Denial (2)

1056 Words
Soon, we arrived at the indicated location. A patrol was already there fighting with a handful of rogues. With our support, the problem was quickly solved, but I was not reassured. None of our wolves would have panicked over such a pathetic group. Life in the Montana pack was far too hard for that. There must have been more. One of the wolves had been captured, and we were going to be able to interrogate him to learn more about the raid. Our fighting squad escorted the prisoner to the village detention facility, while the patrol we joined during the fight took care of disposing of the bodies. Once our guest was locked up, we went to the Alpha's office, which was accompanied by Ivana. I inwardly winced, I didn't particularly want to see her sticking her nose into our work. She was certainly good at violence, but her tendency to take power over the real leader of the pack made me nauseous and caused confusion in the pack. Having a woman in charge was clearly not the problem, but having this woman lead such a powerful pack was. With a sigh I readjusted the oversized t-shirt and torn jean shorts I had found in a hideout on the outskirts of the forest. My bare feet and messy hair completed the picture. A true wild woman. Ignoring these frivolous considerations, I focused on our report. Although I had no official rank in our hierarchy, I was often trusted to manage Ivana for some obscure reason and to my great despair. Perhaps because I was the only one who survived her punishments? Did they think I had some kind of power over her? That would be hilarious. Biting the bullet, I reported on the skirmish that had just ended: " A few rogues broke in through the western border, we were alerted of their presence and joined the patrol there. There were only seven or eight wolves in the attackers' group, not enough to constitute a threat to us. They were quickly wiped out and we took a prisoner for questioning. - Why take a prisoner, this is ridiculous! Kill him immediately and hang his corpse somewhere as an example. I barely held back from rolling my eyes at Ivana's harsh remark. Trying to keep my temper, I continued my report. "We think this group was just a diversion sent to test our defenses. None of our wolves would have panicked over such a small number of scouts and announced to everyone that this was a huge group. If this is what was reported to us, they must be planning another dirty trick. I ask for permission to interrogate him as soon as possible to find out more. All those who are not fighting need to be gathered in the pack house to stay safe. We'll know soon enough where we stand." Ivana opened her mouth, but to my surprise it was Alpha Gareth who spoke. His weary, almost distant tone was despairing, but at least his words made sense. "Fury, do what you have to do. We need to find out if there's more behind this story than just a provocation. In the meantime, Sullivan and my beta will organize patrols. Ivana, could you manage the retreat of the non-fighters so that they don't get in the way? - I know very well what I have to do." Chin up, she stomped out of the room followed by her right hand and protector. Gareth sighed as he ran a hand over his face. "You may leave. - Yes, Alpha. - Not you Fury, stay a second." The others quietly slipped away, leaving me alone with our leader. It was unusual for the Alpha to be willing to talk to me face to face, so I was rather intrigued. "Listen to me, I don't know what you did or said to Ivana, but she's been hellish lately. It has to stop, I can't take any more of her whining and the constant complaining of those who receive her anger. - Alpha, I don't know what's wrong with her either. Since... the strangers have been staying with us she seems worried and on edge. I didn't do anything and barely spoke to them. - Well, you did find your... - Shut up, this is not the time and he is nothing to me. You're going to have to get it through your thick head once and for all." As I bickered with my she-wolf, I felt the inquisitive gaze of the Alpha weighing on me. I felt like he was reading my confusion as if it was written in block letters on my forehead. Just as he was about to speak again, the door of his office suddenly opened. It was one of the kids I was training and he seemed to be panicking. He had never seen me in my human form and barely glanced at me, focused entirely on the man in front of him. "Alpha, I...I... - Speak, cub. - Chelsea is missing. She left to warn the warriors of the intrusion to the west, but she still hasn't returned. We've searched the entire village and she's nowhere to be found. I think she is still in the woods..." Before I could even listen to the rest of his tirade, I dashed for the cover of the trees and changed in mid-stride. Not many wolves were capable of this, but for me it was as easy as breathing. "What a fool! I told her to go back to the village. Why didn't she listen to me? - Maybe because a certain person she admires would never retreat from a fight? - Do you have a plan to find her, instead of being sarcastic? I know it's my fault, I should have had someone escort her. You don't have to rub it in. - It's not... Oh, screw it! Let's just go back to where she met us earlier and then we'll follow her scent. - Okay!" As I zoomed between the trunks, jumping over the thickets, avoiding low branches and roots as I headed for the river, a frightening howl turned my blood to ice. It wasn't the howl of a wolf, it was the painful howl of a young woman. It was Chelsea's voice.
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