Chapter 10

1169 Words
Hope’s P.O.V   I hadn't seen Roman for the rest of the day and now it was getting late, so I decided to go up to the room and as I slowly opened the bedroom door I saw that Roman was already sleeping in the bed. The bed that he said was mine. I didn't bother waking him up because he looked like he was sleeping peacefully, but at the same time I looked at the folded up couch and I had no idea how to make it into the sofa bed. I was always in the bathroom when he did it and I really didn't want to wake him up to ask him, but I was really tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. After looking from Roman to the sofa bed a few times I came to the decision to just push my fear back and sleep in the same bed, instead of waking him up. I carefully walked over and laid down on the other side of the bed, not too close to him as to wake him up, but close enough that I still had enough room to be comfortable. I was trying my best not to wake him and slowly pulled the blankets over the both of us. I laid back in the bed and I was nervous about falling asleep, but because of how tired I was I fell to sleep right away.   Alpha Roman Black’s P.O.V   I had spent the whole day shopping with Hope and it was exhausting, but it was worth it. I was so tired that when I got back I didn't see Hope for the rest of the day and just came upstairs to sleep. I was sleeping so peacefully, but then I felt as if someone or something was lying next to me. My eyes shot open and I almost forgot where I was until I jumped out of bed, praying that I wouldn't wake Hope up. I was so exhausted when I came back that I didn't even realise that I had fallen asleep on the bed. I walked quietly to the couch and saw that I had forgotten to fold it out when I came up here, but if I unfolded it now I would wake Hope up and she looked so cute and beautiful. I stood there trying to decide what to do when suddenly Hope woke up and slightly sat up in the bed.   “Where are you going?” Hope asked, still half asleep.   “I’m sorry I woke you up, I didn't mean to, but now that you are awake I will sleep on the fold out bed.” I replied, but she shook her head, yawning.   “It's the middle of the night, just get back into bed.” Hope said and I was shocked.   “Are you sure you want me in the same bed?” I asked and she rolled her eyes at me.   “Will you just get back into bed, if I didn't want you sleeping next to me then I would have folded the bed out or gone to another room. Now get back into bed.” Hope replied and I chuckled. I got back into bed and she was so tired and half asleep that she turned on her side and faced me. I put my arm around her and when she didn't pull away from me I pulled her closer to me, watching as she had fallen asleep again and was now snuggled into my chest. I watched her for a few minutes before tiredness took over me and I fell asleep.   Hope’s P.O.V      The next morning I woke up with something heavy on me and I was so confused, but then I remembered the events of last night and telling Roman to get back into bed. That still didn't explain why I felt something heavy on me and when I looked I saw that Roman had his arm wrapped over me I couldn't help smiling as I looked at him sleeping and how good it felt to be in his arms, to be held, but I really had to use the bathroom. I gently picked his arm up and moved it off me before getting out of bed and hurrying to the bathroom to do my business. I washed my hands after I had finished and walked back into the bedroom over to the fold out bed. I looked at it and thought about being Roman’s mate, if I was going to be his mate and Luna then it wasn't right for him to be sleeping away from me, was it? I walked over to the windows and opened them up, looking outside at all the nature that was surrounding the pack house. I saw birds happily flying around in the slowly rising morning sun and I looked out at the woods to see deer running around and drinking the morning dew off the leaves of the bushes. The rabbits were hopping around and stopping to eat grass. I watched as the sun rose up in the sky and it looked so beautiful, but suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.   “Good morning. Thank you for letting me sleep in the same bed as you last night. I hope I didn't scare or worry you.” Roman said and I giggled, turning around in his arms.   “Roman, like you said we are mates and my mate shouldn't be sleeping away from me. I want to start this, us out right. I want to learn about your pack and their ways. I want to train before Rachel has me shift into her. I want to be able to take the pain and I want to be stronger.” I replied and Roman nodded, smiling as he took my hand in his. He kissed the back of my hand, all the time keeping eye contact with me and I really appreciated that because he wasn't making any sudden movements and scaring the crap out of me. I knew he wasn't Alpha Cole and I kept reminding myself of that, but then again Alpha Cole was nice to me at first too.   “Come on, let's get dressed and head outside, I’ll show you the grounds and then we will start your training. It won't be hard today as it's your first day, but it will get harder over the next few days and I want you to be prepared for that. We need you to be strong and healthy.” Roman said and I nodded. I knew what he meant and he was right, I would need to start off slow after everything I had been through because we had no idea how my body would react to training and then shifting. We both got dressed and went down to eat breakfast before going outside.
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