Chapter 5

1383 Words
Augusts’ footsteps echoed through the polished marble floors of the upscale restaurant as he entered, accompanied by his close friend, Alexander. It had been a long and frustrating day for August because of a heated argument with Joshua. Thoughts of the bitter words exchanged between them clouded his mind casting a shadow of disturbance over him. As August scanned the room, his gaze fell upon on Joshua sitting at a table near the window his back was towards them, sitting beside him was Mark his face adorned with a wide smile and was holding Joshua’s hand. Alexander looked at the boy who is sitting beside Joshua his smile was angelic, he was staring at him continuously stunned by his beauty and innocence, on the other hand a knot tightened in Augusts’ chest as his tired mind jumped to worst conclusions. The sight of Joshua seemingly happy and at ease with someone else ignited a storm of jealousy within him. A mix wave of anger, betrayal, and fear churned inside him. Unable to control his emotions, August assumed the worst. Many questions raced through his mind, each one more painful than the last. What had he done to deserve this? Why Joshua can’t behave like that with him? His warm features now changed into anguish, he came forward and slammed his hand on the table and leaned towards him. The room buzzed with whispers as people turned their attention towards the unfolding drama. All eyes were on August now, adding to his already spiraling emotions. “So that was your important work early today” he asked Joshua while pointing at Mark with a fierce glare “It’s nothing to do with you so please leave here don’t create a scene” Joshua said trying not to attract others anymore “It’s nothing to do with me? You are my husband and everything about you is my concern” August yelled “I’ll never let you do this with me” he said “It’s not what you think” Mark tried to explain “Then what it is?”August leaned toward him eyes filled with wrath Mark’s body shivering under his fierce gaze it felt like he will kill Mark with his eyes “We are …”his voice was shivering and words were chocked in his throat. “Mark no need to explain” Joshua said in angry tone “But you owe me explanation,” August said sarcastically “I never owe you anything, you bastard” Joshua walk past him August grabs his wrist and pulled him over Joshua hit with his chest August looked in his eyes” you are leaving now with me”. “I’m not and you can’t force me” he pushed August Mark came between them tried to throw his fear away for a moment to help his friend “Let me be clear, Mr. Black, that is not what you are implying. Please sit down and talk.” “You are the reason behind all this, let me tell you can’t come between us I’ll kill you” August shouted like a mad man Mark felt scared his eyes filled with tears and his rosy face became yellow. Alexander was standing still watching all the time but now the situation is out of control he came forward, grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Enough of your madness, let’s get out of here. August pushed Mark furiously he fell from the shock and stormed out with after him Joshua caught Mark quickly His arm was bleeding because it bumped on the side of table “Are you okay” he asked in a hoarse voice holding his arm “Don’t worry, it’s only a scratch” Mark said forcing a smile “I’m sorry, it’s all because of me” Joshua said embarrassed he helped him stand up and they leave the place. They were at Mark’s place sitting in the living room Joshua was bandaging his wound he seems embarrassed and hurt “By the way, your husband is really crazy” Mark said “I felt like he really will kill me it’s terrifying, lets calm down I’ll bring something to drink” Mark went to bring drinks Joshua leaned to the couch eyes closed Mark put everything on table and sat beside him. Suddenly, Joshua’s phone begins to ring, Joshua glances at the screen and sees that it’s Augusts’ mother calling. He picked up immediately the call the latter talk “Hi, Joshua I hope I’m not disturbing anything. I called August but he didn’t picked, where is he?” “Hi mother, how are you” he counter questioned to avoid her question “I’m fine, Is everything alright, Joshua”? “Yes, mother he went for an important meeting that’s why he didn’t picked your call don’t worry”. “I just wanted to let you know we’re having a party this Saturday and thought you both have to come. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you two, and I’m getting a bit concerned about your relationship. I hope everything is alright.” Joshua was surprised by Mrs. Black’s concern he tries to maintain his composure. “I’ll tell him mother, as for our relationship, there’s no need to worry. We’re happy and doing well”. “I’m glad to hear that. But please remember that relationships need nurturing and attention. You two have always been great, and don’t let anything come between you. Just think about it, okay” “You are the mature one in this relationship and I trust you’ll keep it forever”. Her voice mix of concern and trust “I’ll try my best mother, see you soon” Joshua ends the call and sets the phone aside. The room falls silent for a moment he process the unexpected conversation “She is really concerned about you two” Mark said “She has always been kind and caring. And she knows us very well that are why she reminds us that relationships take effort. She loves us that are why she is worried”. “So you will go with him” Mark asked “Yes, I have to for mother’s happiness “he sighed and drink the wine in one go. “I have to go now; you took care of yourself and call if you need my help”. He passed a warm smile and left there ……………………………………………………………… In a dimly lit bar August and Alexander was sitting at a corner table he was drinking like a mad man trying to drowning his anger, Alexander tried his best to persuade him to calm down but he was drinking heavily emptying one glass after other. “August stop this for goodness sake, you are already drunk” Alexander took glass from his hand “Alexander I want Joshua only for me, take away Mark far from Joshua, keep him far from us” August slammed his glass on table “August, calm down doesn’t he told you he is only a friend he will not come between you”. He placing a hand on Augusts’ shoulder “But I can’t tolerate any one who Joshua consider over me its drive me crazy” he said bitterly Augusts’ anger burned in his eyes as he recalled the memories of that morning. Alexander continued trying to soothe him, attempting to bring reason into the heated conversation. “I know you feel threaten but don’t let your jealousy ruin everything, trust Joshua he treasure your relationship it’s only that he is in anger now”. “Will you do it for me or should I do it myself” he asked ignoring Alexander’s reason and takes another swig from his glass. “August don’t do anything in a rush, first talk to Joshua and after we’ll do something about this, now stop drinking it will not solve any problems. “Alright, do what you can, Alexander. But this situation needs to be resolved. I can’t keep feeling this way”. August sighed heavily “I promise August, we’ll find a way to release your concerns now we should leave”.
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