35. Leo's Punishment

2163 Words

Amara I wanted to somehow run away as far as I could. My entire body felt so warm, heated and the needy ache between my legs was making it hard for me to think. He was so close. So bloody close. There was no space between us. My legs were entangled around his hips and even if I didn't want to, I cannot just stop the image of him naked, his perfect behind at display, from popping into my head. Fuck. f**k. Amara...what's wrong with you? Leonardo seemed extremely smug for some reason as his dark eyes peered at me. His arms were locked tightly around my waist, leaving no space for me to escape. He looked just showered and warily distracting in a low-cut black T-shirt. It gave a small glimpse of his lion head even though the material looked like it was glued to his copper skin. Maybe he got

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