Look what you made me do

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***Hailey*** I woke up by a loud knock on my bedroom door. “What?” I yelled at whoever it was, I could scent that it was my brother before he answered me “Get up sis! We’re gonna be late for school.” And I heard him walking down the stairs. f**k, school. I must have slept through my alarm, again. I’m usually responsible with everything but I really hate mornings, at least my wolf Nova does since she normally took over my body and turned my alarm off before falling back into a deep slumber. I got up and and got dressed in my favorite white skinny jeans and a light blue blouse. Put my hair up in a ponytail and did my makeup routine in record speed. I put on my heels and ran downstairs, grabbed an apple from the kitchen as I called goodbye to my parents and got in my brothers car that was waiting for me outside. “New record sis?” Chase said as I got in the back seat of the car. “I think I outdid myself today.” I answered him and we both laughed. It had always been this easy between us. Never fought or disagreed, well except when he sided with Ethan.. God he really get under my skin, always have and probably always will. Ever since he took my favorite stuffed wolf when I was seven I’ve hated him. His arrogance was to much and he was born with respect and didn’t do anything to earn it. He didn't seem to truly care for other people and I hated that, I pity his future mate. Like my mother I’m a healer, or aspiring healer and taking care of people by helping and guiding them is in our blood. And speaking of the jerk here he came.. “you’re late.” he muttered as he got in the front seat next to my brother, he was always so dramatic.  “By like a minute, breath jerk” I told him off like I always did, honestly I think I'm the only one except for his parents that ever did that.  “Your fault I guess. Slept through the alarm again?" he knew just how to push my buttons and I hated it.  " I woke her up fifteen minutes bro, chill” I could always trust that chase had my back, well most of the time anyway.  “if we’re late I’m blaming you.” Ethan just had to have the last word and this was no different.  “God you’re such a child! Just grow up already” and with that we started the same fight we had every morning even if the topics changed by the day. “Oh you’re one to talk!” but today chase wasn't gonna have it  “Rule number 6 guys!! No fighting in the car”. When Chase got his car and licence to drive us to school he had put in rules. 1. No screaming in the car 2. No food or drinks in the car 3. You bring it you toss it 4. Only Chase drives 5. No s*x in the car (got added with their first haze) 6. No fighting in the car We both shut up and sulked the rest of the way to school. As soon as we got to the school parking lot I hopped out of the car and walked over to Josie who had just pulled up as well. “Hey girl.” I said as I gave her a hug. “Hey! All set for shopping after school?” She asked and stepped out of my embrace. Damn I had totally forgotten about that.  “s**t I forgot! I overslept this morning and forgot like half of my life running out the door. And then Ethan called me out for making us one minute late. ONE minute!?” God he really annoys me that even the thought about it made me mad again.  “When are you guys gonna stop fighting and just have s*x or something?” I looked at her shocked and disgusted.  “Yeah, that’s never gonna happen.” Josie just looked at me in disbelief  “When the first haze hits you, anything can happen.” She winked at me, god she was crazy to think I would ever sleep with him. Haze or no haze. The haze is something you can feel after you turn 16 and is able to sense your mate. It’s like the universe's way of speeding up the reproduction process since it makes every one of us go sexcrazy. It causes a lot of wolf to get pregnant well before their 20ths and that explains why my mother is so young. She had my brother when she was 17 and dad was 20. I had no rush in having pups, I have my eyes set of med school and nothing else. Especially not Ethan.. “You are just waiting for the next haze so you have an excuse with my brother.” I turned the tables on her knowing that she had a thing for Chase.  “I don’t need an excuse for him but he’s so serious all the time and the haze might loosen him up just enough.” I didn't need that in my head,  “oh god.. I’m pretending I didn’t hear that.” I covered my ears in protest.  “Oh shut up. You’ve heard worse” we both laughed at this, it was true though, she didn’t really have a filter. We got our books out of our lockers and walk to class, history. We were talking legends and old prophecies this semester which was the only good part about this class. I had to learn this stuff as a healer anyway. I knew a lot of them but not all of them, which made this the easiest class for me to pass. I heard Josie mindlinking with me halfway through the class ~the Jewel Moon prophecy was it the one with the stone or ring?