Chapter 14

1410 Words
It had been three weeks since August left, and every corner of Joshua’s life echoed his presence. Every smile, every gesture, every shared moment lingered like a haunting melody. Joshua missed Augusts’ care, his teasing, and the way he made him feel valued. As the saying goes, “We value things when we lose them,” Joshua now understood the profound truth behind these words. Exhausted from a busy day and burdened by his thoughts, Joshua slumped in his office chair, surrounded by piles of files. He tried to focus, but his mind refused to cooperate. A knock on the door pulled him from his reverie. “Yes, come in,” he said wearily, rubbing his temples. Alexander and Mark entered the room. Mark walked over and enveloped him in a tight hug. “It’s been a while, hmm?” Mark said softly. Joshua managed a small smile. “Yeah, how are you doing?” “We’re fine. What about you?” Alexander asked, shaking Joshua’s hand before they all settled on the couch. “We’re here to talk about something I think you know what it is,” Alexander began, hesitating. Joshua’s eyes filled with hurt, the fear of losing something forever lurking just beneath the surface. “Actually, it’s been weeks since the lawyer gave you the papers. Now it’s time to make your decision. It’s best for both of you,” Alexander continued gently. “So, he doesn’t want to come back?” Joshua asked, his voice tinged with agony. “I don’t know what to tell you, but I advise you to make a decision. You can’t go on like this all your life,” Alexander replied. “Can you tell me where he is?” Joshua asked, his voice almost a whisper. “I know, Joshua, but I’m sorry. I’m bound to promise,” Alexander said, standing up. Mark followed him “Joshua, you’re brave enough to get through this. Remember to listen to your heart first,” Mark said, attempting to cheer him up. “Now, we have to go. Take care of yourself.” he added as they left the office. Joshua watched them go, their words echoing in his mind. Alone once more, he stared at the divorce papers on his desk, feeling the weight of the decision that lay ahead. Joshua opened the drawer and retrieved the file inside. It was the first time he had dared to look at it. Inside, he found a note. Josh, “I have signed the papers. Everything that is needed will be done by my lawyer. You don’t have to burden yourself. I have hurt you, and I am so embarrassed that maybe I can never build the courage to face you again. You are a free bird now, free from this hurting cage take care of yourself.” August Joshua crumpled the letter in his fist and threw it on the desk. The pain of Augusts’ words pierced him deeply, igniting a fire of hurt. In a fit of rage, he threw all the files from his desk onto the floor. “Mike!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the office. Mike opened the door, and his eyes widened in surprise at the mess. In all his years working with Joshua, he had never seen him so agitated. “What happened sir.” He asked concerned “Take care of this yourself. Cancel all my meetings this week,” Joshua ordered pointing at the mess, storming out before Mike could respond. Mike stood there, stunned, as Joshua disappeared down the hallway, leaving chaos in his wake. The office felt silent without the usual hum of activity, the crumpled letter on the desk a stark reminder of the turmoil Joshua was enduring. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark and Alexander were on their way back home when Alexander’s phone rang. He took a peek at the screen and saw it was Mrs. Black calling. “Hello, Aunt. How are you?” Alexander greeted warmly. “I’m good, Alexander. Do you have some time?” Mrs. Black’s voice sounded slightly anxious. “Yes,” he replied, glancing at Mark. “Come home for dinner. I have something to talk with you.” “Aunt, Mark is with me. Is it okay if I bring him along?” Alexander asked. “Sure, it’s totally fine,” she replied. “I’ll wait for you.” “We’ll be there soon,” Alexander said, ending the call and turning to Mark. “Mrs. Black wants us to come over for dinner. She has something to discuss.” Mark nodded With a shared understanding, they redirected their route toward Mrs. Black’s home, both curious and concerned about what she wanted to talk about. As they entered the house Mrs. Black was sitting in the living room waiting for them, she stood up and welcome them she hugged Alexander and her eyes filled with tears. Alexander is like her second son that understands her respects her and lover her because he was an orphan so Mr. and Mrs. Black treats him as their own son. He holds her gently in an assuring hug. “What happened aunt, why are you so upset?” he asked worried “How can I not be upset my family is going too scattered, how can I face my friend in heavens.” She was crying continuously Alexander held her hand and helped her sit on the couch Mark sat beside her. “Don’t worry ma’am everything will be alright.” Mark tried to calm her “I can’t see my children doing something that will hurt them for eternity.” she looked at Alexander “Do something you both know them you are their friends, talk to them to understand each other” she was pleading that hurts both of them “Aunt they have made their choice, we had tried hard” Alexander seems helpless he wanted to do some spell and fix everything in a snap but time is king he can’t do it “But they love each other and I can see the pain in both of their eyes they are not happy with this decision. Joshua wanted to meet August to settle everything, help him. He asked me for help to sort everything with August the misunderstandings between them”. “But August thought it was just a timely thing because I told Joshua the truth that’s why he felt sorry that’s not love it’s a minor timely emotion”. Alexander explained “No I can see the hurt and longing in his eyes its love and only love, and also it’s been weeks if it was a timely emotion it has been gone a long time ago. They can’t be happy without each other.” “I’d called you because I want you to help Joshua meet August and solve all their misunderstandings. Do something to clear this situation, I’ll always be your debtor for this” tears falling down a mother was pleading for children’s happiness “Do make me feel embarrassed, I’m also your son don’t worry I’ll do something about it.” He held her hands and gently pressed it as an assuring gesture and stood up. “We have to go now I’ll definitely do something don’t worry” he hugged her again. “But dinner is almost ready stop for some more time”. “We’ll definitely stop next time, today I have something important to do, so I’m sorry”. He replied She then turned to Mark” I know you are best friend with Joshua take care of him”. She smiled “And Alexander you take care of him don’t worry me as those fools” she made a joke that surprised them because except August and Joshua no one knows about their relationship “Aunt how do you…” Alexander hesitated “I told you I’m a mother and can read everything in children’s eyes, your eyes tell you love him every time you look at him, come here” she took both of them in a warm hug “Take care of each other and always trust each other, may you always be happy”. “We should take our leave now, you should rest and calm yourself, we’re here for our friends don’t worry”. He said and they both left the house.
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