Chapter 20 - The Royal Snub

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Adam POV “What was that about back there?” Megan asked while I was securing Cassidy’s carrier in the backseat of her car. “What was what?” I countered as I kissed my daughter’s forehead, then eased myself out. When I faced my mate, she was in full “don’t mess with me” mode with her hip c****d, eyebrow raised, and arms crossed over her ample breasts. “Adam. You know damned well what I’m talking about. Now, spill it. What was going on between you and Colt?” “He apologized for challenging me over Sinead the day of the mudslide.” I shrugged and hoped she’d accept my answer. My hopes died immediately. “And?” “And nothing. I accepted his apology.” “Really? Then why didn’t you shake his hand when it was offered?” She asked, shifting her weight to the opposite leg. I silently berated myself for being so obvious as I turned to open the passenger side door for her. “Because he has more to apologize for than just a challenge over his mate.” Megan slid into the passenger seat and, without missing a beat, continued to probe the issue. “What do you mean? Did you two have another confrontation that I don’t know about?” “No. Can we drop this now? When I feel he’s made amends, I’ll shake his hand until then, I won’t.” I said and closed the door, praying that she wouldn’t press me further. My mate may have forgiven Sinead for what happened, but she still wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea of Sinead and I being friends. Oh, she pretended she was for the sake of pack relations, but I still saw the wariness come into her eyes every time I mentioned Sinead’s name. Thankfully, it hadn’t happened a lot because, for the most part, Sinead was still keeping her distance from me. We only saw each other in passing and at the family dinner, but we rarely spoke beyond a polite greeting. Unfortunately, the Goddess didn’t answer my prayer. As soon as I squeezed myself behind the wheel, Megan turned to me and asked, “What does he have to make amends for if you two didn’t face off again?” I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, allowing myself a moment to prepare for battle with my mate’s deeply scarred psyche. Slowly, I shifted in my seat and met her curious gaze. “Last week, I had to go to the north circle to speak with Natasha before my training session. While I was talking to her I saw Sinead and Colt on the other side of the ring. Colt was angry, Sinead looked defeated and on the verge of tears. I don’t know what was going on, I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I’ve never seen her look so broken. Not even when she confessed about the spells. So, out of idle curiosity, I asked a few of the junior warriors the next morning. They said it was a daily occurrence, that Colt is always growling and snapping at her without provocation. Now, I’m concerned that there might be worse going on behind closed doors.” That wariness that I’d become all too familiar with didn’t fill her eyes as I’d expected. Instead, there was genuine concern. “You really think she would allow him to abuse her just to have her match?” “Goddess, I hope not, but….” “But she’s already acted out of character once to end her loneliness.” “Exactly,” I admitted with a sigh. “And there’s no way I can ask her because our friendship has yet to recover from that.” Megan twisted in her seat to face front while her expression pinched in concentration. Leaving her to her thoughts, I started the car and began the short drive to our cabin. It occurred to me that she might be willing to approach Sinead about my concerns herself. When trapped within the dome, the two had bonded a little over Cassidy’s birth. Perhaps Sinead would be more open to confiding in her. Just as quickly as the idea formed, I dismissed it. They’d bonded, yes, but it wasn’t like they had become the best of friends. Megan was still wary of her where I was concerned, and Sinead still felt too guilty about what happened to allow either of us to get too close to her. There was only one other option, and I had a feeling the conversation would not go over well. I glanced over at Megan, who was still deep in thought. “I think I’ll talk to Natasha about it. Maybe she can talk to Sinead and make sure that everything is okay.” She jerked her head toward me as if coming out of a trance. “No. Don’t. Let’s not involve anyone else in this until we have more to back up our suspicions.” “Yeah, you’re right. Natasha hasn’t been real thrilled with me lately anyway. She might blow a gasket if I accuse Colt of abusing Sinead without proof,” I said. “You really need to stop questioning Natasha, Adam. She kept one thing from you, something that was no longer of any concern, to keep the peace among pack leadership while we navigated through multiple threats. Do I agree with her decision? No, but I understand it. I also understand that it was her call to make,” Megan spat at me in disgust, then pushed herself out of the car when it came to a stop in front of our cabin. I sighed as I unfolded myself from behind the wheel. She was right. It wasn’t right to keep lashing out at Natasha over something that was long over. While things weren’t completely back to normal, I felt no more animosity toward Sinead, especially since she’d saved my mate and pup. So, there was no reason for me to harbor this resentment anymore. When Megan emerged from the backseat with Cassidy’s carrier clutched close to her body, I leaned down and kissed her. “I’ll go apologize to Nat tomorrow. You’re right, it is time