Chapter 23 - Empowered

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Sinead POV “What is up with that dude?” Evan asked as we watched Lorcan walk away. I lifted my shoulders in a half-hearted shrug as me and Colton turned to face him. “I’m not sure. Nothing like that has ever happened before. At least, not to my knowledge,” I admitted, then glanced down at his hands and shook my head. There were a pair of kama knives in one and a bent broadsword in the other. Evidently, some of our guest warriors had decided to borrow weapons again. Stepping forward, I reached out my hands for the blades. “Found a trio of dragon shifters sparring with these at the compound. I figured you’d like to have them back,” he said, passing them to me. “Thank you, Evan.” I pivoted and set the blades on the workbench. “By all the Gods, they are as bad as the kids! I have got to come up with a way to keep them from walking away with the weapons.” He laughed. “Unless you create a magical dome over the pitch that prohibits them from passing beyond it, I don’t see that happening.” A grin spread over my face. “That’s a brilliant idea, Evan. Of course, the weapons would have to be enchanted too, but that shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll work on it. Thank you.” “No problem.” Evan offered us a mock salute, then jogged back the way he had come toward the security building. When he was out of sight, I stepped up to Colton, hooked a finger in the front of his jeans, and led him into the shed. His head swiveled, taking in the rows of shelves heavily laden with blades of every size and shape. “Uh… What are we doing in here?” He asked, meeting my gaze as I closed and locked the door behind us. I didn’t answer. Instead, I stalked forward, lifting my hands to Colton’s chest, and shoving him backward until his back was flush against the wall. “Twice now you’ve challenged another man over me. Both times you could have been killed.” “I was just….” “You were just protecting me, I know. Since when do I need protection? Did I not defeat six of your father’s soldiers to stop them from taking you?” I interrupted. “Yes, but…” Colton, again, attempted to defend himself, but I silenced him with a look. “You have seen me take on countless warriors of numerous species in the training circle. Do you think they are taking it easy on me?” I took a step forward, leaving barely an inch between our bodies, indignation and worry warring with arousal inside me. Colton swallowed hard. “Of course not….” “Do you think I am without loyalty? That I would be unfaithful to you?” “NO!” He answered, looking horrified by the thought. “Then let me make something perfectly clear right now.” I said and leaned in until our noses nearly touched for effect. “I don’t need your protection or for you to assert your claim as my mate. No one puts their hands on me without my permission and if they do, I will handle it. Is that clear?” I demanded, then continued at his nod. “You are going to be a phenomenal warrior, but you are not there yet. I won’t have you taking stupid risks over pride and a misguided sense of chivalry.” He reached up to touch my face, but I caught his wrist before making contact. My eyes narrowed as they bore into his. “I didn’t give you permission to touch me, Colton,” I said. My voice was low and thick, my body taut as the anger and worry gave way to arousal and a feeling of empowerment. Control was not foreign to me. As primitive weapons expert and trainer, I was used to being in command of men. Even my former lovers hadn’t balked when I took the reins during our trysts, but this was different. Colton wasn’t just a one-night stand or a summer fling, he was my match, and my parents had groomed me my entire life to yield to my fated one in all situations. The temptation to curl into him, to submit, was there, it was strong, but this need to dominate was much more powerful. Unable to contain it any longer, I pressed forward, closed that small gap between us, and attacked those sinfully full lips. A growl rumbled in his chest as he reached for me with both hands this time. I manacled them and pressed them to the wall next to his head, then punished him by biting his lip until he hissed from the pain. “I still have not given you permission to touch me.” Slowly, I ran my tongue over his bottom lip to soothe the bite. “Every time you disobey, you will be punished. Do you understand?” I asked. “Sinead, I need to…,” He started, struggling half-heartedly against my hold. I bit him again, harder than before, making him cry out, then growl at me. “Do. You. Understand?” I repeated, punctuating each word with a light kiss on his sore and rapidly swelling lip. The warning growl that emitted from him, while meant to intimidate, only added fuel to the fire. I’d never been so wet in my life. Just as I wondered how Colton hadn’t picked up on the effect this foray into domination was having on me, his eyes changed. Those dark brown orbs darkened to near black and clouded over as the scent of my arousal finally permeated his confused and irritated mind. His struggles ceased, and a grin spread over his face. “I understand perfectly,” he said, then resumed his struggles, putting forth a little more effort but still not giving his all. The truth was, if he wanted to, he could have taken me easily. Well, he could have subdued me. I was the better warrior. My skills eclipsed his, but agility was my greatest asset in a fight. Colton’s was brute force. Cat shifters packed a lot of strength in those lean, mildly muscular bodies. He could have freed himself and had me pinned in his place within a few seconds. Colt POV Sinead’s sudden aggression shocked me so much