Chapter 19 - Welcome To The Pack

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Sinead POV I didn’t know why but I was nervous when Colt and I walked into the packhouse that afternoon. There really was no reason for me to worry. The Winter Valley pack prided itself on its diversity and was reputed to accept everyone regardless of species, race, and sexuality. Well, except vampires. We all learned the hard way that we couldn’t trust vampires to co-exist peacefully with humans and human-hybrid species. Gender identity was part of that list, but it had never been put to the test. It would be very soon. Within the hour, everyone in the pack would know that Colt was a transgender man, and we would see just how sincere they all were in that vow. When we reached the conference room, Colt turned, drew me into his arms, and clung to me. I set my nerves aside immediately and focused on my match. This meeting was about him. Natasha was revealing his secrets, not mine. He needed me to be his rock, not the other way around. “It’s going to be alright, my love. There is no more loving a place for those considered different by others than Winter Valley,” I assured him, though I struggled to believe it myself, and I had lived among the pack for two years. He released me slowly, then framed my face with his hands and kissed me softly. “I’m more worried about how they will treat you once they learn the truth about me. They know we are fated and there is still so much animosity over that situation with Gamma Keller. Will this make things worse for you?” Colt wondered aloud, filling me with so much love that I enveloped him in another embrace. “I don’t care,” I said simply. “I can take whatever they dish out as long as I have you by my side.” Colt eased back and, after one last kiss, captured my hand, then knocked on the door. From inside, Natasha called for us to enter. The room was packed. Rows of chairs with senior pack members and the Circle of Elders filled the space once occupied by a long oak conference table while Natasha and the rest of our pack leadership stood at the front. “Colton. Sinead. Thank you for joining us,” Natasha said after I closed the door at our backs. With a reassuring smile, she motioned to a pair of empty chairs in the front row, then turned and addressed the room. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. This meeting was actually intended to take place two weeks ago, but unforeseen circumstances delayed it. Time is pressing, so now that there are no further obstacles, it’s time to settle this matter. I’d like to start by reading the email received by Elder Yuri that made this meeting necessary.” I squeezed Colt’s hand as reassurance while we listened to Natasha read the hateful words written by his father. When she arrived at the part where King Yasser revealed Colt’s identity, I could feel all eyes in the room focused on us. Instinctively, I straightened my spine as if to say, Go ahead, say something. Deep down, I knew they wouldn’t. I’d lived with this pack long enough to know that their stares were probably out of curiosity or sympathy. Still, I remained cautious. There was always a chance for dissention whenever an unfamiliar situation occurred. “What kind of treatment is he talking about?” Seth asked, his eyes narrowed suspiciously. Natasha glanced at her husband, then at Colt. “There are a number of conversion therapy treatments, each more heinous than the last. Most civilized countries have banned them, though some still do practice them in secret.” “My father does not intend to have me treated, Alpha,” Colt said as he rose to his feet, my hand still clutched tightly in his. “This isn’t really about my gender identity, it’s about what it cost him. As my parent’s only daughter, my mating to the crown prince of another pride ensured not only a large sum of money, but a loyal ally and a percentage of the proceeds the mating of his grandchildren would generate. By me running away and transitioning, I’ve cost him millions. If he catches me, I will be punished severely and repeatedly until he breaks me, then I will be forced to reverse my transition and mate with a prince or king of his choosing.” Natasha’s disgust was clearly written on her face when Colt resumed his seat. “Needless to say, in light of the dangers he faces, I am asking you to approve the initiation of Colton Nagy into our pack.” “You realize that initiating him into the pack can be viewed by his father as an act of war, right? Is that a risk you’re willing to take on someone we barely know?” Adam asked, drawing my gaze. He met it steadily. While there was no animosity in his eyes, the wariness in them spoke of his unwillingness to trust Colt. I frowned. Was it because he was my match? Would Colton have to endure the suspicions of others because of his connection to me? I looked over at Natasha. Her posture was rigid, and her jaw set as she slowly turned to face Adam. She was in full Alpha mode. I almost pitied him. “I am aware of the implications, Gamma,” Natasha said, biting off each word. “And yes, I am willing to take that risk to protect someone from unnecessary torture and imprisonment, especially when the reason for both is bigotry. Do you have a problem with that?” “No, Alpha,” Adam answered, bowing his head in submission. “Good. Now, does anyone else have any other questions or objections before we move to the vote?” she asked with a glare for the room at large, letting them all know that the question was basically a formality. After a few seconds of silence, Natasha added, “Those in favor of initiating Colton Nagy into the pack, raise your hands.” I