A reminder of what you are.

1759 Words

Trisha POV "I am sorry, but the king doesn't want to see you!"Those words resounded in my head as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I turned on the faucet and washed my face repeatedly, as I had been doing for the past few hours. "How could he ignore me?" I yelled and slammed my hand hard on the mirror. It broke into pieces, and I groaned in pain, expecting it to bleed, but then I remembered that it would never happen and that Draven would be the one who would be affected by my actions. I grinned wickedly as I thought about the perfect idea to ensure I had Draven in front of me. "If he thinks that he will continue ignoring me, then I am going to make him come to me," I declared. I couldn't imagine what he was like last night, acting like the perfect man, and how he suddenly

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