that I didn’t know how to react. I’d seen her temper flare before, but it was nothing like this. The fire in her eyes burned hot, and her body was tense, but her demeanor was calm, and her voice deceptively even toned. My beautiful mate was pissed and, at that moment, probably the most dangerous creature on the planet. I scrambled to find the words that would justify my behavior and defuse that tightly contained rage. It was no use. She shut me down before the words were out and blew holes in every excuse without them ever passing my lips. Completely dumbfounded by this side of her, I failed to notice the excitement lurking beneath the surface or the heady scent of her arousal until it filled that 16’ by 20’ storage shed. It was intoxicating, and my body responded in kind. My first instinct was to break free from her grasp, bend her over the narrow wooden table, and have my way with her. But that would have killed the mood for Sinead, and I was enjoying the effect this mild dominatrix routine was having on her. The more I struggled, the tighter she pressed against me, the thicker and sweeter the scent filling the room. I growled for effect and silently congratulated myself when she moaned in my ear. “There is no sexier sound in this world, than your growl, my one,” Sinead murmured before tattooing my neck with lightly stinging nips and soft sweeps of her tongue. I groaned as she dipped lower, pushed up my shirt, and continued the pattern on my chest. Her bites grew sharper, causing me to suck air through my teeth to keep from crying out. That pain was mild compared to the ache borne by the need to touch my mate. “Sinead….” She responded by biting down on my n****e. “Ahhh… My love, please… Let me touch you,” I begged between sobbing breaths. Sinead lifted her head and smiled. “No. Keep your hands where they are,” she ordered, then reached for the button of my jeans. Before my brain could formulate an argument, she bent and yanked them to the floor along with my underwear. She straightened, her fingers gliding over my thigh, leaving goosebumps in their wake. My legs parted involuntarily in anticipation. With a wicked gleam in those periwinkle eyes, Sinead trailed a finger through my pubic hair to the top of my slit. “Sinead….” I whimpered, aching for the pleasure her touch promised. That sexy little mischievous smile widened as she pressed her body against mine, her hand hovering, grazing the folds that concealed my soaking wet center. “You’re radiating so much heat, my love. I bet you’re dripping for me.” “You know I am.” My mouth was drier than the Nevada desert, so my words came out sounding like they had to pass through a truckload of gravel. “By all the Gods, Sinead, don’t make me beg.” “Maybe, I want you to beg…,” she said in a low husky tone. “Maybe…” I couldn’t stand it. Sinead had twisted me up so tightly I was amazed that I didn’t launch into the stratosphere. She was barely touching me, driving me closer to insanity, so I thrust my hips forward in urgent demand. A feral cry erupted from my throat when I felt her teeth pinch the tender flesh of my neck. “AHH! f**k!” I shouted, then sighed as Sinead’s tongue caressed the inflamed skin. Suddenly, she dropped to her knees in front of me. Sinead offered me another wicked little smile while she lifted one of my legs and draped it over her shoulder. Excitement and worry battled within me. Having s*x standing on two legs was risky enough; one seemed foolhardy. I opened my mouth to object, but my words melted into a moan as my mate’s tongue began to work its magic on my aching s*x. “f**k yes,” I groaned and tilted my hips to give her greater access while my hand cupped the back of her head. The rise to crest began agonizingly slowly, and the thought of taking control was incredibly tempting. Sinead’s warning echoed in my mind, chasing that temptation away. As exciting as that new element was, I did not wish to experience it at that moment nor on that part of my anatomy. Instead, I opted to encourage her in other ways. “Yes, baby girl… Just like that… You’re so f*****g good at that… Yes, that’s it, baby… Oh, f**k! Make me come!.” It worked. Sinead’s tongue grew more forceful on my clit while her finger probed my core. I moaned loudly as that slender digit glided in and out of me, brushing over that magical spot within and kicking my rise to climax into overdrive. My fists tangled in her hair. My muscles stiffened and trembled while I sped toward euphoria. “Come on, baby. Give it to me,” Sinead paused to demand, then closed her mouth over my clit again and sucked hard. “Oh f**k. Oh f**k,” I gasped. “Sinead… Baby, don’t stop. Don’t stop.” The orgasm slammed into me with enough force and ignited such intense tingling that I jerked back against the wall to break contact, but my mate wouldn’t let me get away. She followed my retreat, diligently licking away every drop of juice that dripped from me. When satisfied, she pushed to her feet, licking her lips. “You are sweeter than the sweetest fruit, my one. If I could live off of that alone, I would feast on you for every meal,” she said, stepping back. I reached for her, intending to lose myself in her glory, but she held up a hand to stop me. “I’m afraid that’s all the time I can spare right now, my love. We will have to put the rest on hold until tonight.” Sinead offered me a small, disappointed smile, letting me know it pained her to stop me from loving her as she had me, then stepped into my arms and kissed me. “I love you, Colton. I am yours alone. There is no man on this earth who can compete with you. Please remember that before challenging another.”
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