Chapter 44 Was Bryce So Difficult and Picky?

1081 Words

"What?" Teresa asked suspiciously, since Bryce didn't continue. "Is like a hungry wolf?" Teresa nearly choked. She should have known it. What did she expect from a pig but a grunt? She knew that she was always very wholehearted when she was eating, but he didn't need to be so mean. She rolled her eyes at him and asked, "Do you want to have some?" There was only the sound of her eating in the dining room, which made her feel a little embarrassed. But Bryce shook his head. "I'm not hungry." He wasn't interested in the junk on the table at all. He lost all his appetite when he looked at the turbid appearance of the soup. Teresa, however, enjoyed the meal with her soul. She cut the steak into small pieces and ate them one by one. She was quiet when she was eating, and somehow she looked

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