Chapter 3

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The dust storms were always the worst. You could never see or tell which direction or where you were going. My makeshift tent made from sheets and sticks was barely hanging on through this storm. I covered my face with my blanket and my mask. f**k, I hope this dust storm passes soon. I think back to yesterday from when I left, how Rogue and I stayed in each other's arms after we had s*x. He always drove my mind insane. We both have attraction for each other, yet it is not the time or place to be together. Not yet. Not with this world as cruel as it is. We've known each other since we were kids. We looked out for and protected each other and once we were old enough, we ran away together. Our home and parents are on the far side of the mountains of what used to be known as North America. We ran far west and never went back since. My mother was a single mom of 5 kids. My father was killed by one of many of the mutans and left my mom with all of us. She blamed me for his death and abused me, yet none of my other siblings. Rogue was an only child, but his parents were both killed alongside my dad and my mother took him in. He saw what she did to me when I was younger and always promised me that he was going to take me away from there. Once we were old enough, he kept his promise and took me away. We have been by each other's sides since. Rouge and I had s*x the first night we left and that was when we first told each other that we loved each other. Although, we came to an agreement that we needed to worry more about settling and finding what to do with our freed lives before we decided that it was the right time to be together. The dust storms didn't pass until night fall. I set a fire and made sure to keep warm. I began trying to eat some canned goods when I heard a howl and dust stirring in the distance. Glimpses of glowing eyes were in every direction. Mutant Wolves. I reached for my handgun that was lying next to me on the ground. I move slowly, knowing that if I move too quickly that I'll be pounced. Once I have the gun in my hand, I close my eyes to focus on the surroundings to see where they are and how many. I could hear one behind me and 3 more in front of me. I quickly then open my eyes and aim for the one behind me and shoot. A Yelp from it confirms that I injured it but not killed it. I quickly turn around and aim for the others that are quickly approaching me. As one behind leaps towards me, I shoot it and it falls to the ground next to me. I stand up and follow the remaining that are circling me around the fire. The injured one is limping from the wound and is covered in its own blood. I gripped my gun again and shot it, knocking it over and I watched as its breath turned still, showing that it is now dead. The remaining 2 stood both behind and directly in front of me. Its eyes glared at me, waiting for me to make a move. I stand still, pointing the gun at it. They think that they are going to attack me at once and revenge the kill of their other 2, but they're wrong. I hear the one behind me shift and I quickly turn around and kill it with one shot to the head. As I turned around to the last one, it pounced on me and pinned me to the ground, knocking my gun out of reach. I struggle with it as its matted face tries to get into mine and rip me apart. Wrestling it with one arm, I reach for my knife in its holster on my belt. The mutt scratches at me and leaves his marks on my face. I finally grasped my knife and stabbed the mutt’s side, and he fell limp. As I push it off me, I touch my face and feel that there is blood dripping down it. That's going to scar. f**k. I slowly sit up and move my way over to my bag to get my bandages out to cover the wound. Once it's covered and sealed to stop the bleeding, I look around at the dead wolves around me. Their bodies all mingled and matted from the layers of fur and skin falling off. I go over to one of the wolves bodies and examine if it is good enough to make meat for food. Once I finished examining all the bodies, I pulled the only 2 that were good over by the fire to begin skinning them. As I finished skinning them, I threw the remaining parts into the fire, making sure that the remains were gone and not able to affect any other being or species. Over the years, I learned that some of the animals have nuclear infection and diseases that could affect and even kill others. I make sure that it can't be transmitted and transferred over to others by burning the remains. The sun began to rise, signaling that it was time to get moving again. I packed away the meat that I cut from the wolves and put them in my pack and tore down the tent and put it away. *. *. *. The rest of the trip was easy and not so exciting. As I got closer to the Citadel, I could see it past all the deserted hills and sand. It stands tall, as if before it were a big city and the buildings were taller. You could see all the buildings were shredded to hell and the windows were blown out from the nuclear blasts. The Smaller buildings around were either completely torn away or they were bricks that were barely standing. A bridge stood half blown away, showing that there used to be a river that you needed to pass over to get to the city. Now it is completely dried up and dust and sand fills into where the water used to flow. In a distance further away from the Citadel, there is a creator from where the nuclear blast was from. As I got closer, I decided to head up the broken bridge and see what was up on it and if there were supplies, I could scavenge from or parts I can take from cars if needed. Before I got too far up the bridge, I saw a couple people standing by a boxed truck, with outfits that were from a tribe we know not to mess with. There were 2 of them that stood tall with semi-automatic rifles and clothes that were spiked and strapped. They had warpaint across their faces. I ducked behind a car that's all rusted out and watched them from the corner. I could hear someone rummaging in the boxed truck. As he jumped out, he held something up as a prize and shouted in pride. "WHOOOO BOYS, WE ONE THE JACKPOT!" he yelled. He looked like the leader of the 3 and held up the severed head of a person that fell victim to them. The other 2 cheered as they started tossing the head around between them all. That's when the leader turned around and began grabbing out the supplies they gathered from the car and tossing it around to the others. "Boss is going to love this find and s**t. We haven't been too lucky the last couple of times!" another one said. They began to start moving along with their winnings and as one turned around, he spotted me from the distance and smiled big. "Well, well, well. Boys, how about a little more fun before we head home?" He yelled and pointed me out to the other 2. They all looked at me with s*x-thirsty eyes and I knew I was in trouble. I grab my gun from out of my holster and aim for one of them in the head. As I pulled the trigger, they ran towards me, dropping their supplies, thinking that they would grab them later. The bullet grazed one of them in the shoulder and took a piece of flesh out. "You son of a b***h!" he shrieked as he grabbed his arm in pain. The others kept running toward me and I aimed again. This bullet went straight into one of their heads and he instantly fell to the ground. The other 2 looked in shock at their dead friend on the ground then at me, furious. Oh, s**t! I grab my s**t and begin running in the other direction. I looked behind me, seeing that they're catching up. I stop in my tracks and aim at them again. I get one in the chest, and he begins to fall to the ground. The leader of them keeps running at me in rage. I turn to run but I get knocked over by him tackling me to the ground and my gun goes flying. He then whips me around and slaps my face. "You're a dirty b***h, aren't you?!" he says, pinning me down and smirking on his face. I struggle and try to get out of his grip, but I can't. He slaps me again, harder this time and starts to laugh. Still pinning me down, he begins to undo his pants and start taking them off. "Don't worry, it'll be quick, then so will your death," he whispers in my ear and licks my face after. I keep trying to struggle and he pins me down harder as he starts to slide his hand down my pants and begins to take them off. "Get off of me you fucker!" I screamed at him. He laughs as he has my pants down and begins to caress me with his d**k. Before he slipped himself inside of me, I kicked him in the balls, and he toppled over to his side. I reach and grab my gun and shoot. He lay there still. I got up and pulled up my pants and stood over his body. I pointed the gun at him again and pulled the trigger 3 more times. I stand there for a minute and let my rage leave my body and I fall to my knees. I close my eyes and tilt my head back. f**k this world.
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