Chapter 17

1550 Words
Anna’s POV Darkness, that’s all there is. I don’t know how long I have been in the darkness but here I am. At first, it was frightening. I thought I was dead. I remember what Blake, Lance and Ben did to me. I remember every pain and hit and vile word that came out of their mouths as they took my body and violated it. I would sit in the dark and cry. I don’t think I have tears left. I cried so much. I remember Ruby coming and giving me enough strength to get out of there. Is she gone now? Did I lose my wolf because of the abuse and using all her strength? I cried some more, even though I thought I had no tears left. I cry for a friend I did not get to bond with because of those horrible people. Why are there people like that? People who just take and take from others. I remember sending the SOS on the phone and meeting a guy who said he was my cousin. Did he get me to my uncle? Am I safe now? I cry some more; I cry for the possibility of never being at Dark Hollow ever again. Damn, how many tears can one person have. After a while, I heard voices. I figured I was not dead because I heard voices. It makes sense but, then the voices went away and it’s just quiet. Does that mean I died? s**t, I don’t know anymore. I try to connect with Ruby, but she’s not there also. I’m alone, again, just like after Daddy died. I fall asleep again because what else is there to do but sleep when you are surrounded by darkness. I wake up this time, and I am in a meadow. There is green grass, beautiful tall trees, vibrant colored flowers, a stream with the clearest water ever seen. The sky is bright blue and clear with puffy clouds. This place is amazing. It even smells great, if that is a thing. I walked around, calling for anyone but no answer. I am still alone, but at least it is not dark. I found fruit trees and a swing. I spend the day; enjoying the fresh air, swinging on the swing and enjoying the best tasting fruit I have ever had. As nighttime comes, the sky is lit with a clear full moon and thousands of beautiful stars. I stare at the beauty around me until I fall asleep. I am awoken by rustling noises. I jumped up on guard. I guess someone has come home, and I’m trespassing. Could it be trespassing if I woke up here and did not come here of my own volition? I looked around me and nothing. Everything is quiet again. I sat down against a tree on alert. After a while, I drift off to sleep again, when I hear the voice of two people I never expected to hear from again “Annalisa” “Anna, baby wake up” “Annalisa, my beautiful baby girl, we need you to wake” “She still sleeps like the dead” the woman laughs “I must be dead if I am hearing your voices” I say “You are not dead. Are you going to open your eyes?” the male voice says “No! What if I open my eyes, and you are not really there? What if you leave me again when I open them? I think I will stay here with them closed. That way you will stay with me” I reply “Anna baby, that’s not how this works. Now open your eyes so we can see you. We have a lot to discuss and only so much time to do so” he says I opened my eyes to see my mother and father standing side by side. A whimper escapes my lips, then my hand flies to my mouth. I hold it tight to hold in the cries, but it is no use. Tears stream down my face and my whole body shakes with the forceful crying. I stood up, running to them and crying. I see then that they are also crying. We stood there holding each other and crying. I lost them both too soon and so close together. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to my dad “My beautiful Annalisa” mom says “Mom! Dad!, how are you here? Where is here? Who cares, I am just so happy to see you again” “Sit Annalisa, we have a lot to discuss” mom says We all sat on the grass under the tree I was sleeping at. We all grab hands, not wanting to lose each other again “Anna, the goddess has given us this time to be with you. So we can let you know what’s going on. Dark Hollow was my family's pack. My Dad died before I met my mate. I took the position temporarily until I was married. His Beta and Gamma helped me. The council felt it was taking too long for me to marry, so the plan was for me to marry Clarence, the Beta’s son. Before that was finalized, I met your dad, my fated mate. We joined and he became the Alpha of Dark Hollow. The council liked this arrangement because your father was the second son of an Alpha, where Clarence was just the son of a Beta. Clarence retained his title of Beta, but he was not happy about not being Alpha, and he had a crush on me” mom said “Be glad you did not marry him mom, he is a horrible person” I say “I know, we have seen what he and his family have done to you. What he has done to the whole pack. We are so sorry Anna!” mom cries “Clarence has destroyed the legacy of Dark Hollow established by your great-great-grandfather. The Crane legacy is severely tarnished by him. Unfortunately, we discovered too late. We trusted the wrong people and because of this we all have suffered. He caused our death, he tortured our daughter, and he destroyed our pack” dad says angrily “That’s why we are here. The Goddess allowed us to come see you. To apologize to you. We are the cause of your torture, we…” mom says but I interrupt her “NO! STOP THAT! You may have trusted a man you shouldn’t, and I know that will bother you forever, but you are not the cause of my torture. They are! Those horrible men chose to do what they did. They could have taken over and been good to the pack, but they didn’t. They have wicked hearts and so do wicked deeds. Their actions are their own, and they will pay for them” I say “So you forgive us?” “There is nothing to forgive. You are my parents. You love me and treat me with kindness. You raised me to be respectful, responsible, and kind. I hold you and all these values in my heart. You did nothing wrong to me to ask for my forgiveness” “I told them that but the wouldn’t believe me” say a melodious voice I turned around, looking for the voice that sounded like a song. Her voice invokes calm. Out of nowhere steps a beautiful woman with pale skin and bright white hair that ripples like the water under a full moon. She has clear blue eyes that seem to see into your soul, she is wearing a white dress that glistens in the moon light. This can’t be who I think it is “Moon Goddess?” “Yes, my darling Annalisa. You can also call me Selene” she says “MOM! DAD! It’s the Moon Goddess” I yell They all laugh at my excitement “Yes, sweet girl, we know. We had so much guilt about what you were going through, that Selene allowed us this opportunity to speak to you. To apologize. To touch you one last time and tell you how much we love you and how proud we are of you” mom says crying “You are leaving? We can’t stay together?” I cry “I’m sorry, Anna but no. You are not dead, and you have so much life to live. We will always be with you. In your heart! Whenever you think of what we taught you, whenever you are kind and respectful to others, that is you remembering us. I am so proud of the woman you are becoming. And I love you so much! Your Uncle Derrick will take care of you. Tell him I said ‘hi’ and I love him” dad says “We must go now. Be well, my beautiful Annalisa” mom says We all stand and I hug them again. I know I can’t stay with them and I will forever be thankful for this time I had with them. “I love you both. You are the best parents. I will make you proud” I cry as they fade away
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