Chapter 18: Stats... Again

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"It's like the begnning... AGAIN!" "Don't say that, this is probably just a random poor village, we didn't get to the main part of the city" Says Lisa trying to cheer Ken up And thus, they decided to explore around them, they were indeed in a random village when they first arrived, but looking at the city didn't get their hopes up either, "It's huge, people here look like they are here for a really long time. The bad part is, it's only big, not pretty" Says Soma "Of course! What did we expect, this is the area after the starting one, it's for low-rank players. "Maybe we can gather more information in the city itself," Says, Lisa They arrive there and before entering they see a big billboard Wrote on the billboard were the rules "What is it written there," Says Lisa "Can't you read? Those are the rules and from a quick glance, it is just some basic information like...." "why is there a rule that says: "Don't break the rules!" Shouts Inazuke "I don't know bro, a typical low-rank mentality," says Ken "Aren't you a low rank as well?" Says Inaba smiling at Ken "Shut up," says Ken "An interesting rule here is that we cannot kill people in the main city. So that means that people can be killed outside the city. It's kinda dangerous." says Lisa At the end of the billboard says "Recommended level 30" "Recommended level 30? huh? Well, how is everyone doing with levels? "Well, should we look at our stats again and abilities?" "Sure, why not," Says Ken They sat down on a bench and they looked at their stat again "Twenty levels scaling" Rank: unranked Main players: Inazuke, Soma, Yonezu, Ken, Tamura Second players: None Player positions: Top: Inazuke Jungle: Soma Middle: Yonezu Bottom: Ken, Inaba Support: Tamura, Lisa Individual players stats: Inazuke Fighter/tank Skills: Passive name: Loneliness Enjoyer Combat passive The user gets a bonus of "77" attack damage to mobs and structures if there are no allies near him, Cooldown: Always active Ability name: "BONK" The user empowers his next basic attack with a powerful strike with the staff dealing "50 + 10% maximum enemy unit health damage" physical damage to the attacked unit, Cooldown: 8 seconds Ability name: Trickster The user makes himself invisible for 2 seconds and leaves behind an illusion. The illusion can attack, but cannot move, deals half the damage of the user, and can be targeted by everyone. The illusion looks similar to the user. Cooldown: 13 seconds Ability name: "As hard as a rock" The user makes himself immune to all instances of damage or crowd control and also the user gains the "Untargetability" status for 2 seconds, tho, the user cannot perform any action in that period Cooldown: 1 minute Ability name: "Let me alone" Ultimate ability The user strikes an enemy very far away after a short delay Cooldown: 3 minutes Soma Fighter/tank Skills: Passive name: Clear mind Non-combat passive The user can't get dizzy, every instance of getting dizzy makes the user angrier Cooldown: always active Ability Name: Determination "The user gains a bonus of 30% movement speed towards enemies for 5 seconds. It can be cast during "spin". Cooldown: 10 seconds Ability Name: Spin The user starts spinning his weapon around him for 7 seconds. It deals physical damage around him based on 50% of the user attack damage" Cooldown: 20 seconds Ability name: "Not going down" The user gains a shield based on how many enemies are around him (50 health shields per enemy) Cooldown: 2 minutes Ability name: Anger storage Ultimate ability The user Embrace his anger and let it all out increasing his max health and damage for 10 seconds, the ability gets stronger for stacks of anger consumed Cooldown: 3 minutes Yonezu Fighter/Assasin Passive name: Beyond two fates Combat passive The sword of punishment embraces enemy kills making it stronger. The sword of redemption redeems the user after dying making it stronger. The user's abilities get upgraded every time he dies or participates in a takedown. Also grant a stack of the respective sword. Cooldown: Allways active Ability name: The redeemer/The punisher Ultimate ability This skill is split into two separated ultimates but with the same cooldown upon activation The user chooses one of the ultimates and transforms it in the respective form for 2 minutes. The form chosen changes the other abilities. The forms get stronger based on the respective blade stack The Redeemer gets bonus health and armor and magic resistance, also all the damages he causes heal him for 50% of the damage dealt. The Punisher gains bonus damage and becomes invisible until he attacks or casts an ability, also he causes 50% more damage to alone targets, the first attack hits on an opponent while invisible, fear the enemy for 0.5 seconds. Ability name: Swords path The user strikes his swords in a cone in front of him dealing 100 damage, and gaining 50 health shield The Redeemer: Enemy hit are taunted (Taunt- forces enemies affected by it to attack without abilities the taunt caster) and gains more shield based on how many enemies are hit The Punisher: Enemy hits are feared (Fear- forces enemies affected by it to run in the opposite direction of the fear caster) and gain a burst of movement speed if he hits only one enemy Cooldown: 10 seconds Ability name: Umbral sidestep The user can pass through walls for 10 seconds, if the user takes damage before he enters the wall the ability gets canceled The Redeemer: Gain a ton of armor and magic resist while in the wall and after exiting, he keeps that armor and magic resist for 10 seconds The Punisher: Gain a ton of movement speed while in the wall and after exiting, he keeps that movement speed for 10 seconds, entering the wall makes the user invisible until he attacks or uses an ability Cooldown: 15 seconds Ability name: Offensive defense The user stores a portion of damage dealt and a portion of damage taken and casting this ability makes the user strike in a line in front of him dealing 50-500 magic damage based on the damage stored The Redeemer: If the damage stored is max, the user stuns all the enemies hit and the damage becomes true damage The Punisher: If the damage stored is max, the user deals damage