I can't do this

1522 Words

Trisha POV When Draven announced me as his queen-to-be, I didn’t know if I should be happy that I would be his queen. Being the queen of vampire king would mean that I would be regarded as someone with high status. Still, at the same time, it would mean that all the goals that I wanted for myself would be destroyed, and I could become someone who wouldn’t even have time for herself and focus on a realm that I had no idea about. Ever since I arrived in the vampire realm, the only place I know is Draven’s home, and I have never stepped out of his mansion to visit anything else. I was always in his home, staring at the chandeliers all day and doing nothing. Going back to school was already in progress, as Jaxton had promised that I would join the school of medicine in a week. I should f

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