Chapter 5: I have already found him

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Selene and Emilia left the hospital the next day and went to buy food from the nearby restaurant across the street. Selene Didi is angry, she said that, assuming she caught that unknown burglar that jammed her that night she would tear him into pieces. Emilia said clenching her fist and looking along the road. Selene breathed a sigh, I know, the person is even lucky, I didn't catch him that day, he should have asked for death directly. Selene said calmly heading to the food shop. They Walked into the restaurant sat down by the side of the window and ordered what they wanted. that guy is still following me around asking for your contact information and how to meet you in person. Emilia said, looking at her phone that was ringing on top of the table. ignore him, Selene said acting as if it is known of her business. Selene he likes you Selene and besides he is from a wealthy family, he will take care of you and your sister in the future. Emilia said trying to reason with Selene. Selene smiled I don't want him, his money, or his status. I already have someone I like. Emilia frowned, don't tell me you are still looking for that guy from years ago. Selene smiles and nods. yes. Emilia's mouth twitched. Selene are you out of your senses, what charm did that little guy use on you back then that made you lust over him? Emilia said with a bit of anger, she felt like teaching that guy that bewitched her best friend a serious lesson. the waiter returns with the package and drink, keeping it on the table. Selene picked up her glass of juice and took a sip. Selene can't you forget about that guy, the past is the past since you can't find him, forget about him, and move on with your life, not wetting for someone who doesn't know or remember you anymore. Emilia said seriously. I have already found him. Selene said calmly. Emilia was surprised and looked at Selene with wide eyes. when did you find him and why didn't you tell me about it? Emilia asked. I just found out just four days ago. Selene said looking around. ok, Emilia said looking at Selene, who is he, how does he look now and what does he do? Emilia asked so many questions excitedly. does he have a girlfriend or is he married? Selene opens her mouth, am not sure if he has a girlfriend. but rumors have it that he is gay. Selene said furrowing her brow. Emilia frowned, why do rumors know him is he a big shot or a celebrity? Emilia said. can you guess? Selene asks looking at Emilia with her beautiful bright eyes. Emilia smiled and turned her head to the side, why should I guess am not good at guessing, and besides I didn't know any male friends around you back then. he is Philip Lugard the CEO of BB Group company. Emilia jumps up from her seat in shock. what... " what do you just say, Philip Lugard the cold CEO of the BB group, the richest man in the country? Emilia said her lips trembling. how are you sure he's the one, oh have you started crushing on our richest man in the country? Emilia said jokingly. am serious Emilia, his the one, you know back then I didn't know his name or where he came from or his family background. because we did not spend much time together, after he saved me that night, but he said to me that he would be traveling abroad in two days to study and that I should be careful because of what happened that night not to repeat in the future. Selene said thinking about the past with a smile. are you sure you are not mistaken. Selene glared at her, not mistaken, then he was still a teenager, but his face never changed, he still had his handsome face, I recognized him immediately I saw him coming out of that luxurious restaurant, that day. he was very very handsome, tall, outstanding, powerful, and calm. Selene said and her lips were full of smiles. Emilia's mouth remained open looking at her friend. dying for a man who didn't even know she still existed. he must be very handsome Emilia said drinking her juice. very handsome. Selene replied sipping her drink. I have been hearing about him but he has never appeared on TV or camera. Emilia said. I went to his company yesterday, before going to work. Selene said. Emilia closed her mouth, you went to his company to do what? Emilia asked surprised really. nothing, I just went there on my own accord to take a look at the richest man's company. it was said that Bb Group is one of the biggest companies, so I went to take a look. Selene replied. so, do you like what you saw there? Emily asked. the BB group company was very very big, with different industries in it, I wondered how he could manage that big company alone. Selene said. when we have time we will go and take a look. Emilia said playfully before frowning again. Selene how are you going to make the rich man like you, or capture his heart, rumors say that he is gay, and he doesn't have time for women. Emilia said seriously. I can't tell, only time can tell our faith, Selene said seriously. what if he has a girlfriend because am sure he's not married yet. Emilia asked. if he has a girlfriend then I won't disturb him or his relationship with her. Selene replied. after they chatted for a little while they packed their packaged food and left the restaurant heading back to the hospital. in lugard's estate he sat on the sofa with a wine glass in his hand taking a sip. someone walked in, he didn't need to raise his head and look to know who the person was. his face changed drastically, a cold Aura frizzing the whole room, who let you in, he said coldly. Kelly's mouth trembled. Lugard I came to see you, I went to the company but you are not there that's why I came to your estate. Please don't be angry. she said walking towards Lugard bending down to touch him and showing her reviled breast. move back, he commanded Coldly. Kelly still didn't move back, trying to make Lugard look at her and be attracted to her beauty. don't touch me, get out of here this minute. he commended coldly again but the cold voice he used now is very terrifying. Kelly stood up and moved back immediately. Lugard why don't you want to look at me, am I not beautiful enough? why are you treating me like this? Kelly cried out. Lugard smiles coldly and raises the corner of his mouth. you are not good enough. Kelly's pride and confidence shattered. it was shattered and crumbled on the floor by Lugard. "You said I'm not good enough," Kelly said, pointing at herself. "I am good enough. I will prove it, and you will marry me," she said with red eyes before picking up her bag from the sofa and leaving the estate directly.
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