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" Find yourself a job, Griselda " The clouds were arranged as neatly as child's toys, scattered over blue, content to drift where they fell. The morning sun had the potential to bring a day as hot as yesterday, but those wonderful puffs of white radiated it back out into space. The air was cooler, the colors less vivid and all without a drop of rain.   As usual, Griselda went back to the station wanting to talk to chief Merrick again.  " What? " She asked a frown sketched on her face. " Find yourself a job," Chief Merrick said again, every word on its own, Zora stood near her husband's desk, she looked at her friend with a frown and her tears were fighting to get out. " Get me my job back then," Griselda said with a voice out of any emotion, Ava sat beside her owner, she played with her owner's white floral skirt. " I told you yesterday that it's not possible " Chief Merrick sighed deeply. " I will try and find you a job, you should search too "  " I will help too " Zora took Griselda hand on her, she creased it gently. " Let's hang out together, I will get to your apartment at 5 o'clock "  Zora smiled brightly. " I don't think... " Griselda was going to protest but Zora interrupted her with a frown. " You don't have a say in this Gris, we will walk Ava in the park then we will go to Becco, and we won't be taking any taxi, I will drive " Julian smiled at his excited wife, she missed Griselda so much, now and then Zora would be crying on his lap telling him she missed hanging out with her friend.  " You should go, Griselda, go and change the vibes," Julian said when he saw the hesitant look on Griselda's face. " I will be waiting in front," Griselda said, she grabbed her white walking cane, she tugged Ava's leash and walked away. " Finally " Zora sighed happily while looking at her friends back while she was exiting the station. Julian pulled his wife towards him, he hugged her gently and kissed her forehead. " Have fun " He pulled away and smiled at her, he is happy and satisfied at how happy and excited his wife is. " I will " She giggled while skipping out of his office, he looked at her smiled and chuckled while shaking his head slightly. Griselda pushed her apartment door open, she sighed placing he white walking cane in the basket with Ava's leash. Her stomach snarled and howled from hunger, she didn't eat breakfast. She pulled Ava's food from her small pantry and poured some on Ava's yellow bowl according to the seller description in the shop. The fridge is kind of empty and it didn't contain many ingredients to cook a full meal, so she was set on making a corn tomato avocado salad and with a cup of bottled orange juice. She got the last can of pre-done corn, the remaining lettuce, last pieces of cherry tomatoes, the last piece of avocado, some pre-chopped cilantro and red onion, she drizzled some olive oil on it, she put on some salt and pepper and finally mixed it and got it in a bowl. She got her bottled orange juice and sat on her couch while eating silently. She got tired of eating alone, she missed the gatherings and the warmth of being surrounded by friends and family, but it was her fault anyway, It was her fault that they are not surrounding her, it was her fault that they weren't here. She sighed, placing her empty small bowl in the dishwasher. Ava has finished her food already, she jumped on the couch beside her owner, snuggling closer to her while whining and trying to attract attention. Griselda felt bad for Ava, she thought of buying a male dog to kill the loneliness of her dog but she didn't have the chance to do so nor she can afford it because she didn't have any other source of income and what her parent left is starting to fade away. The idea of getting another job other than being a detective is depressing to her, she loved her job, it was everything she got left, but it was snatched away from her. She knew that she has to find her a new job, the new job could kill those crashing thoughts and she could kill the boredom with it. Griselda sighed thinking about today's hang out with Zora, Zora is Griselda's dearest friend, she has pushed her away from her feeling that something bad would happen to her. It has been a while since Griselda went to the central park, the last time she went the park boasted several lakes, theatres, ice rinks, fountains, tennis courts, baseball fields, many playgrounds and other facilities. It's hard to imagine it while being blind, whenever she went with her parents and brother, they would lay the iconic white and red squares carpet, a basket that is filled with plenty of food would be placed there on it, she and her brother did always play near the lake while her mother and father will set and chat together while watching their kids. Griselda didn't even notice that her tears escaped her eyes until her ringing phone interrupted her thoughts. She patted the couch beside her searching her phone, She grabbed it and swiped hoping that it didn't decline the call. " Hey " Zora's excited voice greeted loudly through the phone. " Hey " Griselda replied quietly. " Are you ready? I will be in front in twenty minutes" Zora was already in her car. " Yeah, I