The Greatest Gift

5739 Words
CHAPTER FIVE Tennis courts... Kazumi was panting when she reached the place as fast as she could. It looked like the practice had just began. Maybe she could still have time to talk to Tezuka about the flowers and the notes. Or maybe not just about that. She wanted to tell him everything that she never managed to say to him more than two years ago. This was the only chance that she has for that to happen. She would never let it go. Please help me with this... she pleaded in her thoughts as she began to look around the tennis courts to find the person she was looking for. She walked as she did so in order not to catch attention. She definitely didn't want anyone to know she was looking for someone. But wasn't that the reason why she headed there? She continued looking around until her eyes spotted a certain auburn-haired bespectacled boy fired up (even though that fire was only obvious in his eyes) in playing tennis with an upperclassman. Even from her position, she could really see Tezuka's passion in playing tennis. His passion for tennis made her not want to give up playing even though the doctor told her to stop. How could she do that if tennis was one of the things that made her close to Tezuka by heart? How could she stop doing the sport that she loved as much as she loved playing the piano and performing in front of the audience with all her heart? When she saw Tezuka defeated his upperclassman in that tennis match, that was when she decided to approach him. But for some reason, she couldn't move from her spot at all. It was like something was preventing her to move. But she has to move or else her one chance of saying everything to Tezuka would slip away. "Hondou-san, it's rare for me to see you here," Coach Ryuzaki suddenly commented that startled her inwardly and made her change her focus from Tezuka. "Is there something wrong? You look pale." Fuji and the others shifted their focus from the practice matches at the tennis courts to the person that the coach mentioned. It was a surprise to them—except to Oishi—to see Kazumi there. And at that moment, they all thought that something was about to happen on that tennis court that seemingly ordinary day. Kazumi only showed a smile to Coach Ryuzaki who happened to be her class' math teacher. That was one plausible reason why the old woman knew her name. "I'm alright, sensei. It's just that... I need to talk to someone and he... he happened to be here," she explained, trying so hard not to stammer. At the very least, she didn't stammer and she was thankful for that. The coach slightly frowned at her answer. "Talk to someone?" The brunette nodded followed by glancing to Tezuka's position who was busy talking to someone. She then faced the coach. "Would it be okay if I talk to T-Tezuka-san just for a while? I-it's a little important that I talk to him." Her head instinctively lowered as she went on. "I have to talk to him... before I lose all the courage I gathered to do so..." Now Coach Ryuzaki didn't exactly understand what was going on at first. But when she had a glance at Tezuka's face that showed his surprise through his eyes while facing their direction, that was when she realized what Kazumi meant. "Go on before something like that happen, Hondou-san. I don't want you to leave to Vienna next week with regrets," Coach Ryuzaki said that surprised Kazumi at first. But gladness soon took over the girl's heart and made her smile in gratefulness. Even though she was terribly nervous inside, Kazumi tried so hard not to let it show. She has to maintain her composure if she wanted to do this right. She might not have another chance to do this again. But before she could even take one step from her position, she suddenly felt her heart was hurting as if someone gripped it tightly. She felt like she couldn't even breathe because of the gripping pain. Unconsciously, she put her hand to her to her chest and clenched it. As much as possible, she tried to bear the pain even though it was a struggle for her to do so. "Hondou-san, are you alright? Should I call someone to assist you to the infirmary?" Coach Ryuzaki inquired with worries in her voice, especially when she saw Kazumi slowly collapsing to her knees. But Kazumi stubbornly shook her head as she tried to heave a few deep breaths in order to ease the pain. "I'll take her there, Ryuzaki-sensei," a familiar deep voice suddenly said that made Kazumi raise her head despite the pain she was feeling. Not just Kazumi, but almost all were surprised to see Tezuka approaching the girl in pain. Apparently, it appeared that the stoic man handed his racket to Oishi before he started walking towards Kazumi. He crouched down on one knee as soon as he stopped walking and faced Kazumi with worried eyes. His face might still be stoic but his eyes never failed to show emotions that Kazumi could clearly see. After all, he was her precious Kuu—the boy who made her love both tennis and music even more. At that moment, she concluded that Tezuka hadn't changed in her perception. "Can you still stand?" he asked that startled her for a moment before she nodded as an answer. For some