equal to triple of his attack damage, if the ability kills an opponent the user becomes invisible until he attacks or uses another ability Cooldown: 25 seconds Ken Marksman/Assasin Passive name: Blade of the unknown origin Combat passive When the holder of the blade comes to melee range with the opponent, his basic attacks deal a bonus of "1" true damage to the target, Cooldown: Always active Ability name: Perfect shot/stab The user fires a rapid shot in front of him dealing "30" physical damage, additionally applies a stack of "calculated strikes". When an enemy unit is in melee range, the skill changes to "Perfect stab" Perfect stab: The user rapidly stabs in front of him dealing "40" physical damage, additionally applies a stack of "calculated strikes," Cooldown: 5 sec Ability name: Calculated strikes Passive ability The user abilities that hit opponents mark them for 5 seconds, Attacking a marked target allows the user to perform 2 rapid strikes in the time of one attack, each shot deals half the attack damage. Additionally, the user fourth attack on the same target deals double damage, Ability name: Wind cycling The user chose a unit to dash to. If it's an enemy, dash behind them and deals 50 attack damage, increasing his attack speed by 15% and "Blade of the unknown origin" damage bonus by 10 for 5 seconds. Applies the passive bonus damage and a stack of "calculated strikes". If it's an ally, dash in front of them and grant them a shield equal to the user attack damage for 5 seconds, while the shield is active they gain 50 movement speed. Cooldown: 7 seconds ( each charge) Ability name: Deflect Ultimate ability The user becomes immune to all sources of damage and crowd control for 2 seconds, additionally, all the projectile types attacks and abilities get launched back at the caster of them, Cooldown: 2 minutes Tamura Support/Assasin Passive name: Your name? Combat passive The user chose one of his allies, the chosen ally lose half of his attack damage to give it to the user. Additionally, all of the user gold income gonna be split in half, giving that half to the chosen ally, Cooldown: 5 minutes Ability name: Waters grasp The user launches a water hand in front of him, the first enemy unit hit, they are grabbed and dragged to the caster Cooldown: 10 seconds Ability name: Tidal movement The user dash behind a target leaving behind a wave that quickly tries to get back to the user. Any enemies that get hit by the wave will be stunned for 1 second and slowed by 50% for 3 seconds Cooldown: 15 seconds Ability name: Underwater assault The user bursts with waves all near him that slows and deal damage to opponents, making it invisible, he remains that way for 5 seconds, if he attacks or cast other abilities he exit stealth and the waves get back to him dealing damage, Cooldown: 20 seconds Ability name: "The list" Ultimate ability The user chose an enemy near him to transport him into another world, completely separated from the normal one. The list lasts for 2 minutes and the caster gains a boost of attack damage as the time goes on. If he kills an enemy while he is on the list, the user gains a bonus of a percent of the killed target stats for 10 seconds. After a kill, the ability cooldown gets reset Cooldown: 3 minutes Lisa Support/healer Skills: Passive name: Stopping at nothing Combat passive "The user is immune to all forms of crowd control except slows" Cooldown: Allways active Ability name: Spiritual covenant "The user chose an ally to constantly heal him while you are near them, The ability has an infinite duration and can only be stoped by crowd control, or by the user remaining without mana" Cooldown: 50 seconds Ability name: Food on the go "The user places a dish near him, the food takes 5 seconds to get ready. After that time, an ally can pick up the food and instantly heal them. After a dish is picked up, the user gets a refund on the mana spent to cast this ability" Cooldown: 10 seconds Ability name: Blinded by the light "The user casts a sigil on the ground, enemies that enter the circle are slowed and silenced until they leave the circle. Allies that enter the circle are granted a shield but they also get silenced, The circle last 3 seconds Cooldown: 10 seconds Ability name: Divine presence Passive ultimate ability "All the allies in the team gets a bonus of adaptive forces based on users mana" *The bonus is 10 adaptive forces per 100 mana* *Adaptive forces means that, If you mostly deal magic damage, the adaptive force gets converted into ability power and if you mostly deal physical damage, the adaptive force gets converted into attack damage* Cooldown: Allways active Inaba Marksman/Ranger Skills Passive name: Hawkeyes Combat passive "Whatever the user weapon uses, it gains a bonus in attack range, If an enemy is already in attack range, the user gains attack speed instead" Cooldown: always active Ability name: Ceremony of arrows "The user charges an enchanted arrow for 2 seconds, upon release it damages all enemy units until it hits the first enemy. Upon impact, the arrow explodes behind the target leaving a semicircle of arrows. The arrows deal double damage and slow all enemies that pass through them." Cooldown: 15 seconds Ability name: high ground advantage "The user can choose a wall to jump on top of it, he can stay there as long as he wants, he can cast abilities and attack other enemies. Receiving damage forces the user to jump off the wall." Cooldown: 20 seconds Ability name: Hawk companion "The user orders a hawk to scout in a straight line the battlefield, Once he sees an enemy he gets back to the caster and the user deals bonus 10% damage bonus to that target for 60 seconds. If he sees more than one enemy, besides the damage bonus, he also gains movement speed based on how many enemies they were" Cooldown: 3 minutes Ability name: Crossbow of nature Ultimate ability "The user switches her normal weapon with an enchanted crossbow for 30 seconds, the crossbow arrows can pass through enemies. The user gains an attack speed and attacks range buff for the duration. Hitting an enemy consecutively increases the attack damage and attack speed when attacking that enemy" Cooldown: 2 minutes
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