will meet you in front" Griselda was surprised that it was already five or near. " It's hot outside even though it rained heavily outside, wear something short " As if the weather is moody, it changes in minutes. " I love the rain, " Griselda said, she was disappointed that the rain stopped, she loves hearing the drops hitting her window and the roar of the thunder. " Yeah me too, I'm on the road, be outside" Zora had to hang up she didn't want to get a ticket. " Bye"  Griselda felt overwhelmed, she can't even keep a conversation, it's been a while from mixing and mingling with people. " Bye, see you " Zora hanged up. Griselda went to her room, she picked a v nicked green silk blouse with high waisted jeans and she put on her beige short high heels and exited the apartment complex with Ava and her white walking cane. A honking sound startled Griselda, Zora chuckled and got out of her CADILLAC XT6 and jogged towards her friend, She took Ava's leash from hand. " Get in, the door is open, I will get Ava in the backseat" Zora smiled slightly. Griselda got in her seat and folded her white walking cane and put it in the glove box. " Nice outfit " Zora got in the driver seat and looked at her friend's beauty. " Thanks, I bet that your outfit is nicer " Griselda smiled. " Not as nice as you " Zora is wearing her Dudley Stephens park slope turtleneck, striped short skirt and a black boot. Fifteen minutes later they reached the central park, it was nearly empty and Griselda didn't mind the calmness and quietness of the park. She could imagine the typical bench of the parks, the rosy cedar browns married to the iron that curved into the great arms and grew into ever-blooming flowers to rest on. She could imagine the image of birds flying around, she could imagine the image of the surrounding buildings. " How's life? " Zora asked, she looked at her pretty friend with her pretty dog while walking together through the park. " Pretty boring " Griselda hung her head down, she was ashamed of her ways of coping. " Mine would be pretty boring without Julian, my job and you" Zora looked at the fallen leaves. " I can imagine " She sighed deeply. " We could do this every Sunday, hang out, maybe c**k together and we three could have a small barbeque party and end up completely wasted" They both laughed widely. " We could do that " Griselda sighed happily, those swirling thoughts went away whenever she is with someone else. " It's nearly six and thirty, we should head out to Becco " Griselda nodded. They were in front of Becco about fifteen minutes later or more. The name Becco is derived from the Italian verb, beccare, which means to peck, nibble or savor something in a discriminating way.   Griselda loved this restaurant, it's her favorite. She parked in front, getting Ava out of the back seat and she directed Griselda. " Hey, welcome to Becco " An old white-haired lady welcomed them. " Hey " Zora welcomed warmly and Griselda smiled. " Table for two? " She asked while still smiling widely. " Yeah, thank you " Zora nodded. She grabbed Griselda's hand and leaded Ava. " I will get you the menus" She left them and skipped happily. " She's nice " Zora smiled. " it seems " Griselda chuckled slightly. The old lady got their menus and left them be. " I will be ordering, is it ok? " Zora asked, she wanted Griselda to try her favorite dishes. " Yeah, but no seafood " Griselda didn't like any sort of seafood, it didn't please her at. " What can I get you, young ladies? " An enthusiastic young guy asked grinning widely. " We will take a bowl of Insalata Cesare, Polpette di Manzo, Arancini and Two White Peach Martini," Zora said and her mouth is watering already " and we would like to have  peach and Raspberry Clafoutis after it all " " That's all? " He asked while holding his note. " Yes, thank you " Zora nodes. " Isn't it too much? " Griselda asked slightly worried and amused by the amount of food she ordered. " Believe me, I will eat it all in a second and ask for more " Griselda can hear the excitement and enthusiasm laced through her voice.                                          **************************************************** " What do you mean hacked? " Jayvyn yelled at Vaughn's face with anger and frustration. " It means that there has been a breach and someone hacked our system and we can't get it back because IT guy is away taking some IT courses " Vaughn huffed tiredly. " And we want your help " Vaughn sighed. " you do know that I don't show my face to so many people " Jayvyn wasn't getting any calmer. " Then let this hacker get some important information and spread them all around the country " Vaughn mocked him, he was getting annoyed from his silly boss. " f*****g IT guy " Jayvyn cursed under his breath while getting up and walking towards his private elevator and Vaughn was soon behind him. " We don't know if they took anything from the computer, it has much information, the guy who had his computer hacked mostly has the most confidential information of his department " Jayvyn frowned deeply, he sighed and looked at Vaughn. " That's f****d up "  " deeply f****d up " Vaughn agreed with his boss, he was running all around the seventh floor trying to get everything