weird reason, even though she was in pain, it didn't even matter to her now that she was looking at Tezuka up close—something she hadn't done in more than two years. The last face which Tezuka made that registered inside her mind was Tezuka's face full of pain and hate as he said those painful words. She heaved a deep breath even though it was still quivering because she was in pain. Soon after, she stood up with Tezuka's help. But helping her stand up wasn't the only thing that he did to her, causing her heart to beat faster making it even more painful. He even scooped her up and carried her bridal style, which caused her to blush heatedly, unable to look at anyone so she got no choice but to close her eyes. Of course, it definitely came as a shock to almost everyone who were at the tennis courts at that time and who were witnessing the events slowly unfolding. Without a word from Tezuka, they proceeded to the direction going to the infirmary. Kazumi loved the warm feeling just being that close to Tezuka again. She couldn't help feeling nostalgic at that. It has been a long time since she had that warm feeling. She couldn't help but to become teary-eyed as memories came flooding in. But it soon came to an end when she suddenly felt Tezuka's hold on her slowly tightening which surprised her. She looked up to see Tezuka's face. It was a surprise for her to see that his stoic face was slowly showing emotions as he looked at her. Wait! Was he looking at her this whole time? They stopped to a nearby bench of that particular part of the school. He put her down to seat there. She was breathing slightly heavy, that's why she clenched her chest again. The pain was still there but unlike a while back, she could bear it now. When the pain slightly subsided, she looked up to Tezuka who was just standing in front of her. "That was the first time you carried me like that..." she started as she slowly looked down. "I remembered that you used to carry me on your back, especially when I tripped because I wanted to catch up with you. I'm not sure if it's worth remembering for you, but it was one of the moments that I still and will treasure here in my heart even if everything comes to an end..." she continued as her voice started to crack because of emotions welling up inside of her. Good thing she managed to start up a conversation even though her courage was slowly faltering because of Tezuka's indifference. She should've expected this but she couldn't believe t would still affect her in a way. For a few moments, tensed silence surrounded both of them as the afternoon breeze blew forth. It was slightly cold, making her slightly shiver but tried not to show it. "For two years," Tezuka started almost in a whisper but Kazumi managed to hear. "I've been meaning to ask you something, Kazumi. Why did you suddenly leave me two years ago? What exactly happened for you to do that even though you promised that we'll always be together, that you would be there for me no matter what happens?" She looked away after he asked that. Tears started forming at the brim of her eyes, that's why she closed it so that it wouldn't fall. She wouldn't let him see those tears. "Because... I'm a selfish idiot..." she answered as she clenched her chest tighter. Her eyes were tightly shut close. "I left you in exchange of fulfilling my father's dying wish for me. I left you in order to become a better person, especially since I was long sick because of my heart problem. My heart started to become weak when I was 9. That reason made me hide the fact that I can also play tennis just like you. I was forced to mellow down in doing tennis in order for me not to risk my health. My dad wanted me to live longer than him so he said that I should go abroad for me to have a heart operation. I had to do that since my heart had gone weaker than I originally thought it was. I left you so I could at least fulfill my dream of living longer with you. I left you because I wanted to grab the only chance I had for me to fulfill my promise to you. I wanted to be with you for a long time, forever if I have to. I did all of that because of you... I did that because it's the only way for me to prove to you that... I... I love... you..." After saying all that, she finally allowed her tears to fall incessantly. "But I guess doing so only caused you pain. I left you two years ago because I love you, even if you didn't know that since I never told you about it. At that time, I was afraid of choosing between fulfilling my promise to you and fulfilling my father's dream for me just before he died. In the end, I was left with no choice but to do so. I know sorry won't even compensate for what I did that hurt you. But I really... I really..." She sighed after sniffling. "I really wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for suddenly leaving you..." After that, she dried her tears that flowed down her cheeks with the sleeve of her uniform. She didn't have time to get her handkerchief since she wanted to dry her tears as soon as she could. Silence surrounded them once more but Kazumi didn't mind that. Right now, what mattered to her was that she finally