubt, but this time I felt that if I just let the storm pass I might not survive it. I decided to change in order to try to explain the situation to her. Kneeling on the icy ground with my head down, I tried to calm her down. "My Luna, it's not what you think. Please listen to me... - Shut your mouth! I didn't allow you to speak!" The slap that accompanied her words was so violent that blood began to flow down my chin. Pacing back and forth, Ivana continued her incoherent speech. "You are mine, you hear? You are my thing, my toy. No one has the right to lay eyes on you. I'll have them all executed if I have to! You let them take you, didn't you? One by one? All at once? b***h!" She grabbed me violently by the arm. So violently that I felt my bone crack under the force of her grip. The pain made me wince, but I held on. Suddenly drawing me against her, she pushed the fingers of her free hand into my intimacy. The pain was dazzling and immediately a light trickle of blood ran down my inner thigh. She had never crossed this line before. "You are my thing. No one will ever want you. You are a monster and you belong to me. I have power over your life and death, don't ever forget that. - Yes, my Luna. I will never betray you." The bile flowed up my throat as I was forced to submit. Fifteen years of abuse by Ivana had shaped me into a puppet in her hands. I was unable to fight back against her. My submissiveness worked on her, because little by little her eyes returned to their normal color. Panting, she ran her bloody fingers over my swollen lip. They continued along my neck, then towards my chest, she placed her lips where the mate mark was supposed to sit one day, in another world. Biting, licking, she reached up to my earlobe while one of her hands played with my breast and the other grabbed mine, forcing me to caress its wet folds. Disgusted, I closed my eyes shivering. Homosexual relations were not absent among wolves and did not represent a problem for our species, but what was happening at that moment had nothing to do with love or desire. It was only anger and domination. She was punishing me. What she was whispering in my ear after she had lured me to her bed was proof of that. "You are mine, you are my compensation. You are neither wolf nor human. You are nothing, you exist only to serve me. Your father should never have left me for that pitiful b***h. It should have been him, but due to his stupidity, it is you who are here. You're not even worth the air you breathe. No one will ever want to be linked to an abomination like you, but don't worry, I'll take care of you. I always have, haven't I? - Yes, my Luna. - You have the same eyes as him, you know that? Every time I see you, I feel like I'm looking into his eyes..." The crisis had passed and she was now falling asleep snuggled up against me. I could have killed her at that very moment, but as the beaten dog never bites its master's hand, I just watched her with an empty mind. My she-wolf, too, had been broken by years of conditioning. She was whimpering painfully in a corner of my head. On the battlefield, no matter how strong our opponent was, we were bloodthirsty, fearsome, and ruthless. But with Ivana, no matter how much we hated her, we were just as helpless as when we were a terrified cub and the first blows began to fall. As I tried to sneak away, she grabbed my injured arm and whispered in her sleep. "You are mine... Samuel." At her words, the blockage in my mind that had been tormenting me since my discussion with the Omega popped and the memory came back to me. When I was a child, my mother used to tell me the same story every night to help me fall asleep. "Once upon a time, there was a valiant wolf with silver eyes who was destined to become an Alpha. Not interested in power, he refused his rank, which led to a violent argument with his father. He decided to leave his family to explore the world and meet the she-wolf that the goddess had created for him. He traveled long and far, until one day he finally met the woman who was in the territory of an unknown pack. She had long red hair, as red as a ruby, and she was beautiful, very beautiful. But beneath her perfect appearance, her soul was black and full of hatred. The brave wolf tried to pull her out of her darkness without success. Her anger was terrible, and she often attacked innocent people, causing terror. In despair, he made the ultimate sacrifice. He rejected her in order to break the bond between them, hoping to lead them to death, as a legend once told. Then the goddess appeared to him, explaining that he would not die, because only Alphas and their Luna could die of rejection. He had given up his rank and had been repudiated by his family. He was no longer an Alpha. However, impressed by his desire of sacrificing himself to protect others, she gave him a gift. A second chance to find his she-wolf would be given to him and a child would be born from this union. One condition, however, had to be respected, he should never see his family or the red-hair female again. If this rule came to be broken, he and his companion would die. The wolf agreed, wishing more than anything to find his other half. Time passed and finally he met her as he wandered. She immediately fell under his spell, it must be said that he was very handsome and had a good heart. Of course, the wolf did not want to hide his past from her and told her everything. He also explained to her that they should live hidden and isolated from everyone in order to live happily and peacefully. The she-wolf, madly in love, agreed. They settled deep in the woods in a pretty cottage. Time passed and a wonderful little silver-eyed wolf was born to the delight of her parents." It wasn't just a story, it was their story. 
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