75. Amara's Warning

2375 Words

"Stand up and walk a little," he ordered, his eyes twinkling. My legs shook as I stood up and...fuck. My mouth hung open as pleasure flooded through my body. It felt so inexplicably...full. As I moved, the balls mirrored the motions, moving inside me as well. And every time they did, a wave of pleasure jolted through my body, making me breathless.  "Wha...what's...this is," I was at a loss for words here. It was uncomfortable and pleasurable at the same time. The fine line between the two was blurring swiftly. Oh god. Every time I move, the balls move. How was I going to bear this the entire f*****g night? "You'll have color on your cheeks the entire night," Leonardo murmured, standing up. "How does that feel, baby?" He was enjoying this. He was freaking enjoying this.  "Don't ask," I m

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