63. The claim.

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He seemed satisfied to see her in shock. She was also confused. What was he doing?? What did he want? He seemed so sure of himself. Moon was a novice to these kinds of games. She did have a lot of admirers but she did not let anyone touch her. How would this one be so daring? How dared he to touch her? There...? -So you were not lying to me... he said still looking at her like a predator. She did not feel too safe in that position, but his figure did not seem that angry anymore. But he did seem calmer. What a jerk! Was that a good thing? Moon was not sure so she answered him upset. -I told you! So let me go! I am a princess and don't you dare touch me like that again! He did not let go. He was holding there, still. With both her hands behind her back, in his strong hand, while his other hand was free to do whatever he wanted. He was obviously thinking about what he should do. She did not like that at all. She felt vulnerable, and she hated it. -Or what? He was defiant and challenging. He was waiting for the wrong move, was he not? He was daring her. But what did he want? What was he capable of? In that moment, Moon felt a rush of adrenaline. She needed to react. She needed to make him back off her. -You will not! She tried to regain some posture. Her head went up and her eyes were spitting fire. He did not seem to be afraid though. He even seemed amused? What was wrong with that man? -Why not? I am the king, after all. All that is here belongs to me. -I do not belong to you!! -So what will stop me taking you right now for myself, for your insolence? -Because you had a mother too! Because you may have had a female to like and care for you sometime. This is what we are! Not some bodies to satisfy men when they feel like it! -But this is what you are! -Yeah, you said so! Useless females! Who give nothing to men, but only headaches and more mouths to feed! I have heard that before, but you are wrong! All of you!! If you would look in the mirror, you would see that you only exist because of the sacrifice a female did to bear you inside her body! To suffer the pain to give birth to you and still love you with all the hurt and the pain that you have cost her!! Instead of treasuring your women, you call them useless! You are the useless ones! -Men put food on your table so you can feed! -I do not need a man to put food on my table, for I can put my own food on my own table!! -You need a man to clothe you and keep you warm at night, building a shelter for you! -I can build my own shelter, I do not need a man to do that for me! -You need a man to keep you safe when you can not protect yourself, obviously then, is it not? The words he spoke were followed by his body who almost slammed into hers, pushing her body with his own against the table and almost hurting her back. Moon tried to swallow her tears because the pain was not what she wanted him to see right now. She needed to be strong and not afraid of him. She was feeling his breath on her face while he was speaking to her and that alone was making him so scary and ... somehow... he was definitely close... too close to her body for her own taste. It was not bad, but it was not right either. That felt confusing. He seemed strong enough to attract her but he was too... much for her! This man had no limits!! He did not make her feel safe at all. -I do not need a man to protect me! She managed to speak in a low voice, swallowing hard. -So where is that weakling now to protect you when you obviously can not defend yourself right now? -I will defend myself when you let go of me! Let... me... go!! She tried to raise her voice but he did not seem impressed. -You can not defend! Do you know why? He stopped in the middle of his words to sniff her hair. Because you are a female that needs a man to defend her!! But your man is not here, so what will stop my men from taking you by force? -They will not!! -No? Ohh... Do you think they will be impressed by your untouched situation? The king smiled mockingly. -I do not need a man to defend me! And he is not my man! I will only belong to the man I would choose! -You got it wrong, princess! Females do not get to choose men here, we choose the females! -Well, I say no! Thank you! He still looked at her. Unbelievable! She did not understand the position she was in here, did she? She was trouble, that one. She came in here, behaving like a princess, even asking to be treated as one? She was a FEMALE!!! Just what did she think she was?? -You don't get it, do you? -No! I do not need to get what you think is your way and that is only what you are willing to see! Others have other perspectives, you know? You can learn a thing or two from a "female" too! -Too bad, you seem smarter! The king turned her with her front against the table this time. He almost slammed her into the table, pressing her chest on it. -What? Stop, what are you doing? -Showing you your place, of course! -You can not do that!! -Of course, I can! This is my house! My rules! And is time for you to learn that! -No! You will not dare! I do