What decision should i make?

2139 Words

Draven pov ‘’leave!’’ I yelled at Trisha, and everyone in the room was startled by my action. Trisha walked towards me, and concern was etched on her face. I took a step back, my voice coming out as a snarl. "Stay away from me, Trisha. Can't you see that I don’t want you touching me!" I yelled at her, my voice filled with anger and frustration. Trisha stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide with shock. "What's going on? Why are you acting like this?" I could feel the anger bubbling up inside of me, threatening to spill over. "Just leave me alone, Trisha. I don't want to talk about it." "But Draven, I--" "I said leave me alone!" I shouted, my voice echoing off the walls of the room. I shouldn’t be acting this way towards her, but I couldn’t let her come closer to me even after everyt

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