Chapter 2

1038 Words
As I start walking to the closet to pick out my weapon for my journey today. My guest begins to stir and wake up. I really need to stop sleeping around, I think to myself. I don't even know her name. As I fasten my belt around my waist, she sits up. "You're already leaving, baby?" she says as she rubs her eyes. I roll my eyes. We're not even together and she keeps calling me baby. "Yes," I replied annoyed. "You should start heading out too. I got to lock up my place when I leave." She grunts and begins to get up. Her naked body was thin and fragile looking. Her short blonde hair was a mess from last night. "You haven't even asked me for my name this entire time. And yet I know yours!" she angrily replies, upset that I'm telling her to get out. I grabbed my handgun and put it in the holster of my belt. She's one of those bitches... "You know who I am because I'm commonly known. I’m the top warrior of this shithole of a world. I didn’t care to get your name because I didn’t see a point in it if I'm only having a one night stand." I say to her. She scoffs and grabs her s**t. "b***h!" she screams at me. "My name is Chloe!" She walks out and slams the front door on her way out. I roll my eyes and grab the last of my things and my bag. I checked the mirror one last time. I may be a warrior and a tough woman, but I still like to look decent. I put my silver dreaded hair into a ponytail and walked out of my room. As I'm walking down my stairs to my kitchen living room area, my front door flies open. "WHAT THE f**k!?" my best friend screams at me as he stands in the door. I keep walking in the direction of the kitchen area and shrug. "What? I f****d someone before you?" I asked him, knowing exactly what he was yelling about. He slams my door and blocks the fridge door from opening in front of me and stares straight into my eyes. His eyes are a dark hazel that matches his full beard and his toned body tenses up. It was almost like his t-shirt was going to tear from how tense he was. "Chloe?! f*****g Chloe?" he expresses shocked, with a hint of jealousness. I smirk at him and push him out of my way. "Got a problem, Rogue?" I say as I lean into the fridge to see what I need to pack. As I do so, he smacks my ass. It never surprises me because he does it all the time. He always tells me how much he loves my ass; not like he hasn't seen it in bed a time or two. "I've been trying to tap her ass for a while now!" he says, leaning against my counter. "I know, and I actually succeeded. Though I pissed her off when I kicked her out this morning." I close the fridge and dump my food next to Rogue on the counter. He laughed. "I know, she was cussing you off as she left." He looks down at my bags and weapons and sighs. "Going out on your adventures again?" he asks me. He's always worried when I do. "Yeah. I figured it was time to go to the Citadal again and clear some more s**t out and see if there were more survivors that need my help." It's a good 3- or 4-day trip to the Citidal where it's a massive city that is all in ruins from the bombs and nuclear from the wars that turned this world into s**t. Every once in a while, I find people in help or need that I bring back to our town that was built by the scraps and remains of homes and buildings from before. It's what's made me be known as a hero in a sense. " I should go with you." he says. I can tell he's concerned. "No, I need you here to look after everyone." I say to him. "They all look up to you." "Not as much as you. What's the point right now? You were on a trip less than a week ago!" He’s always worried I'll never come back, but I know my way around and I know how to take care of myself and how to take care of the mutations or monsters if you will. "Yeah, but that was because the other town closest to us needed my help. They finished putting up the barricade around there. But they missed something and mutans got in and killed some of their people." "You need someone to be there to back you if you face something more dangerous." He then grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. How could I leave him when he cares so much? I hug him back and he pulls me closer. "Rogue, I have to do this." I say to him silently. He sighs. "You better come back." He says back. "Always." "Amni?" he questions. I pulled back to look at him. "Amni, I...." he stops and looks away. "What is it?" I asked him. I know what he wants to say but I know he won't, and I won't say it back unless he says it. We agreed that we wouldn't do or say something so serious. Yet, I know he wants to and sometimes I do too. He presses his lips together and then looks back at me. He gives me a smirk. " You're not leaving without me f*****g you first." he says. We both laugh. "I have to get stuff together." I say as I push away and start putting purified water in my bag. He then grabs my arm and pulls me away to the couch and gets on top of me. "I meant it." he says, pinning me down and looking sternly into my eyes. I give in and kiss him hard. He wraps his arm around my waist, and I pull him closer.
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