said all those things she had been meaning to tell him for so long. It took a lot out of her to say all of those words but she has no regrets. It was about time she let go of all things that she kept inside of her. And telling all of that to Tezuka was the only way for her to do that. She had no idea how long that silence surrounded her and Tezuka. But it was enough for her to rest and she could feel that her heart wasn't giving her pain anymore. She didn't know why she suffered from heart palpitations and difficulty in breathing all of a sudden after reaching the courts. Thankfully, she was fine now and she managed to talk to Tezuka after struggling to try in doing so for many days. "Does that mean you're also saying sorry for loving me, Kazumi?" he suddenly asked that surprised her and made her look at him "No!" she blurted out in surprise. But she didn't mind that. "The only thing I feel sorry about was hurting you and leaving you all of a sudden. But I would never ever say sorry that I love you. In fact, that was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. I love you, Kuu. And if I was given a chance, I would prove it to you. I'll do everything to let you know that I was glad I love you and I'm glad it's you." And her tears fell once again. But much to her surprise and happiness, Tezuka approached her and using one hand, he wiped the tears that streaked down her face. Slowly, he helped her stand up. And in one swift move, he took her hand and pulled her to an embrace that she had been meaning to feel for a long time. "If only I had known all that, I wouldn't have said those harsh words to you. We wouldn't have suffered for more than two years. We wouldn't have to struggle this much," Tezuka said as he embraced Kazumi tighter. The girl couldn't help but to smile while teary-eyed as she relished Tezuka's warmth like that as if fearing that she would never feel it again... ever. She cried even more and returned his embrace in the same degree. She wanted to assure herself of something by doing so. "It's me who should say sorry for hurting you that way, Kazumi. I was a bastard for doing that to you. I know I'm someone who wasn't even meant for you because I did a lot that eventually caused you pain. But I could never find it in me to give you up like that. I love you so much for me to do that. If I had known all those things you did for the sake of fulfilling your promise to me, I should've said all those words I've been meaning to tell you. I won't mind waiting for you since I love you. You're the only person I've loved this much in my life, Kazumi. I'm sorry for being a jerk to you. I won't hurt you like that again, I promise," Tezuka said in his strong, stern voice. But the sincerity and truthfulness in each words he said were evident in it. Kazumi's heart swelled at that realization. "All this time, I always thought you're a man of few words. I guess until now, you still are. But then—" "There's a side of me that tends to change and show itself whenever I'm with you, Kazumi," Tezuka answered. "Back then, I tend to talk a lot whenever we're together. I smiled more often whenever I hear you play the piano or you watching me play tennis. There's a side of me that I can only show to you, Kazumi. Remember that." Now that she thought about it, he was right. He tend to be more talkative when she was around. They relished each other's comforting warmth for a few more minutes before he finally let go and looked at her. This time, his eyes were smiling at her. They don't have the pain and sadness in them anymore. His eyes were the same as she remembered them. No... they were even happier than before. "I'm fine now. You can go back to your practice before your captain scolds you for loitering around," she said with a smile. Tezuka showed a small smile. I guess it'll take me time to at least lessen his stoic attitude, especially in front of many people, Kazumi thought while smiling at Tezuka. "You'll wait for me?" he asked in a whisper and in a hopeful tone. She smiled a little wide and nodded as an answer. "I'll wait for you. Besides, I still need to give you something before you head home, especially now you told me you love me, too." Before she knew it, Tezuka lowered his head and planted a soft kiss on her lips that surprised her. Her eyes slightly widened for a few seconds after that quick kiss before he raised his head and looked at her. He touched her cheeks for a few moments before he left her there without a word. Soon after, she smiled as she looked at him walking away. "You really never ceased to amaze me with your surprises, Kuu..." she muttered with a smile before deciding to head to the infirmary alone so she could at least rest. Kana and the others would soon know where to find her. