Chapter 18

975 Words
The hospital room was shrouded in a heavy silence, only the rhythmic beeping of the machines heard. Joshua sat by his father’s bed, holding his hand, his heart heavy with worry and sorrow. He was half asleep when he felt a slight movement in his father’s hand Joshua looked up, his eyes wide. Mr. Smith slowly opened his eyes, his gaze settling on his son. He smiled; a warm and loving smile, as if he wanted to capture Joshua’s face in his memory forever. “Father, you are finally awake. You made me so worried,” Joshua said, his voice trembling. “Joshua, you’re such a great son. I’m proud of you,” Mr. Smith whispered, his voice barely audible. Standing beside Joshua, August watched the tender moment between father and son. Mr. Smith’s eyes found August, and he gestured for him to come closer. August stepped forward, bending down to listen to Mr. Smith’s faint voice. “Yes, Uncle, I’m here,” August replied softly. “Take care of Joshua for me. He loves you so much. Don’t let him grieve alone,” Mr. Smith said, his words coming out in a strained whisper. Just as he finished speaking, the beeping of the machines grew louder and more erratic. Mr. Smith’s hand slipped lifelessly from Joshua’s grasp, and the lines on the monitor went flat. Panic surged through the room as doctors and nurses rushed in, but it was too late. Mr. Smith had passed away. “I’m sorry, your father is no more,” the doctor said and left the room. Tears filled Augusts’ eyes as he turned towards Joshua, enveloping him in a tight hug. “I’m sorry Joshua“August whispered, his voice breaking. Joshua, though visibly shaken, gently pushed August back. “We have to do the required process for further procedure,” he said, his voice steady but hollow. He left the room to make the necessary arrangements, leaving August stunned by his composed demeanor. August took out his phone and dialed his mother’s number. “Hi Mom,” he said, his voice cracking. “August, are you alright?” she asked, concern evident in her tone. “Mom, Uncle has left us,” he replied, struggling to hold back his tears. “Oh August, calm down. You have to take care of Joshua. He needs you right now,” she said gently. August nodded, even though she couldn’t see him. “I will, Mom. Promise,” he said, he resolved to be there for Joshua in this moment of profound loss. The atmosphere of Mr. Smith’s funeral was thick with the scent of incense and the quiet murmur of condolences. August diligently oversaw all the arrangements, ensuring everything was in place. Joshua, despite his heavy heart, stood at the entrance, welcoming people and thanking them for their kind gestures. Mr. And Mrs. Black arrived, their faces etched with sorrow. Joshua welcomed them with a forced smile. Mr. Black enveloped him in a tight hug, whispering consoling words before moving inside to greet other guests. “Joshua, are you alright?” Mrs. Black asked, her heart aching for him. “Yes, Mom, don’t worry,” he replied, his voice devoid of emotion. “Son, we’re family. You don’t have to feel alone,” she said, patting his cheek gently. Joshua only nodded the weight of his grief evident in his eyes. “Let’s go inside Aunt, Mark said softly, coming up from behind and taking Mrs. Black by the arm. They moved inside, leaving Joshua at the entrance. Everything proceeded as planned, but a silent worry loomed over everyone about Joshua. He moved through the motions like a statue, his face a mask of stoic composure, betraying no emotion. As the funeral drew to a close and the last of the guests departed, only the family remained, sitting together in the quiet room. Mrs. Black looked at Joshua with deep concern. “August, take Joshua home to rest. He must be exhausted,” Mrs. Black said, her eyes never leaving Joshua, August nodded and approached Joshua. “Son, we’re here now. Go take some rest and try to calm down. We know it’s not easy for you, but I’m sure your parents would want you to be happy and move on with your life,” Mrs. Black said gently. Joshua looked at her, his eyes filled with a sadness that words could not express. He nodded slowly, allowing August to guide him out. They walked towards the home that had been left lonely for a while, its emptiness now a painful reminder of the loss they had suffered. The silence between them was heavy as they entered the house Joshua fell on the couch as he can’t feel his body giving more support. August looked at Joshua, his heart breaking as he saw the pain in his lover’s eyes. He came and sat next to him. “Joshua, you don’t have to go through this alone. I’m here for you,” he said softly, hugging him. Joshua nodded, his eyes staring blankly ahead. “Thank you, August,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. Joshua’s grip tightened around Augusts’ waist as he started to cry, like a child who had been holding back for too long. “Cry it out, Love. I can’t stand to see you like this. Let it all out,” August said, gently patting the back of his head. Joshua continued to cry, melting into August’s embrace, releasing all his pent-up stress until he eventually fell asleep in August’s arms. August carefully carried him to the bedroom, laid him down, and pulled the sheets over him. He sat beside him, watching over him. “I’ll try my best to help you forget this sorrow, Love,” he murmured, waiting to see what would happen next.
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