62. The challenging

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Over dinner, there were some pleasant moments, until they started to speak about the equity of roles. It was clear to Moon that he was just a man who could not see a woman for all she could be. If she was to think about it, there was no way he could ever speak about a woman, knowing her true potential, because he never met one, a real one, not one from his world. All he knew were the females of his world, who were raised more like pets, faithful servants, empty of personality and spiritless. When Moon got tired of the subject, he did not understand why she just stopped the conversation out of a sudden. Of course, he could not understand, because he was used to everyone dancing as he was singing! Well, she would not dance like that! -Speak! He asked her demanding, just using his king's authority voice. Moon smiled inside. He did not know her mother!! She was raised with that tone every day of her life, did he just try to intimidate her into pleasing him? Ha! So he was so unsure... -I speak when I am heard! Moon pretended she was interested more in the food rather than the conversation. He catch on to her little game and he did not feel like playing along with her. He had never met such a female like this one. So chill in front of him. -Are you not afraid that I could decide you are useless and I could execute you? She raised her looks and she appeared amused. -Are you serious? Of course, I am not afraid to be executed! -Are you not afraid for your life then? King Tor was puzzled. Moon thought for a while, before she could answer him. -You look so familiar... I was raised in the house of a king just as you. So everything you can do... I have already lived that. Dungeon? Cold and quiet place to play for us. Do you want to wipe me? That was only a small punishment for not doing our chores. Threats? Usual table talk. Because my king has already trained us all and there is no one soul who could hurt us. -You king is not here to protect you now. She smiled with confidence. -They will come for me. You will see. And when they come... I may have to find a reason for you not to be executed... His eyes narrowed on her. He surely did not like what she told him. He did not react impulsively this time. He was thinking about her words. Well, that was a first. -I can make you disappear before they come for you. -You can. Mon even thought about such a possibility. Her voice did not tremble but was still calm. But they would find out, eventually. And they will make you pay. -Really? I have made people vanish in thin air for less... -Less than speaking their mind at your request? Was she really challenging him? Did she really enjoy that? Because with every word she would say he would get angrier. And no matter how much he was trying to hide it, it kept gathering, and it kept threatening to erupt like a volcano. And she was continuing to push his buttons. She would not stop and she was not afraid of the consequences. -I did ask you to speak, did I not? The King just exhaled, trying to calm down. -Yes, you did. -Well, since you are here and you will be for a while... until I decide what to do with you... You will be serving me. She surely felt that rage inside because the color of her eyes went from cerulean blue to gray steel within seconds. She looked at the table that was set in front of her, trying to hide her eyes from him. But it was too late, for he had just seen what he wanted to know. -How do you want me to serve you? -My king. He looked at her correcting her addressing. She looked at him confused. He surely did not have the impression that he would just become her king... just like that?? NO! -My servants address me with... -You are not my king, and I am not your servant! -Are you really trying to defy me? His voice became threatening again, -No. I find it fair that I pay for my keep here, so I will serve you. But you are not my king. -I am everybody's king here. Ask anyone. -Not mine. I will address you by your rank, respectfully, as your rank requires, if you address me with just the same respect as my rank requires. Your Highness. She bowed her head, slightly, showing him some respect. But he did not seem to take the gesture too good. It was more as another challenge for him. -It is true. You do not know your place... The king whispered for himself and Moon did not like the look in his eyes. -I know my place is not here. And as soon as I will go home, you will be happy to live your life just as you like. -You should not be speaking without being asked from now on. -Then I will only tell you the lies you want to hear. He again, started to feel different, just like the day before, and the day before that. His features change. He was almost looking like he was in some kind of pain. But this time, Moon did not go to ask him what was wrong. She started to notice what was happening to him. She noticed the sweat from his forehead. His lips, trembling open, in hunger. He was feeling hungry and he was also feeling mad. Very mad. He was holding his right hand at his chest, like his heart was trying to get out of his chest and he wanted to just push it back inside. His body did not seem to listen to him much, and he was already busy trying to regain control over it and he was too trying to make sense from all she was saying. Could he, in these conditions? Could