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The past few days have been hectic, I've been studying none stop and to say I'm tired is an understatement because I'm beyond that. The first round wasn't easy, so was the second. Tomorrow is the third round and I'm a little bit nervous, the competition here is pretty tough and everyone wants to pass and get on the next round. I am in another city and I still don't know what it really looks like since I can't leave the competition venue and risk having other kids doing better than me. My dad has been calling me almost every day. I know he's worried I'll end up forgetting I have a life outside this competition. It helps though, sometimes I get to talk to all of them and it's really nice. Logan even told me there is a new girl in school who wants to be friends with me. It's weird though. I mean I don't know her and she already wants to be friends with me? Maybe she is Logan's girlfriend. Who knows? I guess he has started keeping things from me or maybe he just wants to surprise me. I don't know. Still, I wonder who she is.  I was thinking of taking a shower so that I'll eat dinner and continue with math for a few hours at least before going to bed when my phone started ringing. It was Kiera. "Hey, girlfriend. Miss me?" I said after answering the call. "Is that even supposed to be a question you can ask me? You know I miss you, you little devil. How is everything over there? Are you enjoying yourself?" "Enjoying myself? Babes I'm studying all the time if I'm not in the exam room. You need to get yourself a new friend because I'm sure this friend over here has already been taken away from you." "You can't be serious! Who would even dare take you away from me? We're friends for life remember? I would personally kill the person who will take you away from me. Tell them that." "It's not a 'who', it's a 'what'. The competition is taking a lot from me than I expected. I'm pretty sure when I come back the way I used to live my life will be long forgotten." "Ow, I'm sorry my love. How are you though?" "I'm good. We are having a third-round tomorrow and I'm nervous. The competition is very high here, other kids are really smart out there and I feel like a small fish around everybody. You know I was pretty confident when I left home but as soon as I wrote the first test it all vanished. I wasn't even in the top 5. I mean I'm used to being the highest and it has grown on me. So when I see my name below that I felt like I shouldn't have been here in the first place." "Don't be too hard on yourself. That is why it is called competition. Someone has to pass more than the other. It wouldn't be a competition if all of you got the same position. Be patient and study hard. I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow." "That's the thing. If I'm not in the top 30 tomorrow then I'm done. It will be game over for me. I'm scared because I got position 32 in the last round and I'm not sure I'll be able to bypass at least 3 students or 2 of them. The questions here are of a high standard." "The problem with you is that you're thinking too hard. Don't be so hard on yourself. Relax, eat a lot of food, drink a lot of water, and be sure to get enough sleep for your body to be able to rest. You will get to the next round trust me and you'll get to that top 5. I believe in you and you need to do too." "Thank you, hun. I don't know what I'll be without you. You are my anchor you know that?" "I know. I miss you so much." "Me too. How is school though?" "You know the usual. Except we have new students. Two boys and one girl. They are so handsome and the girl is just so gorgeous that it makes me jealous. I mean how can someone be that perfect? There's nothing wrong or out of place with her. Much like you if you ask me." "Ki, you know you're beautiful. I'm sure that girl has nothing on you. You are just exaggerating." "I knew you wouldn't believe me so that's why I decided to send you a picture we took at the other guy's birthday party. Check your w******p, you'll see. I sent it to you." "Wait, you already went to a party with them? Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" "That's not necessary right now. Check your w******p and let me know what you think. She is his girlfriend and I heard she wants to be friends with you or at least that's what your cute brother said." "Logan is not cute Kiera." I checked the picture and instead of looking for the girl in question, I found myself looking at the guy with red hair. I think he's Irish. Blue eyes and pink lips, he's perfect. I never pay attention to guys but this guy right here in this picture is beyond handsome. He's gorgeous. In fact, he looks like a god. I can't help but feel drawn to him. Who is he and why am I drawn to him. Just looking at him makes my body do all kinds of foreign things, things I never felt or thought they existed. How on earth am I supposed to concentrate on my studies after this? I know he will just pop up in my head every time I try to do something and I can't have that. I mean I don't know the guy and he's already affecting my life. I guess I'll see him when I get back home. That will satisfy my curiosity. Maybe I can ask Kiera what he's like. No harm in doing that right? "Sam?" I heard Kiera calling my name. I almost forgot I was on the phone.
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