Chapter 4 Charge Interest

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The icy water instantly stimulated Teresa and woke her up with a shudder. She opened her eyes with difficulty and vaguely saw a man standing at the bed. But she couldn't see who it was with her blurry vision. "What...?" She sat up slowly, looking at her soaked wet clothes with confusion. Her mind was blank. "Are you awake?" Bryce threw the wine cooler on the ground with a bang and said drily. Teresa moved slowly and tried to get out of the bed, but she was so weak that she almost fell to the ground. In fright, she sobered up. "What... What are you doing here?" When she saw who was standing in front of her, her eyes widened in disbelief. "What? Are you disappointed that I'm not that old man you tried to hook up with?" Bryce put his hands in the pockets of his trousers and stood straight at the bed. But the words that came out of his sexy thin lips were as cold as the ice water. All the memories completely came back to Teresa again. She recalled that she was talking to Scott about paying the balance, and then... And then she found that she was roofed! But now, there was no sign of Scott in this room, and Bryce was standing in front of her. "What happened?" Teresa asked in surprise. What happened after she blacked out? Bryce paced to the sofa and sat down. He gave her a cold gaze and started saying something irrelevant, "Ms. Haze." "Yes." "It's funny. We just made the deal a few days ago, and you violated it so easily and quickly." Bryce propped his chin in his hand with his legs crossed. He looked distant as usual as if he was the glacial ice that had never melted. "I didn't follow you. It's you who bumped into me. What do you think we should solve this now?" Teresa was still confused, "What are you talking about? I don't understand..." His sharp gaze landed on her like a dagger cutting her skin, making her swallow all the unspoken words. "What do you think you are doing to be taken to the hotel by a man at night? I can't think of another explanation other than that you are trading yourself for money. Would you think that I disturbed your good deal? After all, you may already have been paid if I wasn't here." Teresa heard his words and frowned. This guy was unbearably ridiculous and mean. The only thing that Terasa wanted to do now was slapped him hard on his face. She suppressed the anger and forced herself to calm down. "Mr. Brolin, please stop talking nonsense and your filthy unfounded speculation! It's not what you think." "Oh, really? Then explain yourself, please," Bryce said coldly. Teresa looked at him indifferently and said lightly, "Yes, I went to Scott for money because he has a balance due on his account. I just want my money back. But I didn't expect that he would roofie me. That's why you saw what you saw." Teresa gritted her teeth when she mentioned Scott, and a fierce look came into her eyes as if she was going to skin that man right now. "I was not trading with anyone, and I didn't break out of the deal either. So, Mr. Brolin, your satire is completely unnecessary." Hearing this, Bryce gave her a meaningful look. Teresa noticed that the way Bryce looked at her was like a ferocious wolf staring at a weak lamp. He was a dangerous man. Teresa tried to play nice to get out of this room as soon as possible. "Of course, I am very grateful to you for saving me, Mr. Brolin." Teresa looked around and fumbled for her purse before she took out a bank card. And then, she reluctantly placed it on the table next to Bryce. "There are 500 thousand dollars in this card. It's the only money I have now. Let me pay you 500 thousand first. The password is written on the back of the card. I'll pay you the rest as soon as possible." Bryce didn't even take a look at her bank card but kept staring at her. Teresa was wrapped tightly in a short skirt, and when it was soaked with water, it perfectly fit her bumpy figure, which was so sexy that Bryce found it hard to look away. The water droplets flowed down her neck, her smooth and tender skin. Seeing this, Bryce felt thirsty all of a sudden, and he even wanted to pounce on her and bite her to soothe himself. Noticing his steady gaze, Teresa uncomfortably put her purse in front of her chest. "If there is nothing else, I'd like to borrow your towel to dry myself and leave, Mr. Brolin." However, Bryce said in a hoarse voice, "Wait." "What?" Teresa asked suspiciously. "You don't need a towel. You should stay tonight." Bryce said and crossed his fingers. There was a trace of something dangerous crossing his deep-set eyes. Teresa didn't understand what he meant, and she refused, "You want me to spend overnight here? No, I have to go back. Thank you for your kindness, though." Kindness? Bryce sneered and stared at her with his sharp eyes. Teresa felt as if she was swept into a vortex and was about to be swallowed up. "I mean, Ms. Haze, you can now take off your clothes and get on the bed." His words and teasing finally helped Teresa understand what he meant, which sent a shiver down her spine instantly. She turned around and ran out without hesitation. But soon, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her back, and then a strong hand grabbed her wrists and pinned her down on the bed. Bryce stopped her with ease, looking down at her and teasing, "Ms. Haze, I advise you to give up. You can't pay me back in a month. Countless women in the world wanted to climb into my bed. You should cherish this opportunity." "Go away!" Teresa couldn't move, but she glared straight at him with angry eyes and didn't intend to compromise at all. "I don't want this opportunity! I will pay you back! Let me go!" However, a stubborn prey that desperately wanted to escape would only arouse a hunter's instinct for hunting. Bryce cracked into a grin with arrogance and claimed, "Then I want to charge the interest now." He bent over and kissed her rosy lips hard, invading her mouth deeply and forcefully. "You! Wait!" Teresa tried hard to turn her face away and avoid his kiss, but Bryce pinched her jaw tightly, leaving her no chance to escape! Teresa could sense the danger, but Bryce's strength made her unable to struggle. The feeling of powerlessness made her extremely uncomfortable. Just when she was eagerly thinking of a way to get her out of here, a strange feeling suddenly struck her body and made her stunned. It was a sort of unfamiliar and unexpected feeling for Teresa. It felt like... It felt like a volcano that had been dormant for years erupted in the blink of an eye. Bryce, who was stirring into her mouth with his tongue, also felt something was wrong.
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