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Now that's what I call a unique love story," Miyako commented as she was done watching the events with Kana, Aika, Hanako, Oishi, Eiji, Fuji, Kawamura and Inui. "Ii data..." Inui, as expected, mumbled as he jotted down some notes in his notebook at the fastest speed possible. As he did so, he was thinking of using that new data to at least get even to the stoic tennis player. Of course, not all would agree to that. Aika slightly shook her head in disbelief before she faced the five tennis boys. "It's about time you head back to your practice before Hanako here literally kick your butts off and send you flying to the courts." Eiji just laughed at Aika's remarks but they soon noticed that Inui slightly paled at her words as he instantly stopped writing, especially at the mention of what Hanako might possibly do to them. Aika and Kana laughed at that amusing sight while the others were suspicious. Kana looked back at Kazumi who was smiling while looking at the sky. "Love really has its ways of making someone happy, huh?" Kana murmured before walking away. How I wish I could find a love like that... someday... she added in her thoughts as she glanced at Oishi who was busy talking to Kawamura and Eiji. A sad smile soon formed on her face... which was something that Miyako and Fuji noticed. Is it me or I just saw Miyuzaki-san looked at Oishi as if she was in love with him and yet... she was hurt, as well? Fuji thought as soon as he noticed the look that Kana gave to the unknowing Oishi. I guess I'll be looking forward for another love story to have a progress. I should've brought my camera with me today. Oh, well. Maybe he would have a chance to capture another wonderful moment between Tezuka and Kazumi after this. After all, those two were an official couple already, right? As he was thinking of a way to sneak out and devise a plan to do that, there was a girl that his camera had once managed to capture a beautiful shot since the very first time he saw her. It was such a beautiful shot that—for some reason—he wanted to look at over and over again. That girl was the academy's "Siren of the Silver Wind"—Yumemiya Miyako. He had a lot of chances to capture wonderful shots of her beautiful and serene face with silver eyes that has hints of... sadness and pain. Wait a minute! He was only thinking about Tezuka and Kazumi a while back. How come it was diverted to Miyako almost immediately? But then again, Tezuka's mysterious past with Kazumi was already uncovered. Maybe one of these days, Miyako's mysterious past implied by the ice silver color of her eyes would be revealed in time. Miyako sighed heavily after noticing the look of longing sadness and frustration that Kana gave to the oblivious Oishi. You've been loving Oishi-kun for a long time, Kana. I can tell that it hurts you too much having the man you love not notice your feelings for him. But this is where you must remain strong. One day... One day, you'll be able to tell him what feeling that lies in your heart which was only for him. Just be patient enough and never give up... But then, it wasn't an easy thing for her to even say to her best friend all about that thought. In a way, she could say she was suffering the same predicament as Kana. She had been suffering that ever since since she first saw a certain light brown haired boy named Fuji Syuusuke. A person she considered as someone who was way out of her league in a lot of ways. But unlike Kana who could approach Oishi in a casual way, Miyako could never do the same to Fuji even if she really wanted to. It wasn't that simple and it would never be that easy at all. Her frustration over that fact was something that she was throwing in her manuscripts. She was a romance novelist, after all. The mysterious romance novelist Aino Nadeshiko. It was a fact that only her friends (Hanako, Aika, Kana and Kazumi) knew ever since she started becoming a writer. And it would be one fact that she would hide from the rest of the world... ...even to the person that captured her heart no matter how much she avoided it—Fuji Syuusuke. After all, he was one of the reasons why she was able to write a lot of manuscripts about love. A love where she always ended them happily... A love that she wanted for herself to come true... But it was just a wishful thinking... right? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Right after the rigorous tennis practice, Tezuka headed to the infirmary since that was where Kazumi was, according to Kana. He began to feel worried for her upon hearing that she was at the infirmary but Kana assured him that Kazumi was okay and that she was just resting there to kill the time. Kazumi was busy preparing her things when Tezuka arrived there. She greeted him with a smile but then she was surprised at his sudden action—he embraced her tight as if he was afraid of losing her. "Don't make me worry like that again, Kazumi," he scolded her sternly despite the hints of concern for her in his voice. Though it was just for a while, both of them relished that embrace. After the scene at the infirmary, they decided to head to the place that held a special memory to them other than the memorial hall—the lone sakura tree a few yards at the back of the memorial hall that was now starting to bloom fully. "I haven't been here in a long time," Tezuka started as he looked at the tree that was looking as beautiful as ever. Kazumi smiled before she focused her attention to the tree, as well. "You know, my father told me a legend of