The Drawitch(1)

2011 Words

Trisha's POV: I felt self-conscious as Draven walked me to the entrance of my school. Everyone was staring at us, and I couldn't help but feel like I was on display. I knew that Draven was the vampire king and that he was mighty and dangerous, but he was also my boyfriend, and I didn't want to be the center of attention. I was getting tired of all the attention I had been accumulating since Draven and I entered the school. As the Vampire King, he attracted a lot of attention wherever he went, and it seemed people couldn't help but notice me too. We pulled up in front of the gate, and I got out of the car, ready to blend in with the crowd. But before I could go, Draven grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Listen, Trisha," he said, a playful smirk on his lips. "If any guys come near yo

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