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MAVERICK’S smile didn’t fade while driving the car towards his house. He was just happy to know that his mate liked him. He could still remember that night when they were on the cliff, and they gazed at the stars together. It was a happy moment for him even though he felt guilty. Amara doesn’t know that he is the black wolf she met. Arriving at his house, he felt an unfamiliar presence. The scent of the hunter invaded his nostrils. Maverick let out a low growl and stepped out of his car. “Come out now. Don’t hide anymore.” From the tree near Maverick, the hunter jumped off the tree branch. Maverick’s golden-brown eyes slowly changed to a darker color. The hunter immediately raised his hands as if he was surrendering. “I mean no harm, Your Highness.” Maverick spoke with a different tone of voice. “What do you need?” he asked. The hunter slowly bowed his head. “I’m Kelvin. I’m from the good hunter organization. The leader, Chief Ellis Sanchez, wanted to speak with you.” Maverick's eyes returned to its original color — the golden-brown color. “Why does he want to speak with me? And why would I believe you?” “Your Highness, what will I do for you to believe me?” Kelvin asked. “Show me your token.” Kelvin nodded, fetched something from his pocket, and then showed it to the Prince of Werewolves. “I heard that you have a special ability. Your eyes are like a scanner that can see through a real object. Your Highness, I know you can see if this token is real or fake.” The corner of Maverick's lips twitched up. His eyes gleamed momentarily as he looked at the token, then at the hunter. “It’s real,” said Maverick. “But I won’t come with you.” “Your Highness?” “If your leader wants to speak with me, then he should come. I am a vigilant type of person. Even if you belonged to the good hunter’s organization, I should be careful,” said Maverick, showing a stern face, and then he entered his house. Kelvin let out a small sigh. He shook his head and went back to the Headquarters. Arriving at the headquarters, he went to the leader’s office. “Chief.” Ellis Sanchez, the leader of the Good Hunters Organization, looked at Kelvin. Then he asked him when he didn’t see his expected guest. “Where is he?” “Chief, the prince doesn’t want to come. He said you should go to him instead since you were the one who needed something from him.” Ellis chuckled. “As expected from the crown prince of werewolves. He was really vigilant.” “He looks eccentric,” Kelvin commented. Ellis shook his head. “Don’t let him hear you. Though he behaves that way, he is the heir to the throne. He had won many battles against wolves and other rebel packs. He was greatly respected by werewolf society, and he was widely feared,” he said as he stood from his seat. “I should visit him some other day. By the way, have our subordinates track those human traffickers.” “Yes, Chief.” MEANWHILE, Maverick thought of going for a run. It’s been a while since he last ran. “Want to go for a run?” he asked Night. ‘It’s okay for me, but I don’t want to shift. You run on your feet.’ Maverick shook his head. “You are really eccentric, Night.” ‘We share the same body, Maverick. If I’m eccentric, you are too.’ Maverick didn’t argue with his wolf and he undressed his jacket. He placed his jacket on the sofa and went out of the house. He pushed his feet to run and ran towards the forest. While running, he avoided the branch in front of him. Suddenly, three rogues blocked him. Maverick quickly stopped and looked at the three rogues in front of him. Right, he hid his aura, and he even sealed his real presence and power. So, in the eyes of other wolves, he was just an ordinary wolf. The Rogues growled at him. Night was hot-tempered so he wanted to take over Maverick’s body to kill those rogues. They don’t have the right to growl at him. He was a high-ranked wolf and yet these omegas growled at him. They’re asking for death. Maverick rolled his eyes. “They’re lowly wolves. Will you stop being hot-tempered?” ‘We are both hot-tempered since we are in the same body.’ “But we have individual minds, Night. You’re the only hot-tempered here. I’m calm,” said Maverick. The three rogues are in their wolf form, and they are scaring Maverick by growling at him. But Maverick remains calm, and he doesn’t have any plan to fight with those Rogues in front of him. Before the Rogues could attack him, his eyes gleamed and the Rogues were stunned before they lost consciousness and fell on the ground. Maverick approached the three unconscious wolves. He touched the heads of the three wolves and realized that they were not bad at all. He let out a sigh. He knew that there was a pack nearby. He should ask for their help. His eye power was really helpful to him. It was a blessing for him that he had these kinds of supernatural eyes. But for others who knew about this ability, he had called his eyes power as an evil eye. But he doesn’t care about what others say about him. Maverick walked towards the direction of the nearby pack. He hadn't gotten close to the border. The net was thrown at him, making him fall to the ground. Then the pack warriors suddenly came out from their hiding place and held the net. “Who are you? Why are you in our pack?” Maverick let out a sigh. He looked at the pack warriors with boredom in his eyes. “I haven’t stepped inside your pack border yet. And it’s not important to know who I am.” “He doesn’t smell like a rogue, head warrior,” one of the pack warriors said. “He might be an enemy from a rebel pack!” Maverick could only roll his eyes. He didn't think that other people would think of him like that. He’s the heir to the throne for pete sake. Since when did he become an enemy? A man steps forward, whom Maverick immediately recognizes as the head warrior. “Bring him to Alpha Denzel.” “Yes, Head Warrior.” Maverick was escorted to the packhouse by the pack warriors, and he was guarded heavily as if he would burn the whole pack. He couldn’t blame them because that’s what a pack warrior should do. They should protect their pack from invaders. Maverick was laughing inwardly because Night wanted to shift and kill the werewolves who mistook him for an enemy. Fortunately, he can control Night. That’s why there were no killings. Night went back to sleep. Arriving at the pack house, Maverick was taken to the Main Hall where he saw Alpha sitting on his seat and reviewing some documents. A smile appeared on Maverick’s lips seeing the young alpha of the pack. “Alpha, this wolf was lurking around our pack border.” Then the pack warrior pushed Maverick. ‘I think they are going too far.’ Maverick’s patience is being tested. The Alpha looked up. He was stunned to see the man in front of him. Though he couldn’t feel the powerful aura on him, and he looked like an ordinary werewolf, he could still remember him. He can’t be mistaken. This man in front of him is not an ordinary werewolf but the future king of werewolves. Alpha Denzel immediately stood up from his seat and approached Prince Maverick. He dropped one knee and bowed his head while his right hand was in front of his chest. “Your Royal Highness Prince Maverick.” The pack warriors were stunned. Maverick let out a small sigh. That’s why he always hides his aura. He didn’t expect that someone would recognize him.
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