The threats

2304 Words

Draven POV "Where is she?" I questioned the guard I assigned to stay by Trisha’s side in school as soon as he reached the mansion. I had expected to see Trisha, but she was nowhere to be found, and instead, the guard had come to report to me only. "She retired to her room as soon as we arrived at the mansion," he informed me. I frowned and stood up from my chair. "You may go," I said to the guard, and he nodded in response as he walked out of the office. When he was out, I pointed my finger forward, summoning the portal in anger. She should have come with me first, but instead, she headed to her. Did she find another boy? That idea alone made me want to discover who the boy was and strangle him until all life was forced out of him, but I had my trust in Trisha and believed that she

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