couldn’t look; instead, I lowered my eyes to the floor. If any of them voted against Colt, I would never be able to look at them the same way again, so it was best I didn’t know how anyone voted. “Those opposed?” Natasha prompted, then added, “Colt, if you and Sinead will join me in my office, we’ll get you initiated.” Colt drew me to my feet as he rose. “Thank you, Alpha. Thank you, everyone,” he said. “I’ll never give you reason to regret your decision.” We both dipped our heads in a show of respect, first to pack leadership, then to the Circle of Elders, before leaving the conference room. Colt POV The hard part was over, convincing the pack leaders to accept me. I would soon be initiated into the pack and would be legally untouchable by my father and his goons. Not that it mattered. My father believed his title made him above the laws of man and supernaturals. His men would continue to pursue me relentlessly until he, personally, could mete out the punishment he believed I deserved. So, I still had to remain on pack property or risk capture. That didn’t bother me, though. Everything I needed was within reach; my mate, a place to live, and plenty of places to seek work. There would be no reason for me to step beyond the safety of Winter Valley’s borders, and I had no desire to do so. Anything I couldn’t get in the village; I could order online. Problem solved. The best part of all of it was that I could live openly without fear of rejection or ridicule. Relieved and excited to begin a new, happier chapter of my life, I yanked Sinead into my arms and poured all of what I was feeling into a kiss that had her melting against me outside Natasha’s office. The scent of her arousal, coupled with her surrender, awakened the beast within me, and soon I was swept away, oblivious to the world around us until… “I think we’re going to need a hose to get into your office, Boo!” I heard the Luna call out as they approached. Sinead tore her lips from mine and blushed brightly as she stepped to the side. Natasha made her way to the front of the group and reached for the doorknob. “Don’t worry, you two. There’s not a person here who doesn’t understand the strength of your desire for each other. We have all found ourselves getting carried away at inappropriate moments from time to time,” she said, then opened her office door and stepped inside. Sinead and I entered last. The Luna, Beta, and Gammas lined up in front of Natasha’s desk while Isabella and her husband stood off to the side along the wall. An omega bustled in, set a bottle of wine on the desk, then rushed out again. Natasha motioned for us to join her as she pulled a rolled-up piece of felt and a bronze chalice from her lower left office drawer. I cringed when she unrolled the felt and revealed the gold-handled athame. Somehow, it never occurred to me that I had to shed some blood to form a link with the pack. It was occurring now, and my stomach was jumping at the thought. Natasha picked up the athame and held out her hand for mine. Sensing my discomfort, Sinead took my other hand and squeezed, giving me the strength to do what was required. I lay my hand palm up in the Alpha’s and steeled myself for the sight of blood. Slowly, she drew the blade over my skin, cutting a shallow slice across the palm, then repeated the process on herself. She held her closed fist over the chalice and squeezed two drops into the basin. I mimicked her action at her nod. When I finished, she held up her bleeding hand, facing me. I clasped it without hesitation. “Colton Nagy, will you give your life over to your Alpha? Will you renounce all ties to your previous affiliation? Will you serve and protect your Alpha and Luna and defend this pack, sacrificing your life should it be required?” “I will,” I answered and felt an incredible warmth pass from her palm to mine. It spread through the rest of my body, ending with a slight nagging tug at the back of my mind that faded after a few seconds. I watched Natasha pour wine into the chalice, swirl it around a bit and drink down half the liquid. She then passed it to me with a smile as I tipped it to my lips and swallowed what remained. “Welcome to the Winter Valley pack, Colt,” she said when I passed the chalice back. Sinead leaned into me, resting her head on my shoulder while I accepted handshakes from the rest of those in attendance. Well, everyone but Gamma Keller. He hung back, watching with narrowed eyes as his wife and the others congratulated me and bid me welcome. I knew things between the two of us would be tense for a while, given that I challenged him for hugging my mate after the mudslide. However, I assumed that he would eventually understand. Most shifters and some non-shifters were extremely possessive over their mates and were prone to lapses in judgment when they felt that someone was violating boundaries. I was sure he would have reacted the same way in my place. Regardless, I had made a mistake, and it didn’t bode well that my Gamma looked upon me with disdain. It was past time that I apologized. I dropped a kiss on the top of Sinead’s head and gently stepped out of her embrace. Adam eyed me with suspicion as I circled the desk and crossed the room toward him. “Gamma, I realize that I never apologized for my behavior the day of the mudslide. I deeply regret challenging you the way I did. It will not happen again,” I said, then offered my hand. He simply stared at it, then lifted his eyes back to mine. “I accept your apology for that, but you have a hell of a lot more to prove before I am willing to shake your hand.”
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