Chapter 19

1191 Words
August sat beside Joshua’s bed; Joshua’s breathing was the only sound in the room. As the night wore on, August’s resolve strengthened. After Joshua’s father’s death, he became a totally different person, hiding his emotions, not eating properly, growing duller with each passing day. August couldn’t bear to see the person he loved in such pain. Every night, Joshua had nightmares and wept in his sleep. August knew he needed to find a way to help Joshua heal, to lift him from this abyss of sorrow.The next morning, Joshua woke to the smell of fresh coffee and the sight of August holding a tray of breakfast. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a rare sight in recent days.”Morning,” August said, turning around with the tray. “I made your favorite breakfast, gege, but don’t know how it’ll taste. Eat it and tell me immediately.”Joshua sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.”You didn’t have to do all this,” he said, his voice still husky from sleep.”I wanted to,” August replied, setting the tray down in front of him. “You need to eat, ge. It’s not good for you to skip meals. Don’t act like a child; eat it. And today, we’re going out. Just you and me.”Joshua looked up, surprised. “Out? Why? Where?” “Anywhere you want. Just a day to forget about everything else,” August said, his eyes soft as he held Joshua’s hand and caressed it.Reluctantly, Joshua agreed. After breakfast, they set out on what would become a day of small joys and quiet healing. They walked through the park, the sun filtering through the trees, casting a warm glow on their path. They visited a little café they used to frequent, their favorite spots bringing back memories that made Joshua smile despite himself.In the afternoon, August took Joshua to the beach. The sound of the waves and the vastness of the ocean seemed to wash away some of the heaviness that had settled in Joshua’s heart. They sat on the sand, side by side, watching the sun dip below the horizon. “Thank you, August,” Joshua said quietly, turning to look at him, feeling relaxed and light after experiencing these beautiful scenes with the person he loved. “ For what” August asked “For coming back, for everything,” Joshua said, gazing into August’s eyes.August took Joshua’s hand, squeezing it gently. “You don’t have to thank me. I love you, Joshua Smith. We’ll get through everything together.” Days turned into weeks, and August’s unwavering support and love began to make a difference. He was patient, never pushing Joshua to talk but always there when Joshua needed him. Slowly, the shadows in Joshua’s eyes began to lift. The burden he carried became lighter as he leaned more on August, trusting him with his pain and his heart. Three months had passed since August helped Joshua climb out of his sorrow, and the transformation was remarkable. Joshua had become lively and energetic, his laughter and genuine smiles a testament to the healing love August had given him. Though Joshua still remembered his parents on every occasion, the memories were now tinged with warmth rather than pain.Their love blossomed, its fragrance spreading everywhere they went. The bond between them grew stronger, evident in every tender glance and shared moment.One of the happiest occasions was the wedding of their friends, Mark and Alexander. Despite their rocky start and initial rivalry, the couple’s love story had evolved into a beautiful, inspiring romance. The wedding was set in a stunning garden venue, adorned with blooming flowers and twinkling fairy lights.As the ceremony began, Joshua and August stood among the guests, watching with joy as Mark walked down the aisle, radiant in his suit. Alexander, waiting at the altar, looked at him with pure, unfiltered love. The atmosphere was filled with an overwhelming sense of happiness and love.When the pastor announced, “You may kiss now,” Alexander held Mark by the waist and kissed him gently showcasing their love. Joshua felt a surJoshof emotion, tears welling up as he remembered his own wedding. Though it hadn’t been his choice at the time, it was one of the most important moments of his life, cherished deeply.August noticed Joshua’s tears and leaned in, his voice filled with concern. “What happened? Are you alright?” Joshua nodded, a soft smile on his lips. “Yes, it’s just seeing them so happy made me emotional. Their smiles are so pure, reflecting their hearts.” August looked at the newlyweds, their faces alight with joy. The atmosphere buzzed with love as everyone cheered. He understood what Joshua had missed. Suddenly, August stood up and took Joshua’s hand, pulling him towards the staJoshwhere Alexander and Mark stood. Surprised, Joshua followed. August took the microphone, his voice clear and steady as he addressed the crowd. “Hello everyone, I have an announcement. I’m marrying my love right here, right now, in this aisle.” He glanced at Alexander and Mark, smiling apologetically. “I’m sorry for stealing your spotlight, but my husband deserves his moment too. When we first got married, I was in love. But now, we are both in love, and I want to make this moment special.” August knelt down, his voice filled with love and emotion. “Joshua Smith, will you accept this spoiled brat into your life?” August asked his eyes shining with emotions The crowd erupted in cheers, shouting, “Say yes!” Joshua, looking around at the joyful faces, turned back to August and nodded. “Yes, I will, because I love that brat.” Their friends cheered even louder as the pastor stepped forward to help them exchanJoshvows. They kissed, the gesture gentle yet passionate, brimming with the love they held for each other. Alexander stepped forward, teasing them. “Okay, okay, you can continue after going home!” Everyone laughed, and Joshua’s cheeks flushed red with shyness.Alexander playfully hit August. “And that’s revenJoshfor stealing our spotlight!” August grinned and hugged Alexander, the two couples then posing for a photoshoot to capture these remarkable memories.The photoshoot was a flurry of joy and laughter, each snapshot a testament to the love and happiness shared among friends. The newlyweds, Mark and Alexander, stood arm in arm with August and Joshua, their smiles bright and genuine.Later, as the sun set and the fairy lights began to twinkle, August and Joshua found a quiet moment to themselves. They stood under the canopy of lights, watching their friends dance and celebrate. “Thank you for today,” Joshua said softly, leaning into August. “You made it even more special.” August kissed Joshua’s forehead tenderly. “I just wanted you to know how much I love you, now and always.” As they held each other close, they knew their journey together was just beginning. The future was bright, filled with promise and endless possibilities. With their love as their guiding light, they knew they could face anything together.
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