The lords wants you to marry a vampire queen

1465 Words

Draven POV I shook my leg as I played with a pen on my desk, then I stood up and paced around my office, wondering if what I had said to Trisha wasn’t mean. I did not want to do that, but she pushed me to the edge, and I said things I shouldn’t. When I felt my palm bleeding, I jumped to my feet, wondering what could have happened to her. I had been in my office at that time thinking about her, and when I saw that my palm was bleeding, I didn’t bother about it at first because I felt that it could be a mistake. Trisha was clumsy and could have hit her hand on the wall mistakenly, so I didn’t bother going to her. It became much worse when my wrists started bleeding. I had almost summoned the portal to take me to her room, hoping that nothing terrible had happened to her. This was one of

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