Chapter 10

734 Words
As Mark left, Joshua was left alone, confused with mixed emotions. He let out a sigh and went to get some drink. He took the oldest wine from the bar and again sat there, pouring himself a glass. He downed it in one go, the bitter taste barely registering as it burned down his throat. His heart was burning more, so it was not enough to console it. He poured himself another glass, and then another, drinking until the world around him became a blur. He wants to let go of these emotions—sadness, guilt, and everything—he wants to forget all of this. He got so drunk that the alcohol numbed his senses and drifted him back to the time when everything was alright, when he was a playful child, carefree from every type of responsibility or burden under the love of his parents. He could see his mother patting his hand, tears falling down his eyes as they were in the cage for eternity. "I miss you mom, this world is so cruel," he said, hiccupping. He felt his mother's soft touch at his head. "You know, he was my best friend that I never wanted to lose but everyone changed as you left me alone with this cruel world. I never complain about being alone but I always cried a lot alone when kids were mocking me that I have no mother to take care of me." The noise of hiccups echoed in the room, there was no one there to calm him down. "August, I felt he understood me after you, he was the one I want to take care of. I want to be successful to get him everything he wants. I want him to be with me as we were but he changed, he ruined everything my love, my passion, my dream, everything." "I'm crying; I also cried that day when you left. I cried river after that. I cried when I lost my chance to achieve my goals, my dreams. I feel sad mom," he curled on the couch as if lying on his mom's lap. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August took the cake from the car that he bought for Joshua. As he entered, he heard hiccups. It felt as if his heart tore apart at the view in front. He felt his hands numb, his grip lightened, and the cake slipped from his hand and hit the floor. He ran towards Joshua who was still crying yelling "Don't go mom, please don't leave me alone". He cupped his face with both hands, looking at him drunk. He tapped his face lightly, trying to wake him up. "Joshua, what have you done with you? What happened to you? Why are you so much drunk?" August asked in concern. Joshua slightly opened his eyes with so much effort, looking at him in the eyes, trying to touch his face. "Don't ask me, you already knew it. You are the reason, August, at least leave me alone in my dreams," Joshua yelled, but his voice is slow because of the impact of alcohol. He was looking straight into Augusts’ eyes; he felt strange. The look in Joshua's eyes made him feel guilty. He felt a pang of pain in his chest as if someone has thrown bricks in it. "Leave me alone, I don't need you. I trusted you but you made me a laughing stock in everyone's eyes. Please leave me and don't show me your face again," he pushed August with all his might. August was looking at him in distrust, he has no words to say, and he felt his body numb and pain in his heart. He composed himself and got up, leaning towards Joshua. "Okay, let me take you to the room," he lifted Joshua bridal style and went upstairs. It feels like this way is long enough for him as he suddenly felt tired. He entered the room, laid him on the bed, and went towards the closet with heavy feet. He took Joshua's clothes, cleaned him with a wet cloth, and changed his clothes. He set sheets on him and left the room. He came down and sat on the couch, took the notepad, wrote something on it, and left it on the table. "I'm sorry, Josh," he left the house with a heavy heart as Joshua's words echoed in his mind.
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