he, really make sense? -Do you need help? You look like you are in pain? The princess managed to ask him, almost against her own will. -I need you to mind your place and be quiet for once! He almost growled in a harsh tone, looking at her with such hate that scared her. He was surely out of control. His eyes were cold, his body tensed, and Moon could see his fingers grabbing the edge of the table and holding it so tight that the skin became white. He was very mad. His outburst scared her. Why was he like that? She must have triggered something in him, because right now, it looked like he was fighting with himself in his mind. She did not even dare to take a look inside his mind. He was scaring her. He was the man that was kind enough when he needed it and also cruel enough to make him unrecognizable. And when he could choose one face or the other, nobody knew. That was making him unpredictable and that was his power. people would fear him because they knew he could be the sweetest person in a moment, and in a few seconds, he could be 360 degrees going in the other direction. No one could understand his logic, and what people can not understand, they fear. And now he was mad because of a few words she said? That was incredibly childish. He was a grown-up man!! -You need to calm down, Moon tried to tell him. -You need to learn when to keep your mouth shut! She did not move. She just shut her mouth as he wanted her to. But he was not doing any better. He almost grabbed the table to support himself, and she just jumped from her seat to help him out. She grabbed his arm and tried to help him stand, when he just swept her away with a strong blow, right behind him, grabbing the table again. -I was just trying to help you... -I did not ask!! -No, you can just die and nobody would care! Of course you never ask! That is why you will have no people to care for you! You scare all away! -Do not confuse me with any from the world you come from! I am not that weakling you married, crying like a b***h and looking for friends to fight my fights! -I'd rather have him around as a friend, because he is not as a weakling as you think he is!! If he understood that he needs friends to beat you, then he is way wiser than you will ever be! HE is way better than you will ever be! He did not look like he was appreciating her words. Of course, he would not, who would? Moon knew she was hard on him, but she could not hold her tongue anymore. His way of seeing the others from his superior pillar was wrong. He was not a good king and f he ever thought she would call him "hers" he was really mistaken. He did not deserve that. She did not trust him and he was too unstable to matter. He could never make her call him "her king" because he was not worthy of the title. But she should be worried about him right now, because he was not looking too good. His anger was already out of control. He was already mad and out of control, so he just grabbed her shoulders, sinking his fingers into her skin, and threw her almost on the table, in front of him. -Then you will just have to learn why we can count on ourselves here! We do not need others to do our own work! -What are you doing? Moon panicked seeing him looking that mad and cold, with no trace of kindness in his eyes. He was capable of anything right in that moment and that was making her feel uncomfortable. -I am showing you your place!! The king ripped her shirt in front of her chest, leaving her skin bare in front of his eyes. -NO! You will not discipline me like that! She realized that she could not be a match for him. He was much stronger than her and she would surely lose anything she would try against him right now. So she just raised hear head, looking him straight in the eyes, and trying to put some sense inside of his head. -You are in my house! My rules apply here!! I can discipline you however I please! -No! She tried to escape him but he trapped her between his massive body who was already pressing hers against the table. I am untouched! You can not! Taken aback by her declaration, he stopped for a moment to look into her eyes, but he did not believe her. -You are married to that fool and he did not touch you?? Do you take me for an i***t?? His voice startled her. Her skin became pale. -Is true. I did not let him touch me. -And why is that a female does not please her man? -Because he is not the man I chose for me!! He looked at her confused. His mixed feelings were killing him. He growled and grabbed both her hands with one of his, putting them behind her. -You are hurting me! He did not listen to her. Instead, his right hand crawled under her pants, in between her legs, where he inserted two of his fingers inside of her, making her body almost convulse and her eyes widened. She lost her breath sensing his move inside of her. With her mouth opened, she found no more words to speak. And he was watching her every move, until he looked like he found what he wanted to know. He took his hand out of her, out of her pants, and looking at her he just inserted his two fingers inside his mouth. Satisfied to see her in shock. Confused. What was he doing?? -So you were not lying to me... he said still looking at her like a predator. She did not feel too safe in that position, but his figure did not seem that angry anymore. He seemed calmer. -I told you!
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