36. No Escaping Now...

2225 Words

I could feel his erection pressing into my stomach and I was bewildered to my core as my body ached for exactly that. For him. I wanted to cry or better kill myself for even thinking about this but I wasn't in control anymore. Every time he was near, I was never in control. If he doesn't stops now, I will really really start crying. "Stop," Leo growled, pulling away. He was panting like a crazy person as I blinked up at him. Stop? He was asking me to stop? He was the one who needs to stop this insanity. I glared at him. "You should be telling yourself that. I am not the one pouncing on you at every chance I get," I scowled at him., haphazardly brushing my hairs off my face. "That's because I can't help it," He mumbled, stroking my lips with his thumb. "You are driving me nuts, Amara. I

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