not allow you to... -Allow me?? Hahaha!!! You do not allow me?? Of course I will dare! This is my home, my rules! -I don't belong to your home! So I do not need to follow your rules!! -Exactly! So I... Will make you belong then... The king pulled her pants down, and pressed her back toward the table, positioning himself between her legs. Moon felt his member hard against her entrance, throbbing. -No, I said no! You do not... She tried to get up but he pushed her back on the table. He grabbed her by the waist and slammed into her with all his length, almost taking her air and making her gasp for air. It hurt. Feeling him inside hurt. She felt him filling her, she felt him deep, she felt him so hard. He felt so strong. He was pressing her hard against the table and she could feel the measure of him wanting her. So hard. -I say my rules!!! And I ...am giving you... your... place... Between his words, his thrusts and her sighs, she could not see him behind her. He was looking like a starving man, who just found food for the first time in months. His eyes were closed, his breathing was irregular. He grabbed her body as he would never let go, and he was thrusting like she was the last female left in the world. He had women before, but this one... this one was made for him, and his body was acting like it was recognizing hers. She was so tight for him, she was squeezing him inside, but she was adjusting his size. He knew he was her first and it probably hurt her in the beginning, but now she would start to feel him right and acknowledge him as her man. And all she wanted was for him to get out of her. She did not know for how long he just put it in and pulled it out of her. She lost track of time. All she knew was she wanted him out of her body and she was trying to stay put and endure that pain so he would stop faster. She just wanted him to stop feeling him inside her. He did not ask if she was alright. He only finished inside her, and got out of her body, pulling his pant up and leaving her to hang on over the table. He sat right in front of her, on his chair, as it was all normal. He wanted to have dinner just like that?? He put meat on his plate and only then looked at her. -You belong to me now. I claim you as my female. Now sit down and join me for dinner like my good female. Moon could not move. She said nothing to him and did not look at him. Her legs would not listen to her. Her brain seemed damaged. She could not move. He had to grab her arm and almost throw her in the chair next to him. Falling on her butt, even sitting hurt her. She grabbed her belly with her hand, hoping he would not notice. The grimace of pain from her face, did not go unnoticed though. He must have seen it, even though she tried to hide it. She could not hide it. Tears started to fall on her cheeks. She could not even look at him and she did not feel like talking to him. She did not feel like eating. She did not want to be there with him, in front of him. She wanted her mother to come faster, her brothers, her father. She wanted to feel their arms, their warmth, their love. But they were not there. She wanted to die. No, she wanted to kill him. Yes, she will have to kill him for what he did to her. So if she could not run away from him, she could as well die, because she did not want to live anymore. -I said, eat, woman! "Woman", that was the way her father was calling her mother. She missed them, she wanted them to be here and kill this infatuated king for touching her like that. She did not feel like eating. And the king was watching. -No? Fine. A few days in the dungeons might make you change your mind then. Her clothes were all ripped apart, so he took her to the room where he took the dirty ones the Saints gave her in the first place. The clothes she was wearing when he captured her. What a bad day. He dragged her into the nice room and she thought he was going to let her stay there. But she was wrong. He only came here to throw her the dirty clothes. She put them on without any more comments. He himself dragged her back into the dungeon and threw her inside of that dark cell, to teach her that he had the power over her, not the other way around. She wanted to go back into her room, and hide herself in that big bed, under the covers. Never to see the sky again. -And don't imagine that you will not comply with your serving me daily! You are my female now and your job is to please your man! When he saw she said nothing, he left. The door behind him got closed and the locks were heard. With every day that passed, she was feeling more and more demotivated and did not want to waste any more energy to move. She felt like she did not need to live anymore either. What for? She would not be his puppet, to please him anytime he would see fit. But that he was. that she became. That was not how she had imagined her being with her man to be. She did not want it like that. She did not want him. Moon was feeling dirty. Se did not even get the chance to wash herself after him, and his manly smell was still on her. She hated it.

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