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I couldn’t believe my ears. What the hell was wrong with this man? How could he demand such a thing when it was evident it could never happen? I could never be his because I belonged to his Father and I always would. Once we belonged to a Diamandis’ we were their’s for life. Nothing and no one could change that. “Mr. Diamandis…” my dad began and I couldn’t help but look to him for support. However, Mack cut him off. “She’s the one I want, Dad. I want her to belong to me like she belongs to you right now.” His eyes were glued to me and I couldn’t help but glare at him. Gabriel Diamandis looked at his Father, who was sitting at the head of the table eyeing everyone with cryptic emotions running through his eyes. “Father? Is it possible?” Gabriel asked and my jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe he was actually considering this. How could he do that? “I do not wish to deny my son.” Mack smirked and I looked around for a possible route of escape. I needed to run if the situation turned around for the worse. “I must say it is a unique request,” Tanner Diamandias—the patriarch of the Diamandis family said. “And under normal circumstances I wouldn’t agree. When I assign a family to someone I expect them to rule over the people forever. But, considering it’s Mack’s birthday and you clearly don’t want to deny him, I think we can make an exception.” “No!” The word was out of my mouth before I could stop it. I had no idea how many people were here but everybody’s eyes focused on me. I stood up without caring about the consequences. If I wanted to escape I had to get out of here now before I wasn’t able to. “Sit down, girl,” Tanner ordered but I refused to listen to him. “I’m sorry, sir,” I said and shook my head. “I can’t.” “Nia, do as he says and sit down,” my Mother hissed from across the table but I refused to listen to her as well. “I won’t agree,” I said. “My family and I belong to Gabriel Diamandis and I won’t agree to belong to anyone else. Even if it’s his own son.” “What you want doesn’t matter here,” Tanner responded, coolly. “You belong to us and we can do whatever we want to you. And if I want my grandson wants to have you and to rule over your entire existence, then you will submit to mine and his will.” Before I could say anything else, Tanner looked at Mack. “Your Father has agreed to your demand. I shall prepare the documents and will call you to sign them.” “This is my life. I’m a human, not a toy that you can pass around at your will. I won’t agree to this. I’ll never agree to this,” I declared before leaving the table and walking as fast as I could in my heels towards the door. I jolted to a stop when guards appeared in front of the door out of thin air. “Get out of my way!” “Your life was never your own, girl,” Tanner said without turning to look at me. “You never had the right to make your own decisions. I brought you in this family and I alone can decide who you end up with. My grandson has shown interest in you, therefore you shall belong to him from now on. Should you give him any trouble or he is displeased with you at any point of your life, you shall have all three of us to answer to. Furthermore, don’t forget your parents and the rest of your lineage belongs to my son, now and forever, so if your behaviors irks Mack in anyway, you need to understand that your family shall be equally responsible for the consequences.” His words had the fight deflating out of me and I couldn’t help but look at my parents who were pleading with me through their eyes. It was clear that if I tried running they would be punished and I didn’t want my parents to suffer because of me. Mack started walking towards me and stopped as soon as his hand encircled my upper arm. His touch seared deep into my body, wrapping around my soul and there was nothing I could do about it. His Grandfather wanted me to belong to him and I had no choice but to submit. “Thank you, Dad and Grandpa. This truly is the greatest gift you could’ve given me,” Mack said, his words branding my skin. “However, you must excuse me as I wish to have a word with my Delphinia in private. Enjoy the festivities.” Before I could even think about resisting, he led me out of the dining hall—the guards moving aside without a fuss. “Let go of me. I will never be yours no matter what anyone says,” I snarled as he continued to lead me out of the main hall. “That’s where you’re wrong, darling and we both know it. You’re mine now, whether you like it or not,” he said and I hated how I couldn’t refute his claims. “And don’t worry, I intend to take very good care of you.” The smirk he shot my way made it impossible for me to believe him. “Oh please, everyone knows the kind of reputation you uphold in this family. You don’t know the meaning of the word care, I’m surprised you know the word itself. You’re nothing but a cruel monster who doesn’t have a merciful bone in his body,” I snapped and tried to break out of his hold but he refused to let me go. “Where the hell are you taking me?” “To where you belong. My bedroom and in my bed,” he whispered the last part in my ear, causing my heart to grind to a halt. No, no, no. I couldn’t go to his room. If I did he’d never let me out. Somehow going to his room felt like the final nail in the coffin and I really didn’t want to die yet. Once again I felt a kindling of resistance and shoved Mack aside. I was glad he had his guard down because he easily let me go which gave me the chance to make a run for the main door. If I could just get out of here, I’d be free. I’d run as far away from this place as possible. I knew going to the police was useless as the Diamandis’ owned the police and any other influential person in the country, so I was on my own. But I could escape and change my identity and live in hiding for the rest of my life. It wasn’t the most ideal situation but I had no other choice. What about your parents? Mack will have them punished! No, no. I couldn’t think about them right now. This was my life and I had the right to make my own decisions. You know you don’t. You never did and you never will. It didn’t matter because the next thing I knew I came face to face with a brand new set of guards, these ones standing in front of the doors that would’ve led me to my freedom. Where did they keep coming from? “Get out of my way!” I nearly shouted and gave the guard in front of me a rough push