The decisions that i made

1956 Words

Draven POV A female child. I have nothing against female children, but a woman could never rule the vampires. They believed in gender inequality and did not want the weaker gender to take the lead. It was the reason I wished for an heir. An heir to carry on my legacy. A female couldn't do it, and if a male heir isn't produced, the vampires may perish. "She'll never have a female child, and..." Emma turned to face me with a frown. "What?" she asked. "Do you have a problem with a female child?'' I got to my feet and motioned to Trisha. "Do you believe the vampires would allow a woman to rule over them? I must have a male heir, not a female." Trisha averted her gaze from mine, and I felt the pain in her heart for a brief moment. I could feel her holding her breath, and I sighed when

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