73. A Lazy Sunday

2167 Words

The bed beside me was empty when I opened my eyes the next morning. Even though I had a feeling it was past morning. The sunlight that streamed through the windows was too strong for it to be morning. I yawned, feeling overslept, and sat up groggily. Leonardo was missing. Where was he? His tee was still lying on the floor. I don't know what came over me, but reaching for it, I pulled it over my head and sauntered to the bathroom. He wasn't there either. Had he left for work already?  Frowning, I quickly brushed my teeth, removed my contacts and took my time to relax my eyes before going in search for him. Why was I searching for him though? I don't know. I really don't know why I do what I do these days. He wasn't downstairs. Or in his study or the library. I was certain that he had left

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