to put that whole situation behind us.” King Jabir POV It had been just over two weeks since I’d emailed the Senior Elder of the werewolves about Faiza taking refuge among one of their packs, and I hadn’t heard a word. My patience was wearing thin. “Really, Jabir, why must you continue this crusade? It’s been 68 years, let The Collective deal with Faiza’s insolence and let Amir ascend the throne. He’s already grooming Rashad to take over for him. If you put it off too much longer, you’ll have to bypass our son for our grandson,” my Queen said as she sat regally in the chair opposite me. I bit back a bitter retort and stiffened my spine, a subtle reminder of who was in charge. “The Collective cannot make her an example of what happens when you disobey your King, Samirah. Faiza must be punished publicly to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.” “You really want to air our shame before the pride? Faiza has disgraced this family by turning herself into a man! I don’t want people to know we raised an abomination. It’s humiliating. I’ll never be able to show my face in public again,” Samirah reached into her hidden pocket and produced a lace-lined linen handkerchief, then dabbed delicately at her eyes. “Let her go, Jabir. Banish her along with her secret. I beg of you, Your Majesty, don’t bring this treachery to light. It will forever stain the Cimarron Canyon crown. We’ll be a laughing stock!” “No, we will prove our strength by making our own daughter pay for her crimes against us and nature. No member of this pride will ever attempt to change what The Collective has made them for fear of punishment. I will not have this sickness infecting our kingdom any further!” My voice rose as I spoke, the fury that the subject stirred brimming over. My Queen hung her head, dabbing away more tears. I stood up to comfort my frightened wife, but the ding of my computer, announcing the arrival of an email, stopped me. The fury that had been brimming exploded in a profanity-laced tirade that caused my Queen to shrink back in fear. His Majesty, King Jabir Yasser of The Cimarron Canyon Pride, My name is Alpha Natasha Quincy-Raymond of The Winter Valley Pack. It has been brought to my attention that you’ve reached out to Senior Elder Caine Yuri, requesting assistance with the apprehension of one Colton Nagy, whom you’ve identified as your missing daughter. This email is to inform you that Colton, your SON, arrived in Winter Valley nearly one month ago to volunteer for service in the upcoming supernatural war. Upon arrival, Colton found his mate in one of my top warriors and trainers. As a result, he has opted to remain in Winter Valley indefinitely and formally requested initiation into my pack. As of 3:45 pm EST this afternoon, that request was granted. As a member of The Winter Valley Pack, Colton is now my responsibility. So, I will not be releasing him into your custody for treatment. If treatment of any kind is required, I will see that he gets it. However, after working with Colton and getting to know him, I can assure you that his mental faculties are in perfect working order. It seems the only thing that has afflicted Colton is the bigotry of others. Regards, Alpha Natasha Quincy-Raymond Winter Valley Pack Winter Valley, Maine In a fit of rage, I snatched the Waterford crystal vase from the corner of my desk and hurled it across my office. My terrified wife lurched to her feet and scurried out of the path. “Your Majesty, what is it?” she asked with a shaky voice. When my eyes locked on my Queen and I saw her body quaking as she cowered in a corner, I sucked in a deep breath and struggled to rein in my temper. I didn’t speak for several minutes while waiting for my anger to cool. “Alpha Natasha Quincy-Raymond of the Winter Valley Pack has just informed me that this afternoon Faiza severed her ties with the pride to join the pack. She apparently believes the nonsense that Faiza is a man trapped in a woman’s body and has refused to surrender her to our custody,” I recounted to my wife as I slowly lowered myself back into my chair. Samirah gaped at me while making her way back to her own chair. “But…but…she can’t do that. Can she? She’s not a werewolf,” she stammered in disbelief. “Those useless dogs will let anyone join their ranks. Especially this one. I’ve heard stories about this Winter Valley Pack. If I’m not mistaken, they actually have a human as a ranked member,” I answered, twisting my face into a look of absolute disgust. “She still didn’t have our permission! We’re her parents, her King and Queen. Surely there is some interspecies bylaw that protects the governing rights of the parents over their own child.” Samirah shifted to the edge of her seat as her agitation grew. My chest swelled with pride. She may not have been my fated mate, but she’d proven herself to be a loyal and obedient wife and a model Queen. “I’m afraid not, my wife. At least, not for a child who has long surpassed the coming of age.” “We should contact The Pride Society. They might know of something we could do!” Samirah suggested. Scratching my chin, I considered her idea. I’d tried to avoid them because of their increasingly liberal views, but they might be inclined to get involved if there was a conflict between species brewing. “I think you’re right. Our only other option is war and this pack is the one at the center of the supernatural war rumors. If they are as powerful as some have said, they could wipe out our pride fairly quickly and with little effort.”
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