I will be back

1520 Words

Trisha POV "Ugh!" I groaned as I slid back onto my bed for the hundredth time. If I were still in the human world, I'd probably be coming home from school and working till late at night. I checked the time to be sure I wasn't mistaken, and it was already five in the evening. I groaned as I dropped my phone on the bed after proving I was right about my schedule. About the vampire king, I had not seen him since the kiss for five days. He didn't come to see me, and I didn't go to see him because I didn't want him to think I was forcing myself on him. I was guarding my pride since going to him would imply that I desired him. It would make me appear pitiful, especially now that I've consented to go along with Plan B. "What were you thinking, Trisha, when you agreed to this?" I yelled and

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