Respect is earned

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***Chase*** With Hailey’s birthday tomorrow I had joined forces with Joise for her party, cause let’s be honest if you are planning a party you want Joise by your side. We were at the packhouse ballroom setting things up and doing the last minute planning which is not my forte. Plus Josie is nice to look at, really nice and it keeps distracting me. I know she’s not my mate but with the haze closing in I’m tempted to give in just for a while. Josie: “So what do you think?” She pulled me back from my thoughts. Chase: “um.. oh yeah that sounds great.” Hoping she bought it. Josie: “Get your mind out off the gutter Chase! You’ve gotta focus.” Chase: “I’m focused, this whole planning thing isn’t really my thing. Just give me a list of what we’re still missing and I will go get that while you set everything up? I will help when I get back, I promise.” Josie: “Fine, but only because you are cute when you’re overwhelmed.” Cute? I was thinking more charming, sexy or handsome.. not cute. Chase: “I’m not cute, I’m not a dog or something.” I pouted.. Josie: “no, your still cute though. So we need more cups and chips cause this isn’t gonna be enough. The music system needs to be picked up before 5 if you don’t wanna wake up early as hell tomorrow to have time to set it up.” Chase: “I’ll pick it up after the store run. Anything else?” Josie: “many some more balloons and ooh! Can we have confetti cannons???” She jumped with excitement at the cannons. Chase: “I think I’m gonna regret that I’m about to say yes to the confetti but you’re scaring me a little right now.” Josie: “yey!! Oh it’s gonna be so awesome! She won’t know what hit her.” She clapped her hand in joy. Our attention was brought to the sound of Hailey’s voice ringing through the house. She was on a warpath and the main target being Ethan.. as usual. Josie mind-linked me to sneak off to the store and she would fix the room and hide it from Hailey. ***Josie***  When I heard Hailey’s voice being filled with anger I knew that Ethan had done something again. I was so sick of the two of them fighting and yelling all the time. I just hoped that they could have a trouse tomorrow or at least pretend to be nice to each other. I gave Chase a look and mind-linked him to head off to the store while I would lock the doors after him so Hailey wouldn’t find out about the party. I’m sure she knew we were planning something but nothing like this. We had invited all the nice people from school and the ‘cool’ or family part of the adults. Their parents had promised to get all the boring adults out of the ballroom at a decent hour so we could party for real. I lock the door and turn around to take in what a mess everything is and the thought of having to fix it all left me in a sour mood. Thankfully the light were already set up so that big issue wasn’t an issue. But blowing up all of the f*****g balloons for the net in ceiling was.. we already had bought about 100 but I wanted some with helium on strings around the room as well. Then I had to fix the balloons that said ‘Happy 16th birthday Hailey!’ That was gonna be up on the stage. So I kind of like balloons if you haven’t figured that out yet, just not the blowing them up part. Thankfully Chase is smarter than me and got a pump so I wouldn’t have to faint or something. When I was halfway through the balloons I hear Hailey’s voice again and this time she yelled ‘I hate you’ before storming out of the house. I was safe again, still the surprise party was intact. ***Hailey*** The days before my birthday seemed to fly by so fast yet everyday brought a new and more intense fight with Ethan. It was like he was trying to piss me off on purpose and doing a good job with it as well. So here I am, walking into the pack house ready to tear his smug little face off. I walked straight up the stairs and towards his room. Hailey: “How dare you? You’ve done some impeccably afoul thing before but this must take the price Ethan!” I was furious with him, he took things too far. Ethan: “What are you talking about princess?” He had that smirk on his face that was a mix of sexy and the devil himself. Wait did I just say sexy? What’s wrong with me? Hailey: “stop calling me that! I’m not some helpless little girl Ethan. I don’t need you to protect me, I can take care of myself.” He kept treating me like a damn kid! Ethan: “I know you can. I just don’t like it when dickheads are being extra shitty.” I always handled myself and he knew that, so why did he have to do this? Hailey: “Telling every single guy at school to stay away from me isn’t a good way to do it Ethan!” He had threatened most of the guys at school so every guy I tried to talk to this week ran away like I was a monster or something. I finally got a junior to tell me, I guess he was more scared of me than Ethan. Ethan: “Why do you care? We both know you’re waiting for your mate and after tomorrow you will know. I just took away the temptation.” Temptation? Really? Hailey: “You egotistical, crazy, possessive, piece of s**t! Did you ever think that I like talking to people? You have no right to do that!” Who does he think he is? Ethan: “I’m the Alpha remember, I can do whatever the f**k I want!” He took a step closer to me as if showing his superiority. Hailey: “you’re not alpha yet and honestly I don’t give a crap! An alpha is respected and that respect is earned. So earn yours!” I wasn’t backing down and he knew that I didn’t take his crap and I never would. Ethan: “I take what I want.” He was now only an inch away from me.. ***Ethan*** My day took a turn for the worse the moment I hear her footsteps coming up the stairs. I knew I had screwed up when I told the guys at school to stay away from her but I couldn’t just let them go on and on like they did. I always felt protective of her even if I didn’t show it. She bursted through my door, damn she looked hot when she was angry.. Hailey: “How dare you? You’ve done some impeccably afoul thing before but this must take the price Ethan!” I really did piss her off.. Ethan: “What are you talking about princess?” I smirked, I was gonna piss her off more often if you was gonna turn me on like this every time. Hailey: “stop calling me that! I’m not some helpless little girl Ethan. I don’t need you to protect me, I can take care of myself.” Oh I knew she wasn’t a kid since she turned fourteen if you get what I mean. Ethan: “I know you can. I just don’t like it when dickheads are being extra shitty.” I was telling the truth, they were acting like idiots and needed to be put their place. Hailey: “Telling every single guy at school to stay away from me isn’t a good way to do it Ethan!” I might have taken it a little too far if I’m being honest with myself, but I couldn’t take anyone saying thing like that about her. Ethan: “Why do you care? We both know you’re waiting for your mate and after tomorrow you will know. I just took away the temptation.” I didn’t want her to have any regret. Hailey: “You egotistical, crazy, possessive, piece of s**t! Did you ever think that I like talking to people? You have no right to do that!” Wow that was a first. She always stood up to me but she was crossing a line. Ethan: “I’m the Alpha remember, I can do whatever the f**k I want!” I took a step closer to her both wanting her closer to me and showing her I wasn’t taking her s**t. Hailey: “you’re alpha yet and honestly I don’t give a crap! An alpha is respected and that respect is earned. So earn yours!” She had never taken my crap before and I never wanted her to either. She kept me sane in a way, grounded. And I loves her for that. Wait? Love? Was I insane? Ethan: “I take what I want.” I took another step towards her and was now only an inch away from her face. I knew this is what I wanted and I was gonna take it but not yet. She needed to know that she wanted this as well first. Hailey: “Oh I hate you! I can’t wait until med school so I can finally get away from you!” She turned around and stormed out of the house but not before she once again yelled “I hate you!” And slammed the door behind her.
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