in an attempt to shove him aside but it was like pushing at a brick wall. I pushed him again but he just grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, causing me to cry out in surprise and pain as he immobilized me in two seconds flat. “Let her go.” Came a booming command before a shadow fell over me and I looked up to see Mack glaring at the guard who immediately let me go and Mack wasted no time in picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, wrapping an arm around me to keep me from kicking him. “Let go!” I rained punches on his back but it seemed to have no effect on him. Instead of giving up, I doubled my efforts and punched him as hard as I could but he kept walking as if taking a stroll in the park. I didn’t know how many turns he took but by the time he came to a stop I was slightly dizzy but continued my efforts to cause him pain, because that’s exactly what he would do to me now that he owned me. Mack Diamandis was a cruel monster. I heard plenty of stories about how he treated his actual charge and because of that I had no desire to belong to him. A yelp tore through me when he gave my ass a sharp slap followed by another. I was so shocked at what he’d done that I forgot to punch him. He spanked me. He f*****g spanked me and all I could do was take it. Mack opened the door and stepped inside. Since I could only get a southern view all I could see was a marble floor which threw my reflection back at me. But soon enough he lifted me up and tossed me on the bed. “How dare you spank me!” I snarled as I sat up. “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll come to enjoy it,” he said and all I could do was glare at him. “For now, let’s fix the biggest mistake you made tonight,” he stated before pulling me up to stand on my feet. He than grabbed the claw holding my hair together and removed it, causing my hair to come tumbling down. “Rule number one, you never tie your hair in front of me. The least amount of accessories you will now own will be for your hair. You will not pin or tie it up. You have beautiful hair…” he smiled and it did something to my insides. “All of you is beautiful…” “So what? You’re going to have me prance around naked in your house?!” I snapped. He chuckled and I wished I could punch his face. This man had no right to a pretty face when he was so ugly inside. “That is the end goal, however, you’ll only be prancing around naked in my room. No one other than me has the right and privilege to see you naked,” he stated. “The only person who gets to see me naked is myself,” I stated and stepped closer to him. “Not you or anyone else. You may think you own me but you don’t and you never will.” His copper eyes bore into mine, seeing more than I wanted him to. How could it be that he was merely looking at me but it felt like he was marking my soul? I didn’t know why he wanted me but I would never let him have me. A strange twinkle entered his eyes before he gave me a gentle push and I ended up falling on the bed on my back. He crawled over me before I could think about getting up. “Get away from me!” I cried and tried to push him off me but he was much stronger than I was and pinned my arms over my head in less than ten seconds as he straddled me. “What is the matter with you? Why can’t you just leave me alone?!” “I can never leave you alone, Nia.” “Don’t call me that. Only those close to me are allowed to call me that.” “Oh, but I am close to you. I’ll be closer than anyone else ever will. I will see you and own you in ways no one else ever can. And that gives me the right to address you in any way I want, Nia. My Nia. “ “To hell with you and your statements. I don’t accept this. I never will.” “It doesn’t matter what you want. The truth is you’re mine now,” he stated and I hated the confidence in his voice. “Just because it’s your birthday doesn't mean you’re king of the world all of a sudden.” “No, but I intend to be your King.” “f**k you,” I seethed, wishing I could find way to kill him. He chuckled and I froze when he brought his face close to mine. “You will, Nia. If that’s what you want, then I have no problem giving it to you.” “Get away from me. You don’t own me and you have no right to keep me here.” I knew I was repeating myself but my words were having no effect on him. The more I told him to get away, the closer he moved towards me that I could smell the heady scent of his cologne as it penetrated my senses, dominating my mind just as his touch did my body. “Let’s get one thing clear,” he said, moving closer so his lips nearly brushed against mine. I held my breath so as not to move and kiss him by mistake but it was difficult. “My birthday has nothing to do with you being mine. You’ve always belonged to me, you just didn’t know it. And now your whole life is mine and I intend to enjoy you forever.” I had no idea what he meant by me always being his but I’d be damned if I let him get the last word. “If you think you’ll enjoy me then I have to tell you, you’re wrong. You took me against my will and I promise you, Mack, I will make your life a living hell.” “Ah, ah, ah.” He placed a finger over my lips to silence me. “Be careful what you say to me as your words and actions can and will have consequences which your parents will have to face.” The mention of my parents was like a cold bucket of water being thrown at me. “Exactly, my darling, you need to be very careful about your actions from now on. Right now I’m letting your hostility slide because I know you’re scared as you should be. But starting tomorrow if you refuse to submit to my will, then the first thing I’ll do is summon your parents and humiliate them in ways you can’t even imagine. Do you understand?” Tears of frustration burned my eyes like acid but but I refused to let them fall. “Keep my parents out of this. This is between you and I.” “That’s true but I have no intention of humiliating you in public,” he said, running his nose down the side of my face which caused my breath to hitch. “Oh no, your humiliation is for my eyes and ears only.” “So do that, humiliate me. Punish me. Don’t go after my family. They’re innocent,” I said, doing my best not to beg him. “No one is innocent, Nia. No one is ever innocent,” he said and locked his eyes with mine. “Submit to me. Body, mind, heart and soul. And I promise to leave your family alone. Defy me and you’ll be sorry. “Very sorry.”

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