Chapter 4

851 Words
The morning sunlight gently filled the room Joshua slowly opened his eyes, emerged from embrace of sleep. He stretched his limbs blinking away to the sleep feeling fresh after a restful night sleep. But his serenity soon interrupted as his gaze shifted at other side of bed where August was sleeping peacefully he looked at his calm face. (“If someone doesn’t know you they will exactly thought you are the kindest person in this world”) A wave of emotions washed over him he left the bed, took a moment to collect his thoughts and went for a shower. Joshua step out of bathroom after a fresh shower the droplets of water on his body glistening in the light like tiny diamonds he went towards the window and opened it the air filled with a delicate scent of lavender, creating a calm atmosphere despite the tension that hangs in the air he take a deep breath like trying to fill his mind with this calm sent. At the other end of the room August was sitting on the bed leaning on the pillows his gaze was intently at Joshua filled with lots of emotions tracing every moment he watch, it’s a pleasant morning for him. Joshua continuously looking outside the window captivated by beauty of nature when he suddenly interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He took the phone from side table a beautiful smile touched his lips when he looked at the screen he picked the call walk towards the window “Hey, good morning” Joshua said “Morning, how are you doing” Mark asked “I’m fine only missing my baby” he said teasing “Don’t baby me, you jerk its cringe” Mark replied “Ok then my love” he laughed loudly the whole room filled with his laughter “Let’s do breakfast together” he said “Don’t you have to do it with your husband” Mark asked concerned “No need, so breakfast at your favorite place” he said and hung up the call August was continuously watching Joshua, he was feeling a strange emotion he wants to know to whom Joshua was talking so sweetly, his tone was polite and there is not a point of hate or anger here many questions arose in his mind again (who he was talking? Is he the one he loved?) Joshua put the phone at the table totally ignoring August as he even exist and went towards the closet he choose a grey suite and dressed up he looked very elegant and charming. He picked up his stuff and walk towards the door but stopped by Augusts’ voice “Where are you going” he asked Joshua don’t want a dispute early morning “I asked you something, can’t you answer” August said angrily “Yes I can, but I don’t think it’s necessary to tell you everything” Joshua said sarcastically “I only asked you where are you going but you are being a jerk, is it that difficult to answer it, huh” August yelled “You know August, I don’t want to talk to you I have to go somewhere now” Joshua said trying to gather his patience “Who is he that you want to meet so badly” August came and step in front of him sneered “Is that why you don’t want to marry me, he is the reason” August shouted Joshua clenched his fists “Can you stop it for hell sake” Joshua said and walked downstairs “Everything other is more important than me, you speak so nicely to him and can’t even talk to me” he shouted and came after him “Ask yourself you bastard, you always thought you are the master but everyone has their freedom” Joshua looked in his eyes and shouted he has lost his temper “So that bastard is pleasant angel” August pulled from arm, he was about to say more when Joshua yelled “Stop it now you are behaving likes a bastard now” Joshua yelled August pulled him and kissed him, his hands holding Joshua from neck, he was astonished by his action for a moment, Joshua filled with anger he pushed August away and stormed out. August felt rage he throw everything from the table where he was standing he sat on the couch to catch his breath it is hard for him to breathe because of anger. After a while he went upstairs took a cold shower trying to calm himself and dressed up. He took the phone and called Alexander who pick at first ring “Hay what’s up” he asked “Let’s meet I’ve something I need your help with” August said “Is everything alright” Alexander asked concerned “Yes, I’ve someone to deal with, let’s meet I’ll tell you then” he said and hung up. “You are mine, and will be mine always” he smirked and left walk outside.
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