Chapter 17: The beginning... AGAIN

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"Man, who would have guessed the restaurant owner was also the head of the starter area Climbing Isles" "We found out some weird stuff this day didn't we?" says Yonezu Outside the room, Suda's team was still waiting there. The 5 guys exit the room in slow motion. Suda looks at them confused and ask, "Why are you guys moving in slow motion?" "I thought it will be more dramatic," Replies Inazuke "Cool guys don't look back at explosions!" Ads Soma "I heard at least like 5 people saying this before dying, do you know from what cause they died? Getting caught in an explosion..." says Suda, "That seems very unlikely, how often do explosions happen?" Right after Inazuke say this, a very loud explosion sound is heard. Inazuke just thinks "Are you kidding me?" Everyone got scared and went to the place where they heard the explosion It was not something bad, just some young kids playing around with their new acquired passive abilities "Should we stop them?" Ask Suda "I don't know, you want to increase that number from 5 to 7?" "Doesn't sound bad to me..." The kids got eventually stopped by their parents "Also, why are you so calm right now, the first time I met you, you were screaming and maniacally laughing," Says Ken "I get angry really fast" Replies Suda "That explains a lot," says Ken Suda gets angry and looks at Ken and shouts "What does that even mean?" "Nothing..." but then ken stomach started trembling, he was very hungry, "Want to apologize? Come with us to the restaurant and buy us a soda," Says Ken looking at Suda that calmed down "Are you really going to sell yourself for a soda bottle?" Replies Suda "Hey, free soda is free soda, like it or not," Says Ken "Well, we have nothing to lose I guess, where is this restaurant," Says Suda gathering his team They walked together to the restaurant and they found out some information, The name of Suda's team was "The Black Sun" That's why they were wearing black clothes with gold accents on them. Also, Suda didn't know his team before he entered the team, The higher-ups from "Discrete Whirlwind," made the team only to counter the members from "Twenty levels scaling" And that's why they didn't work so good together as a team. They arrive at the restaurant and they entered. It was pitch black in there, "Did someone didn't pay the electricity bill in here?" Says Suda, "The last time I was in a room like this, I realized my whole life was a lie," Says Ken Then the lights turned on, and everyone in the restaurant looked at them and shouted "SURPRISE!" Everyone gets scared but then quickly after Suda gets angry again "OI, Shitty Ken, why didn't you say it was your birthday?" Ken quickly replies "Wait, it's not my birthday today. I wish it was, I will be one year closer to death," "Hey, only I am allowed to do jokes like that!" Shouts Inazuke "This is a celebration party for your rank up!" says Lisa Then Suda calmly said "My apologies then..." But it didn't take long since he climbed a table and started shouting "THEN WHY IS EVERYONE STANDING AROUND, LET'S PARTY!" Everyone cheered after hearing this Ken just looks at him confused and says "He looked like he was the one who ranked up!" But Lisa comes to Ken and hands him a glass of juice and smiles at him "Good job, first division captain," "I wish I can get the full credit, but not the one that gives the commands is the important person. The ones that respect those commands are worthy to get the credit" Says Ken while looking at his team. Everyone was already having a great time at the party. "Also, what is this about?" Says Ken that was referring to the party "If we are going to change the starting region, we might not be able to come back to this place. So I decided to do a party. The owner approved with it so I didn't see the problem" "Good job, "Second in command in "Order of the dragons," Says Ken "Now that you say it, doesn't sound that good referring to people like this, I will not call you like this," Says Lisa "Nah, I quite enjoy how this sounds "Captain Ken", just keep it short," Their chat get interrupted by Inaba that comes and take Lisa "Lisa! let's dance, it's your party too, you ranked up as well," So Ken was left there alone, but he saw Yonezu and Tamura standing at a table and goes to them "Am I interrupting something?" "Nope, we were just talking," Says Yonezu Ken sits down too and starts talking as well. After some time Inazuke with Soma arrive at the table "What are you, old men?" Says Inazuke looking at them just standing and talking at a party Inazuke were very sweaty and was breathing hard "What the hell did you do," Says Ken looking at him "I danced till now, now I need some rest, my back hurts a lot," Inazuke says this and takes a seat along with Soma "Who is the old men now?" Says Tamura "Still you guys, "Twenty years scaling," Says Suda "He is calm, want me to trigger him?" whispers Ken to Inazuke and the others "Sure" Whisper back Inazuke "Oi, Suda, don't you owe us a soda?" Says Ken smiling at him Suda instantly gets angry and started shouting "Shitty Ken, can't you be happy about this party, want a soda, I will give you a soda, just wait here" And walks away with a vein almost exploding on his head "That was easy," Says Ken But after around 2 minutes, Suda comes again and slams a beer on their table Ken looks at it and says "This doesn't look like soda..." "Hey, Hey, beer is just, hop soda," "How can you be such old, but also such young," "Are you making me a kid?" says Inazuke and takes the beer "Oh no, here we start again," Says Ken looking at him He drinks that in one go and looks unaffected, Suda looks at him surprised, "Hehe, you really think I will do something after this little amount?" "Not bad!" says Suda "Want to see someone that will do things" And looks at Ken "The last time I did this, I argued for 2 hours I don't want to do this, but I still ended up puking in the toilet" So Ken didn't have a choice. Suda gives him another beer Before he drinks he says "This is going to be fun for you" And then drinks the beer in one go In the next shot, we see Ken fainted on the ground. He didn't get to do anything because he fainted instantly after he drank that Inazuke looks at him and say "Weakness disgust me" "What are we going to do with him?" Says Tamura "I have the best solution for this kind of situation!" Exclaim Lisa He goes and put a blanket on Ken and some signs around him telling everyone to not get near him Inazuke still looks at him after that "I wish I had this good of ideas" And the party went on the same, just without Ken When the party was done everyone from Ken's team was still sleeping on the ground, still at the restaurant, even Suda was there lying on the ground. The only ones that were still awake were Yonezu and Lisa. Ken finally wakes up and sees the others that were sleeping "What happened," Says Ken "You did the typical Ken move, sleeping on the ground," Says Yonezu "Did I destroyed the party?" "Well after you fainted everyone started laughing harder because they saw you, so we can say you did something useful, good job" "What are we going to do now?" Lisa comes and hands him a broom "You will help me clean this mess" "Why me" "You fell asleep first, you will help first, that's how it works" "Yes, dear..." says Ken with a dead face After they clean up and everyone wakes up they start talking They look at their badges and Ken says "I think it is time" They went outside the restaurant Everyone looks back at the restaurant Ken thinks "I will miss this place" Mike was at the door waving at them And they start teleporting They arrive at the place and they were looking around, the area was like ruins Ken looks at it "It likes the begging... AGAIN!"
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