this tree. It was one of the reasons why my great-grandfather bought this land from a wealthy family during his travels as a musician." "A legend?" "Yup. A legend that mentions of two hearts who made a promise to love each other and be together forever under this tree. It says that the couple who did the same thing under this tree before the sun finally sets will definitely be together forever. Because of that, this sakura tree was dubbed as The Lovers' Tree and most commonly, The Promise Tree. Until now, I still believe in that legend. Not just me. Even Miyako-chan, Kana-chan, Aika-chan and Hanako-chan believe in that legend, as well. One day, they wanted to share a promise under this tree that they'll be with the one they love forever." After that, she chuckled a bit and then she faced Tezuka. "But I guess it's a bit childish for me to still believe in it." "I don't think that's the case at all. Believing in something like a legend about eternal love is definitely just like you, Kazumi," Tezuka said with a small smile on his face. He then faced her with a slight frown on his face this time as soon as he thought of something. "But why are you telling me this?" Instead of answering his question, she just took something from the light blue paper bag that he (technically) gave her through Kana. He was confused to see a flower on her hand. It was a different flower than the ones he gave to her. It was a long-stemmed cream tulip. Where did she get that? "I asked Kana-chan a while back to buy me three tulips while I was waiting for you at the infirmary. This is what I want to give to you." And then she handed it to him which he releuctantly took from her since he didn't know what to say. "Its meaning will be my promise to you, Kunimitsu. I'll forever hold on to it and I'll definitely fulfill it until the end." "Its meaning... is your promise to me?" he muttered in confusion. He has no idea as to what the cream tulip actually represented. It appeared that Kazumi read his mind despite his naturally stoic expression since she smiled and gave him a peck on his lips that caught him off-guard. And he was caught even more off-guard when she answered the hidden question in his head. "I'll love you forever... That's what the cream tulip represents. Just give me a chance and I can do that, Kunimitsu. This time, I can definitely fulfill my promise to you no matter what it takes for me to do it," she said seriously. It took him a while to finally absorb the thought inside his mind. He looked at Kazumi and the cream tulip on his hand simultaneously before he allowed his heart and his body to do something to her. He let his body moved on its own and before he knew it, he found himself kissing Kazumi deeply and lovingly. Oh, how he loved kissing her that way. It was definitely a dream come true to him to be with her like that again. This time, it was even more wonderful. "I know you can do it, Kazumi. I won't ever let you go. I'll love you too, forever... I promise," he said with sincerity and determination after the kiss. Both of them smiled as they embraced each other and relished each other's warmth that they wanted to feel to each other forever. That legendary sakura tree was their witness of that declaration and that promise which would definitely stay in their hearts forever. "I'll be leaving to Vienna for a week or two, Kunimitsu," she started as she slowly released herself from Tezuka's hold. "I'll be having my check-up there and I need to make sure I'm alright by the time I decided to join the tennis club and play tennis along with Hanako-chan and the others." "You're really going to join the tennis club?" he asked her, a little unsure about the idea of Kazumi leaving and joining the tennis club despite her condition. Kazumi smiled gently. "I'll be back here as soon as I'm done with it, okay? And besides, I've mellowed down in playing tennis since I was nine to the point that they told me to stop playing altogether. It's been a long time since I did what they told me. It's about time I do something else that I love other than playing the piano." "If you're really that insistent, then I won't stop you," he said nonchalantly but she knew better. Behind that nonchalant answer lies his support for her to do what she wanted. She couldn't help smiling because of that. "Thank you." All Tezuka could do after she said that was to smile as he pulled her to his embrace once again. He would never ever get tired of feeling her close to him like that no matter what happens. Like what he said, he would love her forever. And this was just the start of that eternal promise... