Mack’s Possession

Mack’s Possession

opposites attract

Delphinia Gambon did her best to stay under the radar at all times until a single birthday wish turned her life around and now she has no choice but to submit to the man who terrifies her. Mack Diamandis had his eyes on Delphinia for years and now that he has a chance to own her, he wasn’t going to let her get away. She was his whether she liked it or not. “You’ve always belonged to me, you just didn’t know it. And now your whole life is mine and I intend to enjoy you forever.”

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I rummaged through my closet with a scowl on my face. I didn’t know why this event had to happen every year but it did and there was no way I could get out of it. And just like every year, I didn’t want to go this year either. “Delphinia.” My mother poked her head inside after knocking on the door. “Aren’t you ready yet? We’ll be late! And you know we can’t be late!” I rolled my eyes and flung a bunch of blouses to the side. “Yes Mom, I know.” I groaned and turned to face her. “Do I really have to go? I really don’t want to. I don’t even feel well.” The last part was a lie but I would do anything to get out of going. She gave me one of her signature looks and I knew what she would say. “You know we can’t. Our presence is mandatory.” “Can’t you make some excuse just this once? Tell them I’m on my deathbed or something,” I told her, turning back to look for a dress. “Don’t be absurd. If you’re on your deathbed, they’ll know it before I would. So hurry up and get ready. You have ten minutes,” she said and slammed the door shut. I huffed and yanked out an aquamarine dress and threw it on the bed. I glared at the dress for a good two minutes before taking off my shirt and jeans and pulling the dress over my head and dragging myself to the vanity and sitting down. I really didn’t want to look pretty for the man who loved to get under my skin, but he was who he was and there was nothing I could do about it. “I wish you were never born,” I said as I ran a hairbrush through my blonde hair. I thought about keeping my hair down, but remembered that’s exactly how he liked my hair and I wasn’t there to please him. So I put my hair up in a French twist before focusing on my face. I always made sure to wear a lot of make up around him because I didn’t want him to see the real me. He already saw more than he should with those amber eyes of his. If there was a way I could prevent him from seeing me I’d take it. As soon as I finished I slipped my feet in a pair of kitten heels and went downstairs to where my Dad was waiting in the car with my Mom. “What took you so long?” Mom asked as soon as I closed the door and Dad began driving. “You know we can’t be late.” “And we won’t be. Their house is like ten minutes away,” I argued. “What are we getting him?” “They told us not to get anything for him.” “How is that possible? The man is a spoiled brat. He loves presents,” I said and my Father shot me a dark look through the rearview mirror. “Nia, you know you’re not allowed to disrespect them.” “But you know I’m right,” I shot back, crossing my arms in front of my chest. “Well keep your opinions to yourself for tonight and the rest of your life. Mr. Diamandis has been more than gracious to us and our family,” he said and I just rolled my eyes. I had no problem with our Master. He was kind and generous; much more so than his fraternal counterparts. It was his son who was the problem. Mack Diamandis. The man had a serious problem with me and thrived on getting under my skin every chance he got. He paid more attention to me than his own charge and I didn’t understand why. But that man was a menace, one I needed to stay as far away from as possible. But that was kind of hard to do considering my family and I were invited to every function and event that the Diamandis hosted. So avoiding him wasn’t exactly possible for me. Even now, we were going to their house—which should legally be a palace—not because there was a party being thrown in Mr. Diamandis’ honor. Oh no. It was Mack Diamandis’ birthday and we were required to be there. The spoiled brat was once again going to be the center of attention and I would have to pretend to smile and make people think I was actually enjoying myself, instead of focusing on the fear gathering in my heart. My Father parked the car and I could see the parking lot was nearly full. The Diamandis birthday parties were a private event. Only the immediate family members along with those under their care were required to attend. But even that made a lot of people. We got out of the car and the butler, Grant opened the door for us and I sucked in a breath to rein in the terror threatening to explode inside me. I could do this. Mack wouldn’t bother with me tonight. He had too many people who would be occupying his time and attention. But as soon as we entered the main hall where the celebrations were taking place, Mack’s eyes zeroed in on me, freezing me in place as the world around me fell away until I could do nothing but take in every minute, beautiful detail that made him the Devil he was. Glossy, black hair that appeared blue in a certain light and his copper eyes were his most striking features. But it was the chiseled sculpt of his face that truly made him look like a greek god who was sent to earth to personally torment me. Not to mention his muscular physique that made me feel like he could break me in a thousand pieces if he wished to do so and the fact that he hadn’t done it yet was nothing short of a miracle. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t seem to break out of the hold his eyes had on me and that’s what left me bewildered. I didn’t belong to Mack and I never would. My family and I were his Father’s responsibility. So why did he always look at me like he wanted to devour me? Like he owned me? “Edmond! Annalisa! You finally made it,” Gabriel Diamandis, Mack’s Father said, a huge smile on his handsome face. Mack had taken after his Father and I hated him all the more for it. “Thank you for inviting us,” Dad said and I wished I could roll my eyes but Mack refused to tear his gaze from me, despite his cousins talking to him. “You know you’re invited to all our events,” I heard Mr. Diamandis say. “Nia!” I sent a prayer of gratitude to God at the familiar sound which broke me out of Mack’s spell. With my body back in my control I tore my gaze from Mack and focused on the man who made this whole family bearable for me. “Aston!” I threw my arms around my best friend, while pretending not to feel Mack’s gaze burning at my back. “You’re looking good as always. Where’s Harmony?” I asked as I pulled away, looking around for his wife. “She needed to use the ladies room, but she’ll be back soon,” he said. “Is it true you’re leaving the mansion?” I asked, my heart clenching with disappointment. He gave me a sheepish smile and nodded. “Moving out, to be precise. Those are the rules. Now that I have my wife and the baby’s on the way, I’m required to move out.” “You didn’t send me the location to your new house.” I pouted. “You know I’m going to miss you.” “Grandpa already has the property ready for us to move in.” “What? I thought you’ll be building or buying your own house.” Aston shook his head. “No. He had houses built for each of his sons and he’s done the same for his grandsons. You know my parents’ house is next to the rest of the houses which belong to his brothers.” “Yes, but your parents are hardly around. They’re always traveling.” “It’s the business. And the rest of the houses neighbor theirs.” “That’s true. I just never thought he’ll do the same for his grandkids.” “He has, so Harmony and I will be moving out next week. And don’t worry, I’ll text you the location as soon as we get there. We would’ve moved out last week but Mack’s birthday was coming up so Grandpa gave us an extension,” he told me. “Yes.” I froze as Mack appeared beside me, winding an arm around my waist as if he had every right to do so. “It’s my birthday and I think I should be the one everyone needs to be talking about.” Aston rolled his eyes. “Get over yourself.” “Sometimes I have no option but to do so just that,” Mack said and I knew he was looking at me. “Uh, excuse me. I need to use the ladies room,” I mumbled before hurrying out of the main hall, eager to get away from Mack and his touch. Who did he think he was touching me like he owned me? I never gave him permission to do that. As soon as I reached the bathroom the door opened and Harmony stepped out, looking gorgeous in a wine colored dress which showed off the small baby bump she now carried. Her face lit up with a smile as soon as she saw me. She looked beautiful. The pregnancy was doing wonders for her. “Nia! I’m so glad you’re finally here!” “You look beautiful!” I complimented her and she blushed. “I spoke to Aston. It’s sad you’ll be moving out.” “I know. But we can never go against the rules. Grandpa will not be pleased,” she said and shrugged. “I know. How’s the baby treating you?” She rolled her eyes despite the smile gracing her lips as she touched her swollen stomach. “He has Aston’s possessiveness, I’ll tell you that. He keeps me on my toes.” “What do you mean?” I chuckled. “I always need to use the bathroom. And Aston’s getting jealous because I’m spending more time in the bathroom than with him. I’ve already gone five times and I’m telling you, you’ll find me back here in the next ten minutes,” she said, but I knew she wasn’t annoyed. “But it’s worth it. This baby is worth it.” “I’m so happy for you. Aston is a wonderful man and he loves you so much. I promise you, he’ll always keep you happy,” I stated, meaning each and every word. “He does.” She nodded. “I love him a lot. We should go back to the party. Do you want me to wait for you while you use the bathroom?” I shook my head. “No, no. I don’t need to use it. Come. Let’s go and get this party over with.” Harmony and I returned to the main hall where the people were now walking through the door which connected the main hall to to the dining hall. Aston joined us and helped Harmony sit down before sitting down himself and I sat on the chair beside her. The feast laid out for us had every cuisine from around the world. There were dishes I didn’t know the name of but that was always the case. The Diamandis’ thrived on extravagance and it was best to go with the flow rather than question them. Before we could start eating, Mack’s Father stood up and clinked his champagne flute to get our attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, before we eat, I would like to ask my son for what he desires most. This year, he requested each of us not to give him any gifts…” Mr. Diamandis said and I knew Mack practically ordered everyone not to get him anything. “… And it’s because he told me he only wants one thing. So I would like my son to tell me what is it that he desires and he shall have it.” The rest of us waited in silence as Mack stood up. I couldn’t help but gaze at him across from me as he looked at each of us—his eyes lingering on me a tad longer than others—before focusing on his Father. “Before I tell you what I want, I want you to promise me that you will not deny me. You will give me what I ask for,” Mack said, and I could feel anticipation settling heavily in my heart. “You’re my son,” Gabriel Diamandis said. “I never denied you before and I have no desire to deny you now. Tell me what you want, son. Name it and it’s yours.” It was no wonder he was as spoiled as he was. If my parents gave me whatever I wanted I’d be spoiled too. “Do you promise?” Mack said before his eyes locked with mine with a need so intense it threatened to consume me. And all of a sudden, I had the strongest urge to get out of here, because something in me told me that I wouldn’t like the next words that left those perfect lips. “Of course. I promise. Now tell me what you want,” his Father said. “Very well,” he said, his eyes refusing to leave me. “I want your most prized possession. I want what you can never think about giving to anybody else. It might not be easy for you to give this to me, but this is what I want.” He paused and I wished he’d stop looking at me. “Grandpa. Dad. I want her. “I want Delphinia Gambon to be mine.”

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