right but everything was of no use even though he is a genius with computers and all, so had to get his boss, so he could fix the problem seeing that Jayvyn had a degree in IT. The personal elevator that was located on the seventh floor opened and the eyes were on it because of the possibility of someone important coming to the floor. Some of them gasped when they recognized the CEO of this company. Vaughn lead Jayvyn to the cubical of the guy who's laptop got hacked. " f**k off " The guy scurried away and nearly fell off his chair. Jayvyn pulled the chair and sat down pulling the mouse and keyboard towards him. He's sure that the ones who hacked were searching for his information and anything related to him. " Give me a hard disk, quick " Jayvyn yelled while he was tabbing on the keyboard constantly and moving the mouse frantically. " Give me the f*****g hard disk " He yelled angrily. " Here " The guy whispered with fear. Jayvyn snatched the hard disk connecting it with the computer and started to move every important files and document to it, it took about ten minutes until it was all converted. Jayvyn sighed deeply, kneading his knee. He got up and stretched his arms above his head while groaning loudly. " What's your name? " He asked the guy who was sitting on the cubical earlier. " Mark" He stuttered his name.  " p**n sites, huh? " Jayvyn mumbled. " I, uh " The guy looked down at his feet. " Yes, you're fired " His eyes bugged out and he was ready to give an apology. " Vaughn, call the security to escort him out," He said in a calming fearful tone.                                                    ******************************************** " The food is amazing " Griselda sighed happily while taking sips of her second White Peach Martini and n*****s at the amazing peach and Raspberry Clafoutis. " I know " they giggled together happily. " Let's head out " Zora waved her hand to their waiter to bring the bill. " I will pay for my food " Griselda searched for her bag so she could get the money out of it but the bag was snatched out of her hand. " Don't be silly, I asked you to come and hang out and you can pay next time " The waiter came and gave her the bill, she got a couple of bills out of her small purse and gave them to her. " Let's go," Zora said while getting up. She took Ava's leash and lead Griselda out of the restaurant and to her car. " I had fun today," Griselda said quietly while fiddling with her fingers when she felt the car stop. " I had fun too, we're repeating it, you hear? " Zora always enjoyed spending time with Griselda. " we're here " Zora announced getting out of the car to get the napping Ava out of the car, she gave Griselda Ava's leash. " See you later " Zora side, she waited until Griselda was in and then left. Griselda waited until she heard Zora's car moving, today is Thursday and Griselda usually went to the that her brother used to sing in, she sighed and frowned remembering that she forgot her walking cane but she ignored it and started to walk with Ava to the bar, where she ruined everything. The city is hyper as it is. Griselda knew from the beginning that she's the family's mistake if she ever put her hand on anything it would be ruined the next day. The deep pain in her hear is unexplainable, she can't put this pain in words, the pain burned her already fragile heart, she acts like she doesn't care about her silly heart pain but deep inside it's killing her slowly as if it's preparing for her gentle death. The pain latched onto her heart and mind and it won't let go. The familiar noises of the bar seeped into her ear, many recognized her and greeted her in her way, some of them were talking about the new band singer in the bar, she rests her hand on the rough paintwork that coats the door and push, the door was painted the last time she saw when she ruined everything, the hinges squeal as though they are a warning, but their plea is silenced by a wall of noise, a sharp smell of drink wafts towards her and she desired a drink. She touched the wall beside to lead her to the front table where the bartender was laughing with costumers and giving them drinks, he saw Griselda coming and rushed over towards the leather barstool she sat on. " Hey Elda, how are you?"  He greets with lots of enthusiasm. " I'm fine, how are you doing William? "  She responded in a calm tone, " I'm doing phenomenal" He laughed loudly, happy about using this new big word. " give me The Blue Kiss and don't forget to put a slice of lime this time" William always forgot pitting the slice of lime she wanted. " There's a new singer," He said to her while making her drink. " I heard, " She said waiting patiently for her drink. " It's the first new singer after him " William is one of her brother's plenty friends. Griselda didn't reply this time and William got the message. Dark skies hang low star shines above  The melody trickled her hearing, she thought that her mind was playing with her, she thought that she was hallucinating.  fireflies flying in the air  Who are you thinking of?   Those were the last word that her brother sang, the guilt and pain are starting to hurt her again. She remembers how furious and enraged she was, she can hear the screeching of tires of that day, she remembers how he sneered with anger at her face telling her how hard he worked.  She sipped on her drink and the song was already done and another was played. Fireflies are flying, flowers are asleep Everything is beautiful in pairs The singer's voice is gentle, it pulled you in more and more wanting you to mingle in with the crowd. Not afraid of the dark  only afraid of heartbreak No matter how weary I am  no matter where you are Griselda couldn't understand the feeling that her brother wanted to tell, the words confused her and it drove her to a big mad and irritated whirlpool of emotions. The beat started to get hyper and the crowd is jumping with the waving lights. Fireflies are flying, flowers are asleep   Everything is beautiful in pairs Not afraid of the dark   only afraid of heartbreak   No matter how weary I am  no matter where you are The singer is excited himself, he is jumping on the stage while the band played the instruments, the singer is bringing the energy of joy to the crowd and is dancing with the beat as well, Griselda sat there listening to the word carefully trying to understand the song. Making amends today for yesterday's regrets Remembering our friends and happiness Never tire of flying over The warmth in our embrace will melt away tears   The singer is talented, that's what Griselda thought about right now, that he started rapping the words, the word and the melody are trying to pull her in and the massage is trying to reach Griselda's heart. Always remembering the beginning  That beautiful song And it's this song I'm singing now The words did hit her hard, it was his beginning, it was his dream's beginning and she snatched it away from him so easily, her heart throbbed with pain and sorrow, she felt the guilt and regret, she now can hear the desperate plea of those words. It meant a lot to her brother. Fireflies are flying, flowers are asleep   Everything is beautiful in pairs Not afraid of the dark  only afraid of heartbreak He wasn't afraid of fighting back and he fought back hard when she dragged him out like a crazy woman out of the bar. She broke his heart and she knows it, she could hear his plea when the car fell over and ended his life, she ended and destroyed his life and crushed his dream. No matter how weary I am  no matter where you are The singer ended the song with a deep breath and started thanking the crowd. Griselda got Ava's leash, who was looking at the lights. Griselda pushed the door and took off to her apartment. " Griselda " A familiar voice shouted and she could hear their step nearing her. " Aron? "  she asked carefully not sure if it was him or not. " Yeah, I saw you in the bar while performing, come on, I will walk you " Aron smiled and petted Ava's head gently. " Ok " Griselda smiled slightly and started walking again. " How was it?  The performance I mean " Aron smiled while looking at Griselda's mesmerizing eyes. " It was good, which song is this? "  She asked him wanting to know how he got the song of her brother. " It belongs to the prior singer, his name was Gaven,  he passed away, unfortunately, I would have liked to meet him "  Aron replied when he heard the words it pulled him in and practice more than anything to perform it as amazing as Gaven did. " Yeah, it's amazing I would like to have the song, "  Griselda said not confirming that the song belonged to her brother. " I can get you a copy," Aron said putting his hand in his leather jacket. " Thanks " Ava started to bark and Griselda knows that she's in front of her apartment complex. " See you later " Griselda wave at him " Text me " Aron left when he saw Griselda entering the apartment complex.                                                          ************************************** " I didn't give the information earlier, " Vaughn said when he entered the home of Jayvyn, he found him sitting on one of his expensive couches, drinking a glass of white wine. " Read them, " Jayvyn said and his eyes are still closed. Vaughn sighed and sat on the couch in front of his boss. " Her name is Griselda Elior, dark skin and green eyes "  Vaughn stopped at his boss's comment. " How interesting " Jayvyn gesture for him to continue. " She's Twenty Five years old, she lives near downtown in a suitable apartment " Jayvyn nodes. " She was a detective, a smart one " Vaughn smirked. " She went blind and her brother Gaven died in an accident " Vaughn pitied her. " Her parents were killed by the unknown " Jayvyn sighed. " Here is a picture of her " Vaughn place the picture of the gorgeous woman in front of his boss. Jayvyn looked at the picture and his breath hitched. " She's trying to find her parents and brother's murder which is EZ mafia, I discovered it after many investigations"  Vaughn sighed " that's it ". Jayvyn smirked while still sipping on his drink. " Let the game begin " Vaugh was weary  When Jayvyn wants to play, he ruins both sides, he plays with their emotions and gets them in the middle of his interesting game.                                                          Jayvyn took an interest in Griselda                                      
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