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx All the way to the airport, Tezuka didn't let go of Kazumi's hand as the car that they were riding on traversed the road, following the route going to Narita International Airport. It was the day Kazumi would leave and head out to Vienna for her special check-up. Though feeling a little uneasy because of the attention they were getting from Tezuka's actions, Kazumi was still glad. It had been 2 days since they had got together and it wasn't a surprise for them that the news had spread out like wild forest fire. The news even reached to Ryoma who was residing all the way to America. Now that was something they considered as a surprise. In any case, the couple got different reactions about that. But the general reaction they got as soon as the news had spread was shock. Extreme surprise, utterly speechless, big shocker—those were just synonyms to what they had actually felt upon learning that. Well, duh? Who wouldn't be? They felt that it would take a miracle for the stoic and composed tennis player of Seigaku named Tezuka Kunimitsu to even fall in love. And yet, here it was! A girl who had just transferred recently to Seigaku managed to melt Tezuka's heart as he and Kazumi fell in love with each other in the process. But only those who truly knew the story could say that it had been a painstaking process. And they were glad that everything turned out well now. The happiness that both Tezuka and Kazumi were relishing now was something they would never exchange for anything. Upon reaching the airport, the couple were surprised to see the boys' (all except Ryoma) and girls' (only Hanako, Kana, Aika and Miyako) tennis teams—even the coaches of both teams, Coach Ryuzaki and Coach Nakayama—were actually at the waiting area. All of them had smiles (or in the boys' case, grins) on their faces as the couple could only shook their heads slightly and had no choice but to approach their friends. "What are you guys doing here? I thought it would still be a hectic schedule for tennis practice today. The ranking tournament is already in a few weeks' time," Kazumi inquired. "Well, let's just say we couldn't let Tezuka-san have the spotlight of accompanying you here all to himself," Kana joked. Though Tezuka gave her an annoyed look because of that, she could tell that he was glad they had come. "And besides, we need to at least give you a reason to fight and come back here with us." The brunette sighed before facing her friend. "Kana-chan, I'm not going to die there, if that's what you're thinking. I've been fighting this for a long time. I have no reasons for me to give it all up now... especially now..." Kazumi stated seriously before she looked at Tezuka who was, in turn, looking at her intently and with concern for her. She smiled at him after a few moments. " that I have retrieved the greatest gift life had ever given me." "Now that's one line I will definitely include in my new story," Miyako whispered to Aika. She only earned a soft laugh as a comment to that. It was a good thing Miyako was good at whispering. Or else, her secret would probably leaked out. "Now we know why Tezuka-buchou's heart melted," was a comment they all heard from Momoshiro which broke the trance between the couple. "Even I would fall in love to a girl as sweet and beautiful as Hondou-senpai." "Consider that as a dream," Kaidoh said before he hissed. They must be Momoshiro-kun and Kaidoh-kun that Kuu was talking about. Kazumi could only laugh at that thought along with the start of Momoshiro and Kaidoh's arguing. Then she looked at Tezuka once again. "You know what? I still can't believe everything about right is happening. Are you sure this isn't just a beautiful dream? Am I really standing in the realm of reality?" But the answer she got was not words but something else. Of course, it existed beyond words as Tezuka pulled her into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss to convey the message he wanted her to know. Everything about them right now was never a dream. This was already the reality... An extremely beautiful reality they would never get tired of living for a long, long time. And she got the message as she responded to his kiss with equal fire and fervor. All their friends could do at the sight was to gape at first. A few moments later, they were grinning even wider. The coaches could only exchange a look of slight disbelief and a smile of support for their two students showing such affection to the public. The girls were just giggling and slightly squealing at the sight while Inui and Fuji began taking notes and pictures of the scene in front of them respectively. Oh, well. It was something in which only love could do. You would become oblivious of your surroundings as you feel the kiss of your beloved filled with passion, love and hope for a beautiful future. "Final call for international flight 5628 to Vienna, Austria. Departing from Gate 4..." a voice over the speaker announced and the couple heard it as soon as the kiss ended. "I love you, Kazu-chan. Remember that..." Tezuka uttered lovingly with his face still inches apart from Kazumi. "Always and forever... I love you too, Kuu..." The couple smiled one last time as they gave each other a last tight hug which gave them assurance of a beautiful and long lasting reunion after Kazumi's ordeal in Vienna. That tight hug was one thing that held that promise. A promise of a beautiful and wonderful love for years to come... ...since they vowed to be together and love each other forever, right? That eternal promise of love would bound their hearts together whatever happens from then on.
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