Decisions of the lords

1652 Words

Draven POV "It's been years, Draven, and your blazing eyes haven't changed," Cassandra smiled as she went towards me. If I had the chance, I would remove that smile. She took a step forward and placed her hands around my neck. "I miss you so much," she said as she moved closer to me for a kiss, but I pushed her away before our lips could meet. What did she think when she tried to kiss me like that? I grimaced as I locked my gaze on her. "I don't want to hurt you for trying to kiss me, but if you don't tell me what the heck you're doing here, I'll rip out your heart!" Cassandra chuckled and moved over to the couch to take a seat. "I must say, you're still as ruthless as ever," she said, smacking her lips together. "I won't repeat it, Cassandra! What exactly are you doing here?" Cassa

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