~ she really was oblivious to certain subjects.  ~Stone. The ring was the one about the lost princess. Remember?~ I knew this since this was in my bones as a healer. In some cosmic way we just know all about them as a way to pass them down through generations.  ~oh yeah right, I always mix them up~ I still couldn’t understand how she could learn lines in an hour for a play or a song but never remember anything else. ***Ethan*** As Hailey slammed the car door shut and walk over to Josie Chase turned around to look at me. “what?” I hadn't done anything. “When are you gonna stop fighting her on everything? If both of you didn’t fight about every insignificant thing that happened you might actually be friends.” He said as he got his bag from the floor.  “It’s not my fault everything she does annoys the hell out of me.” I answered and got out of the car.  “Maybe because you always annoy her first?” He says as we start walking towards the school. It's not like it's all my fault.  “Don’t pull all the blame on me! It's her fault!” I stop and cross my arms expecting Chase to stop as well but he didn't.  ”I give up.” He said and walk off to his locker.  “What?” I yell after him not really expecting an answer. When I reach my locker across the hall of him.  Kate is already standing there waiting for me, as always. She had a hard time accepting that I broke up with her last year. Since I could sense my mate now I knew she wasn’t the one and dumped her. What was the point? With the haze coming soon I wanted to keep my eyes open. The thought of someone else screwing the s**t out of my mate instead of me pissed me off.  “Hi babe.” her annoying high pitched voice rang through the air and she kissed my cheek. “Kate, remember last year around during summer break when I broke up with you? That was real, not a dream.” I said bluntly not giving her another look.  “Seriously, can you just get over yourself and be mine through this haze?” She pleaded with her puppy eyes.  “What? You’re still gonna keep sleeping with other guys anyway so you don’t really need me Kate” I gave her a stern look that made it clear for her not to follow me and I walked away. Couldn’t she just find her mate and move on already. First class was math, why would I need this s**t anyway? I get it for the idiots that are going to college but my future is pretty set in stone. I learned more useful things at the packhouse and the meetings than I did this last year of school. Thankfully it would be over in three short months, just push through the last finals in about two months and then I was free of this place. Sure I was gonna miss it but I wanted to take my place as Alpha as soon as my dad stepped down, I was ready. There was only one issue.. my mate. The Alpha is stronger with a Luna by his side and I still hadn’t found my mate. Not that I would take over the pack as soon as we graduated but still. Having time with my mate before all the work took over would be nice. ***time jump*** Finally this day was over I thought as I walked out of the school towards the car. When I turned the corner of the parking lot I saw Hailey and Chase talking but when she saw me getting closer, gave me a look before hugging him and walking off to Josie.   “What was that all about?” I asked looking over at his sister as I walked up to him.  “Nothing, she just needed some money since she forget her wallet this morning” of course she did, she had him around her little finger.  "You are so whipped by her man. She give you the puppy eyes and you give her whatever she asks for.” I chuckled a little.  “Okay, so not true. I don’t always give her what she wants. You know that you can actually have a good relationship with your siblings right?” He knew he was hitting a nerve. I have, well had I guess, a big brother that left our pack when he turned 16. I was only 10 at the time and I never forgave him for leaving me. We used to be close, like Chase and Hailey was but it all changed when he left. He had found his mate and followed her blindly and after that I promised myself to not do that. Not that I had a choice anymore, with him gone I was next in line for the 'throne' of sort so I couldn't leave even if I wanted to.   “Whatever man, you spoil her.” it was true, Chase always caved to her will.  “Sometimes I think she’s an alpha or something cause it’s hard to go against her.” he confessed know it wasn't possible but still, she was a strong person.  “Maybe that’s why she keeps annoying the hell out of me.” I laughed and he joined in.  “oh, that would explain so much.” We both laughed even